» Drama » Broken, Navaura Campbell [top young adult novels txt] 📗

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smoky look, even he was unaware of. As she stared at him, her lips pressed together and a soft tint rose to color her cheeks. He darted his eyes across the room, trying to find something to bring his mind away from her beauty. Unsuccessful, he exhaled sharply and stated, his tone firm, “Hello, I’m Jordan Williams.” She held out a hand to shake his. He took a step back. Something in the back of his mind told him not to shake her hand. “Hello,” She stated, her tone sultry. “I’m Gina Harrelson, nice to meet you.”


He nodded, going to his desk, “Like wise. I see that you...” His voice trailed off as his gaze went from the paper work to her. She stared back at him, her blue eyes innocent. When he didn’t speak for a minute, she said, “I came here because I wanted to sue the company I work for.” He nodded, his mind clicking into gear, “Right, say that you’ve suffered several occassions of sexual harrassment from a Mr. Olier Devode” She shook her head, “Yes, ever since I started working there two years ago.”


Jordan furrowed his brows, “Two years ago? I could have sworn your paper work was contrary. It said one year ago you started with the company.”


She shrugged, “Well, hey, it seems like longer than that,” This statement Jordan filed in the back of his mind. “I usually have a cigarette break, do you mind if I do so, right now?”


Jordan objected, “Actually smoking on the premises is prohibited.” She glanced over at him, dropping a dazzling smile, “I will only take a puff. As much as I hate these things, they’re my only source of relief.” Jordan nodded. “I undestand that ma’am, but it’s against policy to smoke in this building.” She nodded, “Alright,” and put the cigarette back in her purse.”


“So, did all of this start with Mr. Olier?”


“Yes, this all started with Mr. Olier.”


“Would you mind telling me when?”


“I started working there in December of 2017. A good week I’d been working there when he started complementing me on my looks, then that escalated to my wardrobe and then that escalated to my physical body.”


Jordan waited for her to continue but when she didn’t, he exhaled sharply. “Did he ever lay a finger on you? Touch you in any sexual way? Make lewd comments?” Gina shrugged, “Always, he’d lean in suggestively to me and make all sorts of off handed comments...”


“What kind of comments would you consider off handed?”“You know, the inappropriate kind.”


“Could you be more specific?”


Gina’s brows creased in a morbid frown, “ I have to be specific?”“Every question I’m asking you will be asked while you’re bringing the case before the judge.”“Oh...well, he did used to say a girl like me could get anything I want from someone like him, if I chose to use the right assets.”


“Did he ever comment personally on what those assets entailed?”Gina glanced at him, her eyebrows rising, “Do you not believe what I’m telling you?” Jordan answered, “It’s not that I do or don’t believe you, it’s that you haven’t given me one ounce of information to go off of.”


“He used to rub himself against me whenever I stepped into his office.”Jordan wrote this down on his note pad. “How often did it happen?”“at least six times in the past year.”


“Six times without your approval?”




“Did you ever complain to the higher ups?”






“And nothing happened.”


“Who did you complain to?”


“The store manager and then the director, all the way up practically.”“I see. Did you file a sexual harassment complaint?”“I did.”


“And no one acknowledged it?”




Why didn’t you quit if no one listened to your complaints?”


“I couldn’t, I needed the money and honestly, it’s been the only job I’ve been able to access this year alone.”


“Do you have a copy of the harassment report?”




Jordan nodded his head, “Will you bring the report in with you next time you come to my office?”“Sure.”


“What’s your position at Ink Palace ?”


“Sales associate.”


Jordan wrote this down as she continued to talk. “You see Mr. Williams, it’s not just that I have myself to support, but I also take care of my mother and nephew on this salaried position.”


“As a sales associate, you get Salary?”


Gina nodded, “It’s one of the things that make Ink Palace unique.”Jordan nodded his head understanding. “Ok. How much do you pull in a year?”


“Is this about the pay because over the phone you said that the first consultation was free and you wouldn’t charge a retainer unless the case was accepted.”


Jordan smiled, “And I meant it. I won’t charge you the retainer unless the judge decides to hear your case, you have my word on it.”

“Does that include other fees and taxes?”


“The only thing you will worry about is paying for the courts to process the documents, that’s all. I won’t receive a penny.”


“Do you do this with all your clients?”


“This is actually three weeks into a two month promotional, to promote better clientale.”“Do you have any big shots?”


“I don’t discuss any of my clients’ profiles.”


“I guess that’s a no then.”


Jordan laughed, “So anyhow, now that we’ve established why you’ve continued to work for Ink Palace, I need to know who else has involvement with what’s been occurring within the office.” Jordan listened as she ticked off name after name and could only imagine what lay ahead for him pertaining to this case.

~ ~


I feel like I’m going to loose my mind...

Seeing you with her has made me blind...

The rage so a knawing death trap waiting to be set free...

I would expect that from some one else, not you two...seeing how you both hated equally.

