» Drama » You Can't Sit With Us, Eunice Choi [books that read to you .txt] 📗

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and beauty shops and doing live interviews. So that’s why she’s been gone the past few weeks. Aye hay muchas trabajas! Mi mamá es mucha cansada.”


“It’s alroight, she’ll be fine, I guarantee that,” said Dominique.


“Umm Dominique,” interrupted Peyton, “We seriously need to start right now! We only have two and a half hours!”


“Agreed. Dominique, I want Pedro to start with my hair,” requested Riley.


“And Antonio with mine!” joined in Tristina.


“Does Nacho still work here?” joked Piper, “Kidding! Call Jose for me,” she said.


“Hey hey, no one ever takes mi Miguelito,” said Phoebe with caution. “Tus chicas better back off.”


“I’m hogging Dominique for the day,” Peyton said as she added a wink.


“Alroight! Let’s get started than!” Dominique said as he clapped his hands, “Much much sowry but closing for the rest of the day to the other customers. I already have moi sweet peas to take care of.”

Chapter Four - Summer Sommernight

Summer Sommernight

August 28

5:20 pm



“Girls, fall back,” ordered Peyton. The girls immediately obeyed and they walked in a straight line, side by side, one foot in front of the other, so perfectly aligned.


Honestly give the girls one good reason why people shouldn’t stare when they walk in!


“Is it just me or are those guys checking you out, Peyton?” inquired Riley as they were getting checked in.


“They’re checking you out, Brooke,” replied Peyton with a wink.


“Oh stawp it, you,” said Riley as her face flushed.


“What are you guys blushing about?” asked Piper as she put her arm around Peyton’s shoulder.


“Your hair,” replied Riley flatly.


“What? What’s wrong with it?” asked Piper as she slightly freaked.


“Zip it, the guys are headed this way,” Peyton warned. As hilarious as it was, the five girls rapidly re-applied lip gloss, fluffed their hair, checked their dresses for lints, and began chatting and laughing casually.


Sure enough one of the guys walked over to Phoebe and offered her a bottle of San Pellegrino. Smiling slyly, Phoebe took it and purposely touched his hand.


“Hey Peyton, I just came over so I could introduce my friends to yours.” said the cute guy with perfect beach brown hair.


“Oh, awesome, these are my friends Piper Harrington, Riley Lockwood, Tristina Rutherford, and Phoebe Esposito,” said Peyton as she gestured toward her friends.


Piper smiled.

Riley waved.

Tristina nodded.

and of course, Phoebe winked.


“My name’s Karstn Graves and as you know I’m Peyton’s friend. These are my friends Greg Parken, Ryan Eguchi, Chad Gibbon, and Jason Vega,” said Karstn as he also gestured toward his friends.


Each of the guys took turns saying hi and just smiling. Just then someone walked up to the podium.


“Alright, if everyone could find partners for the next dance, the best couple will win a 50 inch Samsung plasma flat screen TV and a gigantic stuffed bear!” said the host.


“Gawd, hawnestly, the way that they actually use TV and a stuffed bear to bribe people,” commented Phoebe.


At that, Jason chuckled and asked, “Care for a dance than?”


“Oh my gawd, haha sure,” said Phoebe gleefully as she linked her arm to his waiting arm and took off to the dance floor.


“Well don’t they look like a cute future couple,” said Piper breaking the awkward silence.


“You know who else would make a cute future couple?” inquired Chad suspiciously.


“Oh, who?” asked Piper as her bright blue eyes sparkled.


“You and me,” said Chad as he kept his perfect white smile.


Piper slapped her thigh, “Awh, come on Chad, hitting on girls already? Chill, it’s only been 15 minutes into the party,” but still happily she walked off to the dance floor, arm linked to her new friend.


Slowly and slowly, Tristina and Riley also joined the other girls on the dance floors after Ryan and Greg shyly asked them to dance. After they left, Karstn and Peyton were finally alone which made electric sparks sending in their directions in every single way possible.


“Care for a dance?” asked Karstn.


“Hahah oh Karstn, sure,” agreed Peyton. As they walked into the middle of the dance floor, everything seemed to mute around them. Not in the romantic, “hey let’s kiss all of a sudden” thing but just a comfortable feeling that you might get when you’re holding your dad’s hand.


“How was your summer so far, Peyton?” inquired Karstn.


The sound of her name through his mouth sounded a little weird but it felt good. Like somehow she owned him. That nothing could separate them from anything at that perfect moment.


“It was really busy actually… I had to do a lot of volunteer work and I went to two retreats to Cedar Crest by Big Bear. Mostly spent it though skype-ing my girls,” she added as she giggled softly, “what about you, Karstn? How was yours?”


“Spent most of it at soccer practice and camp and then helped my older brother repair his motorcycle from time to time,” he replied.


“That sounds sweet,” she replied. But in her head she had so many things to say… so many questions to ask… so many things she wanted to do. But it seemed like everything was held inside a high pressured jar about to explode any moment if she couldn’t control it.


Breaking the short silence, Karstn asked, “So we’re still going along with the date this Sunday?”


“Oh, that,” Peyton replied casually, “of course, how can I say no?”


He just threw back his head and smiled and slowly placed his hands on Peyton’s waist and slow danced right when the song When I Was Your Man came on.


