A King, and No King, Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher [best books for 20 year olds .TXT] 📗
- Author: Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher
Book online «A King, and No King, Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher [best books for 20 year olds .TXT] 📗». Author Francis Beaumont & John Fletcher
these wilde moodes. l. 22. A] honest. l. 23. A, B and G] would. l. 25. A] would. l. 34. A, B, C and G] Give thee. l. 37. Folio misprints] paron. l. 40. C] doest. F omits] I.
p. 160, l. 4. B, C and D] i' thine eare. F] thy eare. l. 10. A] Ith those. G] in those. l. 12. B] they wenches. l. 18. B by mistake Adds] Enter Bessus, and the two Gent. l. 22. A omits this stage-direction. l. 25. A] I am. l. 26. A] 1 Gent. l. 27. A] 2 Gent. l. 30. A] I bad you; halfe. l. 31. A] An't. l. 35. A] Panthan. l. 38. A] will not. l. 39. A omits] Sir.
p. 161, l. 6. E and F] a good an opinion. l. 15. A omits] a. G] Enter a Messenger, with a Packet. l. 21. A] Thanke thee for. l. 29. A] teares enough. B--F] tears I'now. G] tears Enow. l. 32. C--F] set her.
p. 162, l. 2. A] now has hired. l. 7. F] them. l. 12. A] laden. l. 16. E and F] that come. l. 18. A--D and G] mourning. l. 19. A] her sacred dew. l. 32. A] prayers. l. 34. A] dangers. l. 35. A omits] Exeunt.
p. #163#, l. 3. A, B and G] either loves. l. 7. A--G] place. A] unfortunately too light. l. 17. A omits] thee. l. 24. Folio] make. l. 31. B and G] gi'n. A, B and G] to. l. 33. A] would place.
p. #164#, l. 11. Folio misprints] could. l. 15. A--G] requires. A] more speed. l. 18. B] He shall not doe so Lord. l. 21. A Adds] Finis Actus Primi. B and C Add] The end of the First Act. l. 24. A] attendance. G Adds] and Guards.
p. #165#, l. 5. A] paid downe. l. 20. A] let light. l. 25. A--D] eare. l. 30. A] another woman. l. 36. A] twill. F] 'twood not. l. 37. F omits] not.
p. #, l. 9. A] mine own. l. 21. B--F] a did. l. 23. A] held time. l. 25. A--G with variations in spelling] my Lord Protectour. l. 29. Folio misprints] Cammanders.
p. #167#, l. 7. A omits] as you. l. 12. A, B and G] prayers are. A] I will. l. 20. A omits] Arane. l. 23. A] Betweene. l. 36. A] heare it. l. 37. A] I, I prethee.
p. #168#, l. 1. F] Captain. l. 3. A] neere a Captaine. l. 4. A] of the. l. 7. A--G] whom. l. 11. A] prethee. l. 14. F] was given. l. 18. A] I, but I. l. 20. A] saide. ll. 21 and 22. A] when one. l. 23. A] Marshallists. l. 30. F] doest. l. 31. A] twas so. B--G] so 'twas. l. 36. A] An't. l. 37. A and B] neerer. G] nearer. l. 39. A] kindnesses.
p. #169#, l. 1. A and G] Thalestris. l. 10. A] for her honestie. l. 17. A] on her. l. 33. A Adds] Exit. B--G with various abbreviations Add] Exit Bessus. l. 34. A, B and G Add] Exit. l. 35. A--G omit stage-direction. l. 39. F] speeks them.
p. #170#, l. 1. A] vertuous. l. 6. A] or feeles. l. 7. A--G] hope. l. 11. A--D and G] love. l. 16. E and F] where bargain'd. l. 18. A] find time worthy. l. 20. A, B and G] there is. l. 22. A] with this. l. 27. A] to see you Madam. l. 29. A omits] Gob. l. 35. A omits] Exeunt Women.
p. #171#, l. 9. F] a stake. l.14. F] if foole. l. 20. A] prethee. l.22. F] noble sharp. l. 33. A] desire too. E and F] his one desire.
p. #172#, l. i. A--D and G] those tender. l. 4. A, B and G] I shall. l. 13. B, C and F] Thalectris. l. 16. B, C and G] others. l. 26. A, B and G] women out. l. 29. A] say. l. 35. A--D and G] those. l. 37. A] places quickly. l. 38. A, D and F] a foote. B, C and E] afoote. G] afoot.
