» Drama » The Death of Wallenstein, Friedrich Schiller [learn to read books txt] 📗

Book online «The Death of Wallenstein, Friedrich Schiller [learn to read books txt] 📗». Author Friedrich Schiller

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CAPTAIN (after a pause).
This morning We buried him. Twelve youths of noblest birth Did bear him to interment; the whole army Followed the bier. A laurel decked his coffin; The sword of the deceased was placed upon it, In mark of honor by the Rhinegrave's self, Nor tears were wanting; for there are among us Many, who had themselves experienced The greatness of his mind and gentle manners; All were affected at his fate. The Rhinegrave Would willingly have saved him; but himself Made vain the attempt - 'tis said he wished to die.

NEUBRUNN (to THEKLA, who has hidden her countenance). Look up, my dearest lady - -

Where is his grave?

CAPTAIN. At Neustadt, lady; in a cloister church Are his remains deposited, until We can receive directions from his father.

THEKLA. What is the cloister's name?

Saint Catherine's.

THEKLA. And how far is it thither?

Near twelve leagues.

THEKLA. And which the way?

You go by Tirschenreut And Falkenberg, through our advanced posts.

Who Is their commander?

Colonel Seckendorf.

[THEKLA steps to the table, and takes a ring from a casket.

THEKLA. You have beheld me in my agony, And shown a feeling heart. Please you, accept
[Giving him the ring. A small memorial of this hour. Now go!

CAPTAIN (confusedly). Princess - -

[THEKLA silently makes signs to him to go, and turns from him.
The captain lingers, and is about to speak. LADY NEUBRUNN repeats
the signal, and he retires.



THEKLA (falls on LADY NEUBRUNN's neck). Now gentle Neubrunn, show me the affection Which thou hast ever promised - prove thyself My own true friend and faithful fellow-pilgrim. This night we must away!

Away! and whither?

THEKLA. Whither! There is but one place in the world. Thither, where he lies buried! To his coffin!

NEUBRUNN. What would you do there?

What do there? That wouldst thou not have asked, hadst thou e'er loved. There, that is all that still remains of him! That single spot is the whole earth to me.

NEUBRUNN. That place of death - -

Is now the only place Where life yet dwells for me: detain me not! Come and make preparations; let us think Of means to fly from hence.

Your father's rage

THEKLA. That time is past - And now I fear no human being's rage.

NEUBRUNN. The sentence of the world! The tongue of calumny!

THEKLA. Whom am I seeking? Him who is no more. Am I then hastening to the arms - O God! I haste - but to the grave of the beloved.

NEUBRUNN. And we alone, two helpless, feeble women?

THEKLA. We will take weapons: my arm shall protect thee.

NEUBRUNN. In the dark night-time?

Darkness will conceal us.

NEUBRUNN. This rough tempestuous night - -

Had he a soft bed Under the hoofs of his war-horses?

Heaven! And then the many posts of the enemy!

THEKLA. They are human beings. Misery travels free Through the whole earth.

The journey's weary length - -

THEKLA. The pilgrim, travelling to a distant shrine Of hope and healing doth not count the leagues.

NEUBRUNN. How can we pass the gates?

Gold opens them. Go, do but go.

Should we be recognized - -

THEKLA. In a despairing woman, a poor fugitive, Will no one seek the daughter of Duke Friedland.

NEUBRUNN. And where procure we horses for our flight?

THEKLA. My equerry procures them. Go and fetch him.

NEUBRUNN. Dares he, without the knowledge of his lord?

THEKLA. He will. Go, only go. Delay no longer.

NEUBRUNN. Dear lady! and your mother?

Oh! my mother!

NEUBRUNN. So much as she has suffered too already; Your tender mother. Ah! how ill prepared For this last anguish!

Woe is me! My mother!
[Pauses. Go instantly.

But think what you are doing!

THEKLA. What can be thought, already has been thought.

NEUBRUNN. And being there, what purpose you to do?

THEKLA. There a divinity will prompt my soul.

NEUBRUNN. Your heart, dear lady, is disquieted! And this is not the way that leads to quiet.

THEKLA. To a deep quiet, such as he has found, It draws me on, I know not what to name it, Resistless does it draw me to his grave. There will my heart be eased, my tears will flow. Oh hasten, make no further questioning! There is no rest for me till I have left These walls - they fall in on me - a dim power Drives me from hence - oh mercy! What a feeling! What pale and hollow forms are those! They fill, They crowd the place! I have no longer room here! Mercy! Still more! More still! The hideous swarm, They press on me; they chase me from these walls - Those hollow, bodiless forms of living men!

NEUBRUNN. You frighten me so, lady, that no longer I dare stay here myself. I go and call Rosenberg instantly.



THEKLA. His spirit 'tis that calls me: 'tis the troop Of his true followers, who offered up Themselves to avenge his death: and they accuse me Of an ignoble loitering - they would not Forsake their leader even in his death; they died for him, And shall I live? For me too was that laurel garland twined That decks his bier. Life is an empty casket: I throw it from me. Oh, my only hope; To die beneath the hoofs of trampling steeds - That is a lot of heroes upon earth!

[Exit THEKLA. [10]

(The Curtain drops.)



NEUBRUNN. He is here, lady, and he will procure them.

THEKLA. Wilt thou provide us horses, Rosenberg?

ROSENBERG. I will, my lady.

And go with us as well?

ROSENBERG. To the world's end, my lady.

But consider, Thou never canst return unto the duke.

ROSENBERG. I will remain with thee.

I will reward thee. And will commend thee to another master. Canst thou unseen conduct us from the castle?


When can I go?

This very hour. But whither would you, lady?

To - Tell him, Neubrunn.

NEUBRUNN. To Neustadt.

So; I leave you to get ready.


NEUBRUNN. Oh, see, your mother comes.

Indeed! O Heaven!



DUCHESS. He's gone! I find thee more composed, my child.

THEKLA. I am so, mother; let me only now Retire to rest, and Neubrunn here be with me. I want repose.

My Thekla, thou shalt have it. I leave thee now consoled, since I can calm Thy father's heart.

Good night, beloved mother!

(Falling on her neck and embracing her with deep emotion).

DUCHESS. Thou scarcely art composed e'en now, my daughter. Thou tremblest strongly, and I feel thy heart Beat audibly on mine.

Sleep will appease Its beating: now good-night, good-night, dear mother.

(As she withdraws from her mother's arms the curtain falls).



Butler's Chamber.


BUTLER. Find me twelve strong dragoons, arm them with pikes For there must be no firing - Conceal them somewhere near the banquet-room, And soon as the dessert is served up, rush all in And cry - "Who is loyal to the emperor?" I will overturn the table - while you attack Illo and Terzky, and despatch them both. The castle-palace is well barred and guarded, That no intelligence of this proceeding May make its way to the duke. Go instantly; Have you yet sent for Captain Devereux And the Macdonald?

They'll be here anon.


BUTLER. Here's no room for delay. The citizens Declare for him - a dizzy drunken spirit Possesses the whole town. They see in the duke A prince of peace, a founder of new ages And golden times. Arms, too, have been given out By the town-council, and a hundred citizens Have volunteered themselves to stand on guard. Despatch! then, be the word; for enemies Threaten us from without and from within.

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