Peyton slowly raised her arm to his neck and danced swayed side to side as she glanced around quickly for her friends. Much to her surprise, they were doing the same thing, all looking very comfortable and happy. Slow thoughts were going to her head when all of a sudden the music switches to Oppa, Gangnam Style and everyone starts horse dancing like crazy.


Out of the corner of her eye, Peyton sees Piper and Chad twerking back to back. Piper sees Peyton looking and she shoots her a wink sending Chad looking in Peyton and Karstn’s direction.


“Looking good you guys,” shouts Chad.


Instead of being embarrassed, Karstn says something back to Peyton’s surprise, “and you guys are going to reproduce twerking like that!”


“We’re getting into it,” says Chad with a sneaky smile.


“Hey Peyton!” yells Piper, “you know the - ”  but she was cut off by the speaker at the podium once again and the music slowly fades off.


“Thank you to those who participated in 2013 Summer Sommernight’s couple dance competition. I will now announce the winner from an anonymous voting from the audience,” announced the speaker.


The KY-BLU and the guys huddled up together in their group waiting for the results.


“No haters when we win this thing, alright?” joked Piper.


“Did you mean when we win it, Pipes?” shot back Phoebe.


“Come awn guys, it’s only a little competition. But the best dancers are always winners,” included Riley.


“I second with Riley,” added Ryan.


“Shhhh guys I wanna hear the results,” said Tristina as she shushed the group.


“For all of you who participated, there was a slight change to this year’s competition,” said the speaker. Everyone looked at each other with confusion as murmurs spread around the crowd, “This year, we will have five winning couples for the five different categories, and here they are,” said the woman as she continued. “The Most Outgoing Couple goes to….. drumroll please…… Piper Harrington and Chad Gibbon! Congratulations!”


“Yeahh! I knew it, awesome dancing, Chad,” said Piper as she high-fived Chad.


“You were not so bad yourself,” replied Chad.


“Zip it guys, there’s still four more winners left,” said Phoebe as she shushed them again.


“The Most Sexiest Couple goes to….. Phoebe Esposito and Jason Vega! Congratulations!” announced the speaker.


“Ayyee! Muy bueno! Gracias mi Jasonito,” gushed Phoebe as she squeezed Jason with a gigantic hug.


“De nada, Phoebe. It was a pleasure,” said Jason with a smile.


“Next, the Most Happiest Looking Couple goes to…. Tristina Rutherford and Greg Parken! Congratulations!”


“Yes!” said Greg as he punched the air with his fist, “Great job out there, Tris!”


“Oh hahah, thanks, you too, Greg,” replied Tris shyly.


“Next the Most Skilled Couple goes to….. Riley Lockwood and Ryan Eguchi! Congratulations!” announced the speaker.


“I knew it!” said Karstn as he air punched in front of him as Riley bounced on her toes happily.


“Lastly.. the Most Loveable Couple goes to….. Peyton Hawthorne and Karstn Graves! Congratulations!” shouted the speaker.


“Ahhh my Peyton, I knew we could do it,” said Karstn.


“Ahahah thanks Karstn, you were good too,” said Peyton as she gave him a hug.


“I can see why you guys won the most lovable couple,” commented Ryan, “looking cute you guys, looking cute.”


“Aye, Karstn, friends okay? F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,” denied Peyton.


“Ooo friendzoned mann,” booed Karstn’s friends.


“Knock it off you guys,” said Karstn slightly embarrassed.


“How’re you guys getting home?” asked Greg. “Want us to escort you guys home?”


“Brendon actually dropped us off here with a limo and he’s picking us up at 8:00 by the lobby,” answered Riley.


“Who’s Brendon? Is that another guy you guys are hanging out with?” asked Ryan kind of defensively.


“Why should we tell you?” teased Tristina, “Don’t worry about it, we’ll let you guys know after we’re done with Brendon,” she said as she added a wink.


“Okay… just, just don’t do anything… sketchy…” said Jason.


“Ayeee~ do not worry mi Jasonito! We gals will do what we gotta do and let you gentlemenitos know!” replied Phoebe as-matter-factly.


“Oh… ahah okay, yeah sure,” Jason replied.


“Eyyyy, Brendon’s here you guys, legggoo,” gestured Peyton as she was grabbing her silver Prada clutch.


“Oof! Time to go! It was fun tonight, Chad! Bye!” waved Piper.


“I’ll text you,” Chad replied.


“Same with us,” said Greg and Ryan.


“Adioosss chicos! Hasta luegooooo!” said Phoebe as she blew a kiss.


“Ermergerd Phoebe, hurry it up, this weather is making my skin crackle,” said Riley as she made Phoebe hurry up.


Chapter Five - Aftershock maybe?

Hawthorne’s Limo

August 28




“Best. Dance. Ever.” Enunciated Tristina. “I mean, did you see the way Ryan was holding me when we were dancing? Ugh, I think I can still feel his fingers on my waist.”


“Ya know, I would tell you to snap out of it but I can’t deny my love for Chad either,” added Piper.


“Ayeee I already know mi Jasonito está encantando con mi. The looks in sus ojos proves everything,” agreed Phoebe.


“Greg was actually really sweet, when I saw him at school, I always thought he was so serious,” added Riley.


“Well, Karstn and I are not going anywhere so don’t you guys even think about hooking us up,” warned Peyton.


“Awhhh cmonn but you guys totally like each other! Why deny it?” asked Piper.


“You know what

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