» Drama » The Gods and Goddesses Lover, Joanna [romantic books to read TXT] 📗

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thing on the list?" he asked. I tried to tell him but it was kind of hard to do it while I was running to keep up my balance. So, I summed it up in one word “Dinner".
"Why do you have to buy dinner? Doesn’t your mom cook the food?" I almost didn’t want to answer that question, but I had to tell somebody. Besides, I feel like I can really trust Ryan. “I don’t live with my mother that’s why." Ryan stopped running and turned around, still not letting go of my hand."You don’t live with your mom? Then who are you living with, you father?" I sort of flinched at the word "father". I took in a very breath." My father’s dead." I said quietly, almost a hush. I felt Ryan’s body sort of jump. He tightened his grip on my hand. He hid his face from me for a couple minutes. "However" I said to break the quietness" I am living with my older brother, so don’t worry about it." I heard my voice sort of crack. Ryan didn’t say anything for awhile as we walked into town, but he was still holding onto my hand, like a scared little kid holding his teddy bear.

The first store was the market. I had to buy meat, lettuce, carrots, broth, and some tomatoes. Big brother wanted to have a simple meat meal, but he needs more than just meat. “I swear my big brother can be so childish sometimes. I hope one day the two of you can meet each other." I grinned
"Yeah sure." Ryan’s voice started to turn cold. What did I do to upset I wonder? I really want him to smile right now. Seeing him all gloom and doom it just doesn’t fit him somehow. The entire time I was picking out stuff for dinner, I thought up of ways to cheer him up. 1. Give him a joke 2. Scare him from behind the corner and 3. Surprise him with an invitation for dinner with me and my brother tonight. Out all of them 3 sounded the most promising. I mean if I did give him a joke how will I know if he hates it or if he thinks that was just unnecessary. Scaring him might end up giving him a heart attack because he might have a heart problem and I would’ve killed him. So when we got to the register I asked him directly-with no hesitation- if he wanted to have dinner with me and my brother. I expected just a simple nod or a sure or an ok, but I was way off. Ryan turned his head towards me and looked at me with a scornful face but it slowly turned softer and kinder. He grabbed my waist and lifted me into the air as if I weighed nothing. He smiled his goofy smile a practically hollered “Are you kidding? I would love to come! Should I come now or later?" he started swinging me around and around in circles and people started to stare. “Ryan, put me down! People are watching us! It’s embarrassing!" I hissed at him. He got the message and put me down. People were still watching and I quickly paid the cashier, grabbed my bags and dashed out the doors with Ryan on my heels.

