» Drama » Escape, Jessica Pham [simple ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Escape, Jessica Pham [simple ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Pham

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Chapter 6

The next few weeks was hell. People pointed and laughed. They stared at me and whispered behind their books. I mean, this happens all the time, but before, I had Cassie. Now I don’t have anyone. She was my only friend, now she’s gone. When I walk into class, everyone turns and look at me. When I eat lunch, I don’t have anywhere to go. The pops (popular people) kicked me out of their group, I don’t really care. But all the tables are full; none would let me sit at their tables anyway. So I went outside. All the tables were also full. I skipped lunch that day.
It’s been 2 months since Cassie died, and all the kids wouldn’t stop bullying me. I had enough. Enough of the bullying, enough of the stares and the whispers. Enough of Florida.

I came home with an egg covered car, and I was crying. I walked through the door and my mother ran up to me, “Kristen! Honey, what happened?” I didn’t answer her and ran upstairs. Later that night, she walked in my room and sat on my bed. My back was to her, but I turned so I was facing her. “I’m sorry about your car.” She said, rubbing my back. My eyes and nose stung, then tears fell. “Mom, I can’t take it anymore. I have to get away. The teasing, the whispers. I can’t take it anymore!” I bursted. She sighed, and she looked like she was deciding between letting it be, or doing something about it. “What do you want to do?” she finally asked. “Can I just go away for a while?” I asked. She closed her eyes and sighed, “Okay. Where do you want to go?”

Chapter 7


I spent the whole night packing my stuff. While I was doing that, my mom was making arrangements for my flight to California.

I looked at my bag. I keep on thinking that I'm forgetting something... Eh, whatever. I walked over to my table and grabbed a couple thousand bucks. Oh yeah, my mom's a multi- millionare. None knows about that except for Cassie. I closed my eyes, trying not to cry. I blew out a breath and fell on my bed. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.
The next morning, I woke up to my mom shaking me. I groaned and turned over. "Honey, you're leaving today. So wake up!" I sighed, got out of bed and gathered my stuff up.

Chapter 8

Before I knew it, I was at the airport and saying goodbye to my mom. I felt tears fall down my face. “Sweetie, you don’t have to do this…” my mom said. “But I want to.”

We hugged and I boarded the plane. I sat next to an old but really nice lady. I had the window seat. I took a ragged breath and looked out the windows.

I wish I was a bird. They’re carefree, they don’t have things that tie them down, and they can go anywhere.

I closed my eyes and tried not to think about anything else.

When I woke up, the flight attendant person was selling food. She got to my row, and I reached in my pocket for some money, but the nice old lady beside me stopped me and said, “What do you want to eat? I’ll buy something for you. I can tell you’re going through a rough time.” I smiled and asked for a bag of chips. The lady paid for it and I said thanks.

She smiled back at me. She’s so nice. We talked for the rest of the flight, and then the pilot announced that we were there. I said goodbye to Julie (the nice old lady)and got my things.

Chapter 9

I stood outside the airport and looked around. I sighed, “Well, this is it.” A new beginning. I took a big breath, and limped towards the fountain while looking down at the ground. (A habit I can’t seem to get rid of) When I got there, I sat down at the edge and stared into the water. I reached into my pocket -with my right hand because my left arm was in a cast- and pulled out a quarter. I made a wish and threw it into the water as far as I could. I wish everything would be ok.

Looking at the ground, I turned around and walked right into a hard chest. “Watch it, bitch!” the person I walked into said. That’s what Matt said the night Cassie died… I mumbled a sorry and tried to run away before the water works came. But a hand grabbed mine and I turned around.

“Are you ok?” a guy asked. “Yeah! Yeah. I’m fine.” I managed to get out. Then I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I let the tears fall. The guy pulled me into a hug, “Sorry about Sam.” He glared at Sam. “I’m Will.” Who does he think he is? Hugging strangers in front of an airport... “We were just headed to the park. By the way, what’s your name?” he asked.

“Kristen.” I mumbled. “Well Kristen, you wanna come with us?” I stood there, mouth slightly agape. “Uh...” He didn’t wait for an answer, and grabbed my hand –once again- and tugged me towards the park.

Chapter 10

"Wait! Who do you think you are?!" I asked. Sam scoffed and folded his arms. He trailed behind us. Close enough so we know he’s there, but far enough so people will think he’s not with us. I think I’m being kidnapped. I’m being forced to go somewhere I don’t want to go.

I jogged while the guys rode their skateboards. We had to stop a few times; you know you’re out of shape when you can’t even jog for a few minutes. Man, I wish I brought my skateboard. And plus, I had to carry my bags with my right hand too. I had 6 bags in all. I carried two, Will carried 3, and Sam carried one. We finally arrived, Will had a big smile on his face, and Sam gave me a -if –you- even- look- like- you- know- me- you’re- dead- look and skated off. I sat down on the bench and watched they guys skate. Huh, they’re pretty good. Some people walked up to me and we started chatting. After they left, I was all alone. I chose a really secluded spot, and all of a sudden; a hand covered my mouth, and dragged me off.

Chapter 11

I tried to scream and struggle, but he had a death grip on me. His hand was replaced by a cloth. It smelled weird and my eyes started to cross. My body went limp. All I could do was try and keep my eyes open. I was drifting in and out of consciousness. And in the distance, far, far away, I heard a faint shout.


I knew that girl was trouble. Really. I go away for just a moment, and she goes and gets kidnapped. I was hanging out with my friends, and when I looked over at her, she wasn’t there. I looked around and saw that she was being dragged off by some guy in a trench coat. I grumbled and ran after them “Hey! Hey you!” I yelled. The guy didn’t stop. Kristen was struggling to get away from him, but no luck.

Then he pulled out a white cloth and held it to her mouth. She instantly went limp. I grunted and pounded my legs harder. The when I was close enough, I did a flying tackle. I landed on him and we both flew to

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