» Drama » Collé a Vous, Austyn Irvin [whitelam books .txt] 📗

Book online «Collé a Vous, Austyn Irvin [whitelam books .txt] 📗». Author Austyn Irvin

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be old, I do not see him at school, and he does not do anything. They just moved in, not even a month ago. His older brother, I know for a fact, goes to my school, and looks almost like his youngest brother. They both have dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. At first look, you would have thought they would have blue eyes by the color of their hair. Guess again.

I got back in the kitchen and they were both in the back now, and my mom was back with little Lexis. The littlest brother looked at me and smiled, that made his brother look at me, and when he smiled too, I could have been a puddle at his feet, No wonder why all the girls would talk about him, he had the most beautiful smile.

I started comparing him to Ayden, and I realized I really should not. He looks like he'd be so much better than Ayden. I pulled up my 'big girl panties', like Halley, my friend who was not at school today, would say it, and I walked outside and was right next to my mom. The youngest brother would not stop staring at me, but the oldest brother is giving the youngest a death stare.

"Olivia, this is Troy," My mother was gestured to the youngest brother. "and this is Noah." She pointed at the tallest, oldest boy. I nodded at both of them, pushing off the fact that the youngest one saw my shirt. I put my head down and looked at the ground. My mom started to struggle with holding Lexis. "Okay, looks like it's time for a nap." C'mon Lexis, Olivia, please be nice and bring them some drinks, they're helping out with the yard work. " I nodded and went inside, followed by my mom and Lexis. She put some cold bottles of water out of the fridge.

I went back outside and handed it to you. Troy put whatever he did down and came over to me. "Nice show you put on earlier." He winked. I felt my face get hot. "That's funny, last time I was in Middle School, and what are you talking about?" Noah said to his brother. I hid my face in my jacket. "She was grabbing something off the counter and got her shirt on the counter." Noah looked over at me and then back to his brother. "You are a pervert." Noah punched his arms arm and Troy punched him back.

"Hey now, let's not do it," I said and put my hands up, they did not listen to each other. Then they stopped but started whispering names to each other. I called them both childish and walking up to my poor, next to my mom

"I think they are really going to like it here." I nodded, they just need to start getting along better.


*Noah's POV*:


 She was surprisingly different from the last time he saw her when they had first moved in. She seemed more taller now, but that was just a month ago. He would see her walking around the hallways, but never really payed attention to her at all. Noah's brother, of course, described the 'show', as he had called it, to his brother. Noah wasn't all that into the fact that his brother got to see that and not him, and of course, Troye get's to see it all before he's the age of sixteen. 

Noah isn't the type to get jealous easy, so this is definitely a new experience to him. It was hard for Noah not to lay the whole scene in his head, so he knows how it must be for his little brother. 

Noah got up out of bed and started to get ready for school, Noah didn't even bother to wake up his brother for school. It's his responsibility, and that is something that Troye needs to learn.

When Noah had got to school, the first person he started to look for was Olivia. To Noah, she was the most beautiful person he has ever laid eyes on. And when they had first met, she's all he could think about. Sure, it wasn't all that hard to divert attention away from the though, Noah already has tons of girls trying to be with him, some are just for a night, and that's not what Noah wants. Noah already knows what he wants, and if Olivia isn't one of those girls standing in line, then he want's nothing to do with anyone. 

Olivia walked passed Noah, and all he could think about is what Troye had said to him about yesterday. The little punches that Troye had given his older brother didn't leave any marks, but that doesn't mean that he didn't leave any on Troye. And whatever Troye got, he deserved. But if only there was something there that wasn't missing, like their mother. 

Noah's mother always kept them two in check, whenever they started fighting, their mother would come out, guns blazing, and put them in their places. But sense she has died, in that terrible car accident, their father wasn't the same, and their father hasn't really left his room, and the only time he had left was when he had decided it was time to move out, and start all over. Starting over is nice, sometimes, this was one of the times. Just walking around the house was a horror show, finding pictures of mom scattered all over the floor, and her clothing was in boxes, all over the place. It was a harsh reminder to their father, he was so in love with her. 