p. #173#, l. 2. A] looke. l. 5. A] Enter two Citizens wives, and Philip. l. 15. A, B and G] with me downe. l. 16. A] abed. l. 17. A] tis. l. 18. A] prethee. l. 29. A] In good faith. l.34. A] I. l. 35. A omits] you. l. 37. A] had thrusting. G] shoving. l. 38. A] hap to go.
p. #174#, l. 2. A] so on me. l. 5. A] have not. l. 10. A] law, thou art. A] there is. l. 11. A] thou art. A] of it. l. 12. A] he will never. l. 13. A] stripling. l. 17. A] you are. l. 18. B--F] cast. l. 19. A omits this line. l. 20. A--D and G] The King, the King, the King, the King. l. 21. A omits] Flourish. A] Enter Arbaces, Tigranes, Mardonius, and others. l. 23. E and F] I think. l. 29. A] without our blouds. B and G] but with our. G] bloud. l. 31. A] in your Townes. l. 32. A--D and G] about you; you may sit. l. 37. A, B and G] may you. F] you may fall. l. 38. A, B and G] when I.
p. 175, l. 5. E and F] beheld. l. 6. A] hearts. l. 9. A] Hang him, hang him, hang him. l. 13. A, B and G] was farre. l. 14. E and F] nor to revile. l. 15. A--D and G] the nature. l. 19. A] made that name. l. 21. C and D] and well for. l. 22. B--G] word. l. 25. A] commendations. l. 29. A] Thus my. l. 30. A] calles. l. 36. A] Eate at. l. 40. In place of this line A] Exeunt.
p. 176, l. 1. A omits one 'God bless your Majesty.' l. 7. A] n*. l. 10. A omits] so. B, C, D and G] women. A] Exeunt 1, 2, 3, and Women. l. 11. A--G] afore. l. 12. A] homeward. l. 13. A omits] all. l. 15. A] They are. A--G] heard on. l. 18. A Adds] Finis Actus Secundi. B and C Add] The end of the Second Act. l. 19. A] Actus Tertii Scaena Prima. l. 23. A] doth. l. 29. A--D and G] where you will have her. l. 37. A omits] I do hope she will not.
p. 177, l. 6. A] Sir, sheele not. l. 15. B and G] would. l. 18. C--F omit] you. l. 24. A omits] I Gent. and. l. 25. A] here's. l. 29. A] them. B and G Add] Exit Gobrias. l. 35. A omits] and two Gentlemen. G Adds] Attendants, and Guards.
p. 178, l. 11. A, B and G] sorrow. l. 14. A Adds] Exit. l. 15. A omits] Exit Arane. l. 32. G] words and kind ones. l. 35. C] doest. l. 36. D] forth my selfe. l. 38. A and G] thence. l. 40. A] wounded flesh.
p. 179, l. 1. A, B and G] a quill. l. 2. A, B, C and G] wanton wing. l. 3. A] in thy bloud. l. 16. A, B and G omit] it. l. 33. A by mistake gives the words 'some one that hath [A has] a wit, answer, where is she' to Gobrias, with the result that the names of the speakers of the following four speeches are transposed.
p. 180, l. 18. A] sleepe. l. 27. A] Is a long life of yet, I hope. l. 31. C, D and E] doest. ll. 33--35. A omits these lines.
p. 181, l. 11. A] If shee were any. l.14. D] dispute. l. 16. F and G] naked. l. 19. A, B and G] is she not. l. 39. A, B and G] your brother.
p. 182, l. 6. A] them. l. 8. A] yet so. l. 9. Folio prints] langish. l. 17. A] sudden change. l. 19. A, B and G] Pray God it doe. l. 24. A] prisoner. l. 31. A] in the.
p. 183, l. 13. A, B and G] And how dare you then. C and D] And how then dare you. l. 21. A, B and G] that breath. l. 24. A] law.
p. 184, l. 11*. A] subtiller. G] subtiler. l. 13. A and G] Tyrants. B] Tirants. F] mightest. l. 14. A] in the depth. B] i' the depth. C and G] i' the deepe. l. 18. A omits] Exeunt Tigr. and Bac. l. 21. G Adds] Exit Spaconia. l. 39. A and B] then to; here I. G] then too; here I.
p. 185, l. 11. A] still in doubt. l. 12. A] This, this third. l. 25. A, B, C and G] A poysoner. l. 26. A by mistake gives this speech to Bacurius and the following one to Gobrias. l. 32. A] had it twixt. A] Exeunt omnes, prae. Ar. Mar. G] Exeunt Gob. Pan. and Bes.