Vanessa wrote the chorus to her new song first, so that when she wrote the lyrics she’d be able to write them around it. She was so angry, she had to push herself to focus on school work and everything else, except writing. Her music writing was her solace at this moment. As she glanced down at the lyrics, she could feel the beat drumb through her heart and pull itself up through her vocal chords in her throat, causing her mouth to open and a beautiful high pitch soprano come out, giving the lyrics life. The pain in her heart as she spoke them was strong and showed itself in her voice. More words seemed to come as she lost herself in the smooth melody that seemed to be developing.

I thought you were right for me because you made it seem so...I thought we’d be like bonnie and clyde except on an alusive ride. No where to go, nothing to do, now that you have made me the fool. My heart I gave, my love burned fierce, the ashes won’t complete the depth of my tears...I love you a lot, the pain is so real...I don’t think you understand how this make me feel....


She went back to the chorus, belting out the soulful sound from her stomach.


I feel like I’m going to loose my mind

Seeing you with her has made me blind

The rage so a knawing trap waiting to be set free...

I would expect that from someone else, not you two seeing how you both hated equally...


A repeat of the chorus two more times rounded out the song and Vanessa could feel the last verse flow through her body soul and mind as tears welled up in her eyes, causing her heart to break...

I gave myself to you, heart body and soul...anything you spoke would have been gold. Waiting and hoping for the time to be right, the perfection to shine through, glad through and through I was with you. I shared my innermost thoughts, the sweet longing in my heart...All of those kisses, seemingly deep, did more than sweep me off my feet. I loved you a lot, something fierce, even imaged seeing us through the years...I wasn’t sure we’d make it but hoped we could....That’s all gone now, down the drain...

~ ~


“So, let me get this straight...You jumped up in defense of a girl at school and ended up in a fight?”

Timothy shook his head yes. “Well, she wasn’t just any girl.”His mother, who’d been making lunch for both of them sat his sandwich in front of him. Her eyes going to his. “I see...not just any girl?”

Timothy laughed at this, “Yes, mom, that girl is Tamarah Grey.”Carol Rawsin’s eye brows rose in alarm, “Oh, that girl.”Timothy furrowed, “What’s that supposed to mean, mom?”“Nothing, it’s just I received a text message...”

“Oh my God. How did you get the message, who,,,”

“I don’t know, some girl sent it to Janine and she sent it to me.” Janine Wilson was his mother’s bestfriend. “Kelly didn’t send it to her?” Timothy asked speaking of Janine’s seventeen year old daughter.

“No. She didn’t even go to school today. She was out sick.”“Oh, well you know I never did like it when guys hit girls, so I thought it would be beneficial to step in.”

“uh huh, listen, Tim, don’t think I don’t notice how you look at that girl.” Timothy flickered his gaze over to his mother. He’d never heard that tone in her voice before. A strong dislike was wrapped around those words. “She’s not a bad girl mom.”


"Of course not, she just happened to get pregnant miraculously.”


“Mom, Tamarah’s not fast ok. There’s more to her than just being pregnant.”


“Timothy, that’s the kind of girl that will eat you up and spit you out. A man eater.”


“And what proof of this do you have?”


“Pregnant at fifteen isn’t enough?”


Timothy shook his head, his answer blunt. “No.”


Carol looked at him, her brows furrowed, “You have feelings for this girl Timothy?”

Timothy didn't respond.


“And don’t lie to me too, I know you to well.”


Timothy sighed and gulped down the glass of milk she’d placed in front of him. Glancing up to meet her gaze, he nodded, “And since you do then I don’t need to even answer that question.”




Timothy laughed at her expression. “Ok, so what if I like her.”


Carol sighed, “She’s not even saved.”


Timothy nodded his head, “I noticed that mom. I may like her but that doesn’t mean It’ll advance any further than that. You know that I have my priorities in order. God’s first on my list. Not a skirt.”


“That’s good to hear.” Carol stated, her eyes still on Timothy. Although she didn’t say, she knew that the old guy still lurked in there somewhere and that was the Timothy she worried about.



~ ~

“I need to talk to you, mom.”

“Now’s not a good time, baby. I have to get ready for work.”

“It won’t take too long. I need to tell you what’s been going on with me lately.”

“Tamarah, sweetheart...”

“Mom, please...”

“Tamarah, I have a five o’clock appointment and this home is worth a lot more than my last, so if I get this sold, I not only get a bigger percentage, but I also get a nice fat comission from the sale, now please...”

“Mom, I’m pregnant.” Tamarah blurted out, staring up at her mother with her brown eyes flushed with tears. Angela Grey gaze first shocked, glanced down at her daughter, kissed her on the forehead and then stated they’d talk about it when she came home. Tamarah stared at her, her heart breaking, “Mom, didn’t you just hear what I said?”

Angela nodded, turned toward her press ons and cleared her throat, her pink cherry lipstick the perfect shade for her medium toned skin and answered, “I hear you and we will deal with this a little later.” With that, she grabbed her keys off the counter top and rushed toward the door. “I promise not to be long and I will sit down and have a talk with you then. It’s not the end of the world, Tamarah. Lots of girls get pregnant at your age.” Tamarah’s eyes widened in surprise. How could her own mother say anything like that? She watched as her mother’s footsteps went past the hall way and to the front door.


Turning the brass knob, she quickly exited it. She

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