» Drama » A Deal With The Devil, Sophie J Brain [first color ebook reader txt] 📗

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house. She didn’t want to see him, at least she didn’t think she did, but she wanted to see his house. For all she knew he no longer lived there anyway but she wanted to see where her life had been changed forever. She didn’t think she could face up to her past completely without seeing it.

She walked as quickly as possible and stopped in the road just slightly opposite his house. She scanned the street as memories washed over her. She hadn’t been there since the day she found out she was pregnant. She didn’t know what to do, she quickly sent a text to Will to explain where she was then she went back to scanning the street.

She shrugged as she realised she felt nothing for any of it anymore. All the feelings that had once been there were now non-existent and she had a new life to lead now, one that was filled with love and hope. She turned to walk away but stopped as she saw a police car turn into the road and stop outside Phil’s house. She turned around intrigued and watched as two uniformed officers knocked on the door, as soon as Phil opened the door she felt tears in her eyes. She clenched her next in attempt to stop herself from crying and watched on.

The police seemed to show him a batch and a piece of paper and one of them entered the house while the other stayed outside with Phil. She was too far away to hear what was being said but Phil looked annoyed and was shaking his head in exasperation. Suddenly the other police man came out of the house and whispered something to the one outside.

Jen watched as the first police man, the one inside the house, started speaking frantically into his radio. He rushed back into the house and within seconds he walked back out with his arm around a young girl.

Jen’s neck clenched even harder as the tears in her eyes became more forceful. She hadn’t even considered until that moment that there might have been other girls. How foolish she had been. She looked on at the house as the girl tried to reach out to Phil as he stoically stood by the policeman.

“We need a female officer here” the first policeman called into his radio.

“Let me go” the girl demanded “Phil, tell them that we love each other please. Tell them.”

Suddenly Jen felt a hand in hers and she looked up and saw Will by her side. They watched in silence as the scene unfolded and the police handcuffed Phil. Just before he was lowered into the police car he caught sight of her and they locked eyes.

He nodded at her and she returned the gesture. She knew that he knew she had been the one to go to the police and that was all that mattered.


She looked behind her and saw Caroline walking up the road. She took her daughter’s hand and turned back to the scene outside Phil’s house.

The young girl was now crying hysterically as a man, presumably one of Phil’s clients, walked up to the house. Jen shook her head and turned away, she had seen enough. She didn’t want to be reminded of her past completely.

“How are you feeling?” Caroline asked “did you see grand ma?”

“I did” Jen replied “she was in shock but I think she will understand eventually.”

“You must be glad that it is all over?” Will asked.

Jen shook her head as she stared off into distance “it’s not all over though is it? Maybe for me I am starting to move on but he will always be there in the back my mind and there will always be other people.” She gestured to the house “for that young girl it’s all just starting, and there must be many others like us too.” Jen sighed “I will this was the end, I wish I could say it was all over” she turned to Will and smiled “but I am glad that I am able to move on with the rest of my life, let’s go home.”

The three of them walked away from the house together, all of them looking forward to the bright future that was awaiting them.



Text: Sophie J Brain
Images: Sophie J Brain
Editing: Sophie J Brain
Publication Date: 07-22-2017

All Rights Reserved

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