p. 186, l. 9. A] I prethee. l. 10. B and G] Am not I. l. 19. F] O do. l. 25. A] I prethee. l. 26. A Adds] Mar. I warrant ye. l. 28. G] of game. l. 30. B and G omit] it.
p. 187, l. 2. A] them. l. 3. A] In this state (omits I). B, C, D and G] I' this state. l. 4. B--F] b' the. A] with. l. 5. A] with. l. 10. A, B and G with variations of spelling] God cald. C and D] heaven cald. l. 11. A] pounds. l. 17. A and G] afraid. l. 21. G] A pox. A--G] of their. l. 23. A] of me. l. 24. A] freshly to account, worthily. l. 25. B and G omit] the. l. 26. A omits] a. l. 27. Here and throughout the scene '3 Gent' is in A described as 'Gent.' l. 30. A] you are. l. 32. A] he nothing doubts.
p. 188, l. 2. A--D, F and G with variations of spelling] O cry you mercie. E] O cir you mercy. l. 3. A, B, C and G with variations of spelling] agreeablie. l. 4. Here and in the following three lines A reads only one 'um' in place of three. l. 12. A by mistake omits] Bes. l. 19. A] plaine with you. l. 20. A] can doe him. A] resolutely. l. 21. B and C] hundreth. l. 22. F] no more. l. 23. A] pray ye. l. 26. A simply] Exit. l. 30. D] these two houres. l. 32. F omits] that. A] reserv'd. l. 34. A] are there. l. 35. A] likely to hold him this time here for mine. l. 36. B, C and G] yeare. D] these five yeares. l. 37. A] send me.
p. 189, l. 27. A] I prethee. l. 28. A--D and G] beate. l. 31. A] pounds. l. 32. A omits] well. F] well and walk sooner. l. 33. C] I do. l. 36. C] doest.
p. 190, l. 5. A--G] Come, unbuckle, quicke. l. 7. C--F] Unbuckle say. l. 17. A omits] Bac. l. 24. A] will I. l. 25. A] that this is all is left. G] that is left. l. 26. A omits] Bessus. l. 28. G] he's. l. 32. A, B and G] await. l. 35. A omits this stage-direction. l. 39. A] in their eyes.
p. 191, l. 3. A--G] lies. l. 5. A--G] vex me. l. 6. G] thou art. l. 8. A omits] do. l. 12. F] fire. l. 14. A, B and G] is not that. G] there
p. 160, l. 4. B, C and D] i' thine eare. F] thy eare. l. 10. A] Ith those. G] in those. l. 12. B] they wenches. l. 18. B by mistake Adds] Enter Bessus, and the two Gent. l. 22. A omits this stage-direction. l. 25. A] I am. l. 26. A] 1 Gent. l. 27. A] 2 Gent. l. 30. A] I bad you; halfe. l. 31. A] An't. l. 35. A] Panthan. l. 38. A] will not. l. 39. A omits] Sir.
p. 161, l. 6. E and F] a good an opinion. l. 15. A omits] a. G] Enter a Messenger, with a Packet. l. 21. A] Thanke thee for. l. 29. A] teares enough. B--F] tears I'now. G] tears Enow. l. 32. C--F] set her.
p. 162, l. 2. A] now has hired. l. 7. F] them. l. 12. A] laden. l. 16. E and F] that come. l. 18. A--D and G] mourning. l. 19. A] her sacred dew. l. 32. A] prayers. l. 34. A] dangers. l. 35. A omits] Exeunt.
p. #163#, l. 3. A, B and G] either loves. l. 7. A--G] place. A] unfortunately too light. l. 17. A omits] thee. l. 24. Folio] make. l. 31. B and G] gi'n. A, B and G] to. l. 33. A] would place.
p. #164#, l. 11. Folio misprints] could. l. 15. A--G] requires. A] more speed. l. 18. B] He shall not doe so Lord. l. 21. A Adds] Finis Actus Primi. B and C Add] The end of the First Act. l. 24. A] attendance. G Adds] and Guards.
p. #165#, l. 5. A] paid downe. l. 20. A] let light. l. 25. A--D] eare. l. 30. A] another woman. l. 36. A] twill. F] 'twood not. l. 37. F omits] not.
p. #, l. 9. A] mine own. l. 21. B--F] a did. l. 23. A] held time. l. 25. A--G with variations in spelling] my Lord Protectour. l. 29. Folio misprints] Cammanders.