After they had all found out that she couldn't have any more children, which wasn't a good thing to their mother, she wanted a girl, and Noah also wanted a baby sister, he wanted to be protective of her and treat her like a princess, nothing he could do with Troye, their father was devistated. It was one of the appointments that she was going to for her to be able to have one more child, and when she was coming back, she was hit by a car head on, and he was drunk and on the wrong side of the road.

Noah walked into Olivia, he had forgotten that he had started to walk to class, and had not noticed that she had stopped to look around, like she forgotten where she was. "Hey, are you okay?" Noah helped Olivia off the gound and picked up her things. "Yeah, it felt like I just stopped and the brick wall just kept moving." She rubbed her head with her free hand d took her belonings with her free hand. "Sorry, that was my fault, I stopped paying attention to everything else." Noah started walking with Olivia, and she followed him. "Yeah, me too." She started to stare off into space for a minute. "Are you okay though? No major injuries?" Olivia shook her head, her light brown waves moving with her head. "No, nothing that I can tell, at least." Olivia moved her hair from out of her face. 

If things would have started out differently, he would have changed yesterdays occurants.

Olivia grabbed Noah's hand, at first Noah was confused, then just went along with it. She laced her fingers through his, and he still didn't do anything about it but hold hers back, until a person came up and forced her to let go of his hand. "Hey, why are you touching my girl like that?" Olivia tried to push him back and away from Noah. Noah was way taller than him, almost towering over him and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. "Hey, man. I'm not trying to start a fight." Noah put his hands up defensively, he wasn't trying to start a fight with him. That is, until Ayden had pushed him backwards, but Noah didn't even budge. "Listen here you piece of solid rock, that is my girl, you will not touch her like that anymore."

"Ayden, last time I checked we weren't together anymore." Ayden flung himself around to look at Olivia. He grabbed her and started to yell at her. Noah let reflexes take over and he grabbed Ayden by his backpack and turned him around, and brought him face to face with him. "If you ever talk to her like that again, call her those names ever, I swear to God, all Hell's going to break lose and no one is going to save you." Ayden didn't say or do anything, and Noah put him back down and went to Olivia. 

Olivia was shaking and she looked like she was about to cry. Noah put his arms around her in a hug and brought her as close to him as possible. "And, Ayden, I'll never be yours again." She mumbled out of my chest. Ayden turned around and started talking to his friends, who didn't help him at all when Noah was 'talking' to him.

Olivia was finding it hard to breath, not because her face was pressed against Noah's chest, who was now talking to the resource officer, but because she could feel her anxiety starting to take over, and the only thing that was keeping her calm was the scent of Noah's cologne. After Noah had finished talking to the officer, they told Noah to take me to class, and to always come and pick me up from class until she is better enough to walk to class herself. 

Noah nodded and pulled her off of his chest. "Kay, let's go get you to class." Olivia nodded, but she didn't want to go to class, she wanted to stay with him in his arms and just stay there all day and do nothing. Of course life always takes its course and things happen, but it wouldn't hurt anyone if it was just one day. 

Just for a day... that would be nice. 

But school comes first, then he could have his summer rommance, or something. And it was definitly 'or something', because Noah is hoping that it is going to last longer than that. 

Pushing all thoughts aside, Noah walked Olivia all the way to class, and walked into first an second period late, but judging by the reactions by the teachers, the principal had already emailed them about what had happened out in the hallways. 

At lunch, Noah sat with Olivia and a few of her friends. Ayden was sitting at the other end of the cafeteria. No one at the table that they were all sitting at took notice of his at all, that is, until Ayden came up to Noah. "No matter what, I will always love her." Noah nodded, he might always love her, but there is something about her that I know he will never have. "Yeah, you might have loved her, but I would never have the balls to cheat on a girl, with the same girl, more than once." The girls sitting at the table knew what Ayden was trying to do, and the heat in Ayden's face was starting to become visible to everyone at the table. Ayden didn't say much after that, just started with hand gestures and a few mumbles about how he was sorry, but Noah felt like he didn't really

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