» Drama » Deranged Lust, Tina Mahnam [ink book reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Deranged Lust, Tina Mahnam [ink book reader .txt] 📗». Author Tina Mahnam

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his radio and clicked on my favorite playlist. I opened the car's sunroof and hung my hand out, feeling the wind hit my arm. A wide smile was placed across my lips. Who knew I would actually enjoy this? And the thing was that the date hadn't even started yet. God knows how better it'll get. "By the way, I forgot to mention. You look breath-taking." He complimented. I blushed yet again, and mumbled a small thank you. I started to scream the lyrics of the song that was playing goofily, and in a short amount of time Bruce joined along as we both started to yell out the lyrics, people staring at us as if we were crazy, but it didn't matter because me and Bruce were in our own world. It was hard to not feel happy while being with him, because I, personally, was.  After a couple songs, we finally pulled her at the place's parking.

"I've never been here." I claimed as we walked through the entrance of the open, chic, and classy restaurant. "Well, you'll love it. Me and my sister visited this place once a week whenever our parents were on a business trip to France." He gestured towards the reserved seat, pulling the chair out for me like a gentleman and then taking a seat after me. "That's nice, what do your parents do?" I asked in curiosity while looking through the high-priced menu. "My dad's an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, while my mom's an orthodontist. My sister's studying to be a lawyer." My eyebrows got raised in surprise, as far as I know his parents have the highest paying jobs in...well, ever. I cleared my throat uncomfortably, "What's your job anyways, Bruce Jones." My lips formed a smirk, I'm expecting him to be those type of kids who just go around using their parents' money and not really having a job of their own, considering the fact that his parent's are really rich. But yet again, my conscious was wrong for thinking that. "For your information Miss Rebecca, I work as an Oral Surgeon in one of my dad's hospital." He winked as I enlarged my eyes instead. "Jesus, you guys have more knowledge and skills than I'll ever have in a lifetime." A giggle escaped my mouth, and the new thing I felt was something warm cover my hand, I looked to find his on mine. My eyes peered into his beautiful sparkling green ones, and felt my heart smile. "Have you ordered yet?" The waiter showed up, scaring us both into pulling our hands away from each other. Bruce nodded, "I'll have the steak, what about you, Rebecca?" He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "I'll have the pork." The waiter wrote it down, "And drinks?" Bruce ordered some coke for the both of us. When our food arrived we both passed the time by finishing it and talking about our most embarrassing moments that we've gone through in our young-adulthood years.

"You can't be serious!" I laughed out loudly as Bruce did as well, "I swear, it was the most disturbing scene of my life." He covered his face with his hands, "I'm pretty sure I can envision it, I feel so bad for you." I giggled. "How did your grandma throw up on you anyway?" I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as I talked about it. Poor thing, imagine hosting a high-class party, and the moment you hug your grandma she winds up throwing up on you. "I'm pretty sure it was the fish she ate from earlier." I returned an appalled expression, but still laughed cause it was too mortifying not to do so. "What about you? What was your most embarrassing moment?" He asked while taking a sip from his drink. My head went in thought for a while then I simply shrugged in response. "Come on, that's not even possible. You've got to have a moment." I shook my head in denial, letting him know that I've never really had that sort of experience, because my life wasn't really interesting. He gawked at me with an astonished look, then muttered a small oh. Can't really blame him. I'm a pretty boring girl, and it's not in my hands. My life wasn't just as engaging as other's. "Well, how about we have a special drink, and some deserts?" He smiled. "Pudding please!" I squeaked in excitement. I'm always enthusiastic when it comes to pudding. After he ordered our drinks and deserts we continued to small-talk to pass the awkward stage, but it went well.

"Are you done with your pudding?" He asked impatiently, "Yeah, why?" He then got up and raised his hand out for me to take it. I accepted it, and we both ran up to the car. "Where are we going?" I asked, not knowing where he was driving to. "You'll see." He smirked. He later blasted my favorite song on. We both started to sing out the lyrics again, feeling the bond grow more and more every second. But that's when I felt my eyes go shut, and everything went black in less than a second.

Wait...what happened? Why can't I feel anything? Why does everything feel so...empty?

What in the world happened...


Chapter 2 - Everything’s lost


"Rebecca?" I gently open my eyes to find myself in an odd room. "Where in the world am I..." I stare at the person in front of me to find- "Bruce?" I ask with shock. He sighs in relief then grabs my hand, squeezing it, "I'm so happy to see you're okay." He smiles. "What happened? Where am I?" 