p. #167#, l. 7. A omits] as you. l. 12. A, B and G] prayers are. A] I will. l. 20. A omits] Arane. l. 23. A] Betweene. l. 36. A] heare it. l. 37. A] I, I prethee.
p. #168#, l. 1. F] Captain. l. 3. A] neere a Captaine. l. 4. A] of the. l. 7. A--G] whom. l. 11. A] prethee. l. 14. F] was given. l. 18. A] I, but I. l. 20. A] saide. ll. 21 and 22. A] when one. l. 23. A] Marshallists. l. 30. F] doest. l. 31. A] twas so. B--G] so 'twas. l. 36. A] An't. l. 37. A and B] neerer. G] nearer. l. 39. A] kindnesses.
p. #169#, l. 1. A and G] Thalestris. l. 10. A] for her honestie. l. 17. A] on her. l. 33. A Adds] Exit. B--G with various abbreviations Add] Exit Bessus. l. 34. A, B and G Add] Exit. l. 35. A--G omit stage-direction. l. 39. F] speeks them.
p. #170#, l. 1. A] vertuous. l. 6. A] or feeles. l. 7. A--G] hope. l. 11. A--D and G] love. l. 16. E and F] where bargain'd. l. 18. A] find time worthy. l. 20. A, B and G] there is. l. 22. A] with this. l. 27. A] to see you Madam. l. 29. A omits] Gob. l. 35. A omits] Exeunt Women.
p. #171#, l. 9. F] a stake. l.14. F] if foole. l. 20. A] prethee. l.22. F] noble sharp. l. 33. A] desire too. E and F] his one desire.
p. #172#, l. i. A--D and G] those tender. l. 4. A, B and G] I shall. l. 13. B, C and F] Thalectris. l. 16. B, C and G] others. l. 26. A, B and G] women out. l. 29. A] say. l. 35. A--D and G] those. l. 37. A] places quickly. l. 38. A, D and F] a foote. B, C and E] afoote. G] afoot.
p. #173#, l. 2. A] looke. l. 5. A] Enter two Citizens wives, and Philip. l. 15. A, B and G] with me downe. l. 16. A] abed. l. 17. A] tis. l. 18. A] prethee. l. 29. A] In good faith. l.34. A] I. l. 35. A omits] you. l. 37. A] had thrusting. G] shoving. l. 38. A] hap to go.
p. #174#, l. 2. A] so on me. l. 5. A] have not. l. 10. A] law, thou art. A] there is. l. 11. A] thou art. A] of it. l. 12. A] he will never. l. 13. A] stripling. l. 17. A] you are. l. 18. B--F] cast. l. 19. A omits this line. l. 20. A--D and G] The King, the King, the King, the King. l. 21. A omits] Flourish. A] Enter Arbaces, Tigranes, Mardonius, and others. l. 23. E and F] I think. l. 29. A] without our blouds. B and G] but with our. G] bloud. l. 31. A] in your Townes. l. 32. A--D and G] about you; you may sit. l. 37. A, B and G] may you. F] you may fall. l. 38. A, B and G] when I.
p. 175, l. 5. E and F] beheld. l. 6. A] hearts. l. 9. A] Hang him, hang him, hang him. l. 13. A, B and G] was farre. l. 14. E and F] nor to revile. l. 15. A--D and G] the nature. l. 19. A] made that name. l. 21. C and D] and well for. l. 22. B--G] word. l. 25. A] commendations. l. 29. A] Thus my. l. 30. A] calles. l. 36. A] Eate at. l. 40. In place of this line A] Exeunt.
p. 176, l. 1. A omits one 'God bless your Majesty.' l. 7. A] n*. l. 10. A omits] so. B, C, D and G] women. A] Exeunt 1, 2, 3, and Women. l. 11. A--G] afore. l. 12. A] homeward. l. 13. A omits] all. l. 15. A] They are. A--G] heard on. l. 18. A Adds] Finis Actus Secundi. B and C Add] The end of the Second Act. l. 19. A] Actus Tertii Scaena Prima. l. 23. A] doth. l. 29. A--D and G] where you will have her. l. 37. A omits] I do hope she will not.
p. 177, l. 6. A] Sir, sheele not. l. 15. B and G] would. l. 18. C--F omit] you. l. 24. A omits] I Gent. and. l. 25. A] here's. l. 29. A] them. B and G Add] Exit Gobrias. l. 35. A omits] and two Gentlemen. G Adds] Attendants, and Guards.
