vampire and hunter in love, By: Cookies452 [the best motivational books txt] 📗

- Author: By: Cookies452
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started to cry. then i was alone i had tears in my eyes and i noticed i was already in Travis's room was that him i think i should cheak i got out of the bed and walked over to the other bed and when i was close he moaned something and i said " TRAVIS" he woke up and looked at me and said " what im trying to sleep cant you see that" why was hwe being like this i dont think this is him so i walked away and started to cry i was scared and he shook his head and grabed my wrist and said " Karma are you okay tell me about your dream" wait what just happened oh well after i told him about my dream he looked at me and smiled and said " this uselly happens to vampires if they have an affinity for something or a abillyty mabey you have both i knew you were going to be diffrent then the rest of the vampire world but to find out what it is we would have to do tests " wait im only 15 and im going to saty 15 for the rest of my life and now i might have a ablity or a affinty to who knows what. i said " okay well im still tried but i think i can do it" i think Travis is wat you call my boss or maker or something like that oh well he said"after the testing you can go for a walk but you would have to be back at midnight okay" i said "okay" after i woke up we started doing the tests and stuff for about 3 hours then we were finaly done and my affinatiy is Lightning thats a cool affinatiy after that i went for my walk and then i wet to this club and i thought i saw Mark i think but i went up to him anyways and sat down beside him and said " hi uhmm your Mark rihgt?" im trying to get on his good side and i can never ever should think in my head ever agin he said " ya sorry whats your name i never got it because oh ya im sorry about that its just my brother always yells at me cuz i never killed a vampire so sorry about that again" wow talk about alot of sorry's i said " my name is Karma and its okay and sorry i bit him its kinda confusing with this new life and i guess just intects just kinda took over me i couldnt srop sorry" im an idoit in love witha hunter who might want to kill me but i dont think he will lets hope he wont find out. he said" its okay he needed it and hi Karma its nice to meet you uhmm well i got to go since its almost moring" wait what" what time is it?" he said " its like midnight" danm it " okay same i have to go back to where i live okay well it was nice to talk to you bye" crap Travis is going to kill me or mabey not "okay well bye" we ran out together not really i was faster then him and then i saw him go into this ally so i followed him and i hid behind a grabge bin its gross yes but ya and i saw some other dude and he looked like i saw him before he looked like that guy i saw in the forest oh that must be his brother cool i guess he was the leader of the group because he told alot of people what to do he said " why were you talking to her" Mrak said " i dont know she came up to me" he said " well why didnt you kill her then?" Mark said " because i didnt want to do it in puplic" the his brother looked to where i hid and said "i know your behind there better come out" oh he was talking to me oh crap i got out behind my hiding place and said "how about you come here im just waiting for someone to come by so you know but i alreayd fed yesterday so ya but im thinking about it" he said " Naw i dont want to walk and you should listen to me cuz i can kill you just like a snap of a finger" wow that was what he is sure the leader of this hunting group whatever then he said to Mark "Mark here is your chance get her" then Mark said " no im not going to kill her because she is living" i said " look go ahead im not living im just a vampire who has no soul or beating heart" Marks brother said " see Mark i told you i was right now do it" i should just leave i dont want to get in the middle of this. then Mark said " no your not i was always the smartest one you were picked to be leader becasue your buff and strong but your not as smart as me" i started to sneak away when Mark saw me sneaking away he said " your not going anywere" then his brother came and pinned me to the wall okay i think they are working together to kill me great thats just great how do i get Travis omg i know im going to be dead soon but i dont want to die im just getting used to my new life like ugh i think it is worng to like someone who wants to kill vampires when i am one. i said " plzz dont do this i i i i need to go like the sun will kill me but you know that so i know why your keeping me here but i i i just dont want to die"then Marks brother said " you make a good pet they way your acting so we will keep you but if you decide to not listen to me or Mark or the other hunter's then im going to get Mark to kill you understand" they will prombly never go out to get me something to drink or they will prombly watch me so they know i wont run away or something.then some one jumped out of the bushes and said " leave her alone she is to young take me" wait i knew that voice it was Travis he found me yayayayaya then Marks brother said " how about no" then he pushed me to Mark so now Mark is holding then Mark had rope and tied me up then he put duck tape on my mouth and pushed me to the ground to help his bro and then the brother had a stake and then put it to Travis's heart and i started to cry i hope this was a bad dream that im still in my bed in my home with my family but i knew this was real. I closed my eyes because i knew what Marks brother was going to do then i heard him scream and then all went quite i opened my eyes and Marks brother was dead and Travis was standing over him and Mark was beside me and he was on his phone and i could tell he was calling the rest of the group and i started to strugle so i could help Travis but i couldnt get freee i wanted to scream but i couldnt cuz of the duck tape. After a few mintues Mark was carrying me and all i saw was a bunch of people were around Travis and then he was dead. Mark hen put me in the backseat of his car and he got in the front seat and started to drive after 20 mintues we reached this shed type thing and then he parked the car he got out and came to get me he opened the door and grabed me and like kinda draged me once we got to the door i was sitting on the ground he opened the door and grabed me again. It smelled really bad in here like rotting food or something and i couldnt take it when i passed out.... when i woke up.. i was in this cage and there was like no one around but in the cage there was a bed and everything that would be in a girls bedroom werid i went up to one of the bars to see if i could break it and when i touched the bar and it burned me. I jumped back holding my hand and then i heard someone coming down the staris and it was Mark "I thought you knew vampires cant deal with silver huh i guess he never told you that did he" he was diffrent he is not the same guy i fell in love with mabey he figured it out and he is prombly showing his real side i guess he is playing a game with me i guess i can play at it to i said "well i guess he didnt. he was prombly waiting for the right time to tell me but you know i used to reaad about vampires i guess i forgot about it when i got turned into a vampire" Mark said "oh really well i guess you know now but sis you know that ive found something out from your eyes is that you love me but i tell you dont anymore for how im acting but that is because my brother gave me something and he told me to give some to you to so you can become like us but diffrent . so here have a drink" he handed me the drink and i said " no im not drinking that and becoming like you. just let me go and let me have the life im soupssed to" he said " fine dont drink it then whatever and you know if you didnt follow me this whole thing wouldnt have happen so its your fult that your maker is dead so you can live with the guilt" when he is going to bed im going to break out of here while i was turning around he said " im not going to bed but i will come back out and let you out but if your not back in 4 hours im calling my group and when they find you your dead got" is he stupied i'd be gone by then i said " yea okay whatever" he then walked up staris and didnt come back for 4 hours when he came back i was just sitting on the bed looking at the wall when i heard the cage door open i bolted when i got to the airport i got on a plane to Canada once i was on the plane it took off and we were on our way. After 20 minutes someones phone went off and he noded and got up okay i think this is bad i think i got up and went into the bathroom and locked the door. I got out and sat back down and the guy got up again and went to the bathroom oh good then when we landed i got out and walked to a apartment that was selling a room on the thrid floor so i bought it then i went and bought a car then found this job thing so when i got home i called my house and on the thrid ring my mom answered and said " hello who is this?" i said
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