When I thought it was safe enough, I stopped running and tried to catch my breath. I stopped for five minutes and realized that Ryan was nowhere to be found.
"Aw, crap! Where did he go? He was catching up to me when I ran out the store."
I looked around me to see if he was hiding anywhere. I decided to wait for him a few more minutes. After twenty minutes, I decided that he left me and walked back home.
“Well that’s a shame. I wanted him to try my cooking. Maybe he wills next time." I muttered
as I was walking I stared at my hand and remembered how long Ryan had it in his grasp. The feeling of his hand against mine sent chills down my spine. I never thought that he would actually come with me to the market. If I asked any other guy that he would tell me “Are you crazy?" or “Why would I go with someone who I don’t even know?" Somehow, I didn’t know how exactly, Ryan seemed different from the rest. He’s special. Completely different from the rest. I couldn’t get his face out of my head. What was it about him that I liked about him anyway? Was it his smile? The way he talked to me? The way he looked at me? What was it? I thought about this the entire time I was walking home. I would’ve kept walking if my brother hadn’t yelled out the window.
" Hey Karina! Hurry up and get inside! I’m hungry! Where’s dinner?!"
My brother is so annoying. I don’t even know why girls love him so much anyway? I turned to face him and waved at him and pointed to the bag in my my other hand.
"Its right here, Ken! I hope you like it! We're going to have steak tonight!" I hollered
my brother practically drooled out the window like a dog.
" Hurry up inside, then. Our company is getting pretty hungry too, ya know?!"
I didn’t remember then if we had company or not, but I sure wish I did. I walked into the house and closed the door behind me. I took off my shoes and headed into the leaving room. Our living room isn’t that great but it does suit us. It has a red couch to match the wall paper and a small table next to the couch with sunflowers. Every day, we have new flowers from the part-time job Ken works at.
I love it. The living room has a door that leads to the kitchen. Our kitchen is pretty much simple. A marble counter, a sink near by a small window with cream colored drapes. Next to that are the 2 cabinets that hold all the spices and oils. On the opposite side of the drapes there are two more cabinets but they hold snacks and tea bags that were always sweet (just the way I like it). I looked around to see where Ken was but couldn’t find him anywhere.
" Ken! Where are you?! Where’s our guest?!" I hollered
" He should be in the living room! If he’s not just check outside! He said he wanted to water the plants!"
I headed towards the garden which was surprisingly around the corner from the living room. I put on my outdoor sandals and put the bags down on the side.
I stood up immediately and turned around to see that our guest was actually Ryan!
“Ryan? What are you doing here? How did you get here? Better yet, how do you even know where I live?!" I hissed on the last part.
But how else was I supposed to act?! I mean come on the guy I have a huge crush is in my house! Ryan was holding a small green watering can that we used on the roses and tulips. He slowly put the can done and walked inside. I was still in so much shock that I couldn’t move.
"Karina, listen. While I was chasing you I tripped over a rock and lost consciousness for I don’t know how long and when I woke up I was in your house. Your brother was on his way from work when he saw me on the street and brought me to his house. I had no idea this was your house too! You’ve got to believe me."
I could tell that his voice was very sincere and meant every word. I took in a deep breath and smiled at him kindly
"I believe you. Come inside. I’m about to fix up dinner and I think Ill need some help." I said
Ryan walked inside and slipped the outdoor shoes off. He and I walked to the kitchen and took out all the groceries and got started on making dinner. It turns out Ryan isn’t that bad when it comes to cooking. He’s very good at it, but he had a weak point. Ryan almost cut himself countless of times. We were working on the carrots and celery for the soup. I was cutting the celery and Ryan was cutting the carrots. I had to check on him every 2 minutes. My neck nearly snapped right off my shoulders from all the times I had to look over my shoulder to make sure he’s ok. After about cut 7 I walked over to help him
"Ryan, you really are a klutz, you know that? Haven’t you ever cut a carrot before? Here let me help." I said
I put my hands on hips and helped him hold the knife correctly and the carrot.
"I-its ok, Karina, besides I’m not worth the trouble he mumbled
"What are you talking about? You're no trouble at all. Now just follow my hands ok?" I said
Ryan just nodded his head and followed my every direction. He messed a couple times but after awhile he finally got the hang of it and when I let my hands go he was still doing a great job.
" See?! I told you you could do it. All you needed was some self esteem and a good coach. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to get started on the meat. After you’re done with the carrots just put them in the pot with the celery and watch it until it starts to boil. OK?" When I was finished talking it sounded like I was a chef or maybe just a very bossy cook, but Ryan had no complaints. He just stood there with a big smile on his face and said, loudly, "Yes!"
From the preparation of the dinner to the eating of the dinner I was wondering when I would tell Ryan that I like him. Immediately my brain said NOT RIGHT NOW YOU IDIOT!!!!! WAIT A COUPLE MONTHS THEN TELL HIM and I totally agree. When dinner was over, Ken plopped on the couch and started watching the Eagles V.S. Packers game. My brother is a huge fan of the Packers and he really wants to win, but I have my money on the Eagles.
"Thank you for the great food, Karina, it was great. As much as I hate to say it I have to go home. I’ll just grab my jacket and head out the door." he said
Ryan grabbed his jacket and threw it over his shoulder while still holding it by the strap inside. Man he looked so hot!!!!!
"Here I’ll walk you outside."
"Sorry about that" he scratched his head
"Don’t worry about it"
I walked him to the door and opened the door for him and waved to him as he left and he waved back.
"Ill sees you tomorrow at school, right?" I smiled at him
" Of course. We're friends aren’t we? See you tomorrow, princess"
"Yeah se you to- Wait. What-what did you say??!!!!!!!" I was about to ask him again what he just said but he was already gone.
"Did he just call me 'princess'?"
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