p. 178, l. 11. A, B and G] sorrow. l. 14. A Adds] Exit. l. 15. A omits] Exit Arane. l. 32. G] words and kind ones. l. 35. C] doest. l. 36. D] forth my selfe. l. 38. A and G] thence. l. 40. A] wounded flesh.
p. 179, l. 1. A, B and G] a quill. l. 2. A, B, C and G] wanton wing. l. 3. A] in thy bloud. l. 16. A, B and G omit] it. l. 33. A by mistake gives the words 'some one that hath [A has] a wit, answer, where is she' to Gobrias, with the result that the names of the speakers of the following four speeches are transposed.
p. 180, l. 18. A] sleepe. l. 27. A] Is a long life of yet, I hope. l. 31. C, D and E] doest. ll. 33--35. A omits these lines.
p. 181, l. 11. A] If shee were any. l.14. D] dispute. l. 16. F and G] naked. l. 19. A, B and G] is she not. l. 39. A, B and G] your brother.
p. 182, l. 6. A] them. l. 8. A] yet so. l. 9. Folio prints] langish. l. 17. A] sudden change. l. 19. A, B and G] Pray God it doe. l. 24. A] prisoner. l. 31. A] in the.
p. 183, l. 13. A, B and G] And how dare you then. C and D] And how then dare you. l. 21. A, B and G] that breath. l. 24. A] law.
p. 184, l. 11*. A] subtiller. G] subtiler. l. 13. A and G] Tyrants. B] Tirants. F] mightest. l. 14. A] in the depth. B] i' the depth. C and G] i' the deepe. l. 18. A omits] Exeunt Tigr. and Bac. l. 21. G Adds] Exit Spaconia. l. 39. A and B] then to; here I. G] then too; here I.
p. 185, l. 11. A] still in doubt. l. 12. A] This, this third. l. 25. A, B, C and G] A poysoner. l. 26. A by mistake gives this speech to Bacurius and the following one to Gobrias. l. 32. A] had it twixt. A] Exeunt omnes, prae. Ar. Mar. G] Exeunt Gob. Pan. and Bes.
p. 186, l. 9. A] I prethee. l. 10. B and G] Am not I. l. 19. F] O do. l. 25. A] I prethee. l. 26. A Adds] Mar. I warrant ye. l. 28. G] of game. l. 30. B and G omit] it.
p. 187, l. 2. A] them. l. 3. A] In this state (omits I). B, C, D and G] I' this state. l. 4. B--F] b' the. A] with. l. 5. A] with. l. 10. A, B and G with variations of spelling] God cald. C and D] heaven cald. l. 11. A] pounds. l. 17. A and G] afraid. l. 21. G] A pox. A--G] of their. l. 23. A] of me. l. 24. A] freshly to account, worthily. l. 25. B and G omit] the. l. 26. A omits] a. l. 27. Here and throughout the scene '3 Gent' is in A described as 'Gent.' l. 30. A] you are. l. 32. A] he nothing doubts.
p. 188, l. 2. A--D, F and G with variations of spelling] O cry you mercie. E] O cir you mercy. l. 3. A, B, C and G with variations of spelling] agreeablie. l. 4. Here and in the following three lines A reads only one 'um' in place of three. l. 12. A by mistake omits] Bes. l. 19. A] plaine with you. l. 20. A] can doe him. A] resolutely. l. 21. B and C] hundreth. l. 22. F] no more. l. 23. A] pray ye. l. 26. A simply] Exit. l. 30. D] these two houres. l. 32. F omits] that. A] reserv'd. l. 34. A] are there. l. 35. A] likely to hold him this time here for mine. l. 36. B, C and G] yeare. D] these five yeares. l. 37. A] send me.
p. 189, l. 27. A] I prethee. l. 28. A--D and G] beate. l. 31. A] pounds. l. 32. A omits] well. F] well and walk sooner. l. 33. C] I do. l. 36. C] doest.
p. 190, l. 5. A--G] Come, unbuckle, quicke. l. 7. C--F] Unbuckle say. l. 17. A omits] Bac. l. 24. A] will I. l. 25. A] that this is all is left. G] that is left. l. 26. A omits] Bessus. l. 28. G] he's. l. 32. A, B and G] await. l. 35. A omits this stage-direction. l. 39. A] in their eyes.
p. 191, l. 3. A--G] lies. l. 5. A--G] vex me. l. 6. G] thou art. l. 8. A omits] do. l. 12. F] fire. l. 14. A, B and G] is not that. G] there
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