"You're in my house." I looked around to find a large master-bedroom, the ceilings looked like they were spent 10 years on just for designing, the floor was made out of wood, but still managed to stay shiny, and the wall was filled with expensive paintings. The bed I was on was probably worth thousands, it made me feel kind of uncomfortable to be in a room like this, uninvited, and made me feeling like I was a sort of bother. "Bruce, what happened to me?" 

"We were on our one year anniversary, you decided to take a swim in the pool with me. Then you completely blacked out-" I instantly cut him off before he could even get the chance to continue.

"Wait, what anniversary?!" I freaked out, not even remembering any of this happening. "Us being boyfriend and girlfriend?" I felt my body freeze. Since when? The last thing I recall was me and him going on a ride, and I totally blacked out. How is any of this even possible? Did I time travel one year ahead or something? "Now come on, your parents are downstairs bonding with mine. They were waiting for you, I didn't tell them you blacked out, so don't mention it." I got up, feeling like I was in a whole other dimension, but I managed to nod my head and just follow him. What I noticed was a change in my style, I was wearing an expensive short red dress. This didn't seem like something I'd be able to put on, but I don't even have a clue on what's going on so I guess I just have to go along with it.

"Oh dear Rebecca, we're happy to have you here." A lady in white said with a blazing smile whom I assumed was Bruce's mom. I nodded with a smile as I shook her hand sophisticatedly. I greeted Mr. Jones, and sat next to my parents who looked like they were really enthusiastic. My mom nudged me with a wide smirk, and winked at me. I exchanged a confused look, wanting to know why was she so happy. She leaned close to me and lifted my hand, showing me the huge-sized diamond ring that was on my marriage finger. I broadened my eyes and started to choke on my spit. "Oh lord, are you okay?" Mr. Jones asked in concern, then ordered the maid to go get me some water. I excused myself for a minute, then got up and dragged Bruce to an empty hallway.

I lifted my hand up and showed him the finger, "Bruce what in the world is this?!" I asked in disbelief. He stared at me as if I was crazy, "Honey, right after our anniversary dinner I proposed to you. You accepted. Don't you remember?" He stared at me, waiting for an answer which I was unable to provide. I tried to go deep into my thoughts, but it felt like I was going to suffocate. I couldn't think straight, my mind was whistling, and I felt myself get sick. "Y-Yes of course I remember, sorry I'm just still in shock..." I lied, I had no other choice. I didn't want to seem wacky to the only man who can afford a stable life for me, when I myself didn't have the credibility to do that.

We headed back to the living room to find the parents already planning the wedding. "Jesus Christ, isn't this going a bit too fast? We still haven't had an engagement party yet..." I exclaimed, my mother glanced at me then rolled her eyes in disgrace. I released a sigh of exhaustion and felt myself feel dizzy. That's when the maid brought me a glass of water, I sat down and immediately drank it as fast as I could. I felt so dry and thirsty, as if I hadn't drank any liquid in days. Bruce glared at me in concern, and I could notice that. I'm pretty sure everyone observed how strange I was acting, but it wasn't in my hands. How could I accept the fact that my own time skipped ahead of me? I grabbed my phone and checked the date. No is this even possible. I swear me and Bruce were friends for less than 48 hours, how did we pass those hours into 365 days? There was definitely something wrong. Maybe it was me. Maybe I was getting Alzheimer's or something. Maybe I'm dying, and I'm just going through a brain tumor. Or maybe that day when I drowned, it must've messed with my mind. Whatever it was, it was driving me crazy. I can't think straight, I need to straighten myself out or I'm never going to find out what this all is leading to.

"Excuse me, I don't feel good. I'm going to head to bed..." I excused myself, the Jones nodded their heads formally, accepting my excuse which resulted into me walking away and laying down on the same bed I came from.

I shut my eyes and felt myself drown away in my dreams. Oh if only this would all start to make sense, maybe then I would find myself some peace in my mind. Being engaged to Bruce didn't really bother me, but what constantly did is the fact that I don't have a single clue of what is happening. Am I dreaming all of this? It feels like I'm in a coma. My thoughts get interrupted when I notice Bruce walk in the room with a concerned look. The same look that was bothering me back in the living room. "What's wrong,

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