» Drama » *Title not decided yet*, Sofia Hantzaridis and Olivia O'Donnell [top 10 novels txt] 📗

Book online «*Title not decided yet*, Sofia Hantzaridis and Olivia O'Donnell [top 10 novels txt] 📗». Author Sofia Hantzaridis and Olivia O'Donnell

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walking up their dirt path, and reached the door. My dad had already jumped out of the passenger's seat of the jeep, and got into the driver's seat. He had already left.
I knocked on the door. I didn't know what else to do . . .
The door started to open. Isaiah. He opened the door.
"So, you're Aarihan. The one that's gonna 'tutor' my little brother. Treat him good," Isaiah said. What did he mean?
"What do you mean, 'Treat him good,'" I asked him. Isaiah smiled and laughed a little.
"Aarihan, a girl as pretty as you, and my brother, couldn't be 'just friends'." Isaiah made me smile. "You can set up your stuff on the kitchen table, help yourself to anything you want in our fridge or cabinets."
"Thanks," I couldn't let him think that me and Andrew were together. Though it sounded nice, I just couldn't. "But, Andrew and I have nothing going on,"
"Right, I'll go get him." Isaiah left and headed left, there was no upstairs or downstairs to this house. Not even a basement or attic. One floor only.
I sat down on the wobbly, old wooden chair around his wooden kitchen table. The table and chairs looked homemade.
"Hey," Andrew said as he popped his head into the kitchen.
"Hey. You're brother's really nice. I set up my stuff here, now what do you have for homework?" I tried hard to not speak in a 'I really like you but I'm trying not to show you' voice.
"Mr. McGlide doesn't always do homework. I didn't get any tonight. Maybe you can just write down some problems and I'll try to figure 'em out."
"Kay, can I see some of your work so I can figure out what you're doing in math class?"
"Sure. I'll hand you my whole notebook," he reached into his dusty green backpack and pulled out a black and white marble notebook. "Gonna make some popcorn, want any?"
"No, thanks," I started writing down some problems on a blank sheet of paper. "Done,"
"Man, you're quick." Andrew said as he set the microwave timer for one minute.
"I only wrote down three," I said as he smiled.
Andrew came a little closer and then went back to the beeping microwave. Okay, flickering. I don't know if it was beeping. If I didn't tell you yet, Andrew isn't that smart of a kid. That's why I'm not in his math class, I'm in honors!I have honors every class but science. Science is the one class I have with Andrew, besides Spanish.
Andrew came back with the bowl of popcorn and plopped himself down in another wooden splintery chair.
"You sure you don't want some?" Andrew asked me, shoving the bowl towards me.
"Oh, no, thanks." I handed him the papers with the math problems. "These problems should be around where you're at in math."
"Andrew I'm going to Max's house. Catch ya' later," Isaiah said quickly.
"Okay. She'll be here 'til . . ." he look at me, and I whipsered to him 4:30. "4:30," Andrew responded. Within seconds Isaiah was out the door.
"Who's Max?" I asked, stupidly.
"Isaiah's girlfriend," Andrew looked at my nervous face and shot a smile at it. "So, you wanna help me out," I leaned across the beat up, wooden table.
"Uh, yeah. What problem don't you understand?" I asked caringly.
"Oh, not the paper," Andrew shoved the paper towards the end of the table, making it fall on the floor. "There's a girl I really like,"
"Oh, really?" I almost cried, I know it's not me. "Do ya' think I know her?"
"Yeah, actually you two are pretty close," his blue eyes looked directly into my green eyes. Maya. Andrew liked Maya. Freaking Maya! I bet Maya would LOVE this. But then again, what chance do I have with Andrew? He's a freaking popular day dream.
"So, what do you need help with?" I kind of growled, but in the nicest way possable because I was still mad. At Maya.
"I wanna know how to ask her out," he explained. Ugh, the look on Maya's face when he would ask her out. I could be mean about it, but I'm just too nice.
"Well, I think you should just be casual. Be yourself. Don't do anything fancy,"
"Thanks," he lifted his head up to look me in the eyes, once more. "Aarihan, would you like to go out with me?"
"YES!" my face lightened up. I was blushing all over my face, and forced myself to stop. You know, to look casual.
"Pick y'up at 7, on Friday night." today was Tuesday. I had about 5 more days.
I exploded with happiness.

"A date?" Sam asked me.
"With . . . ANDREW?" Maya was furious, but I loved seeing her like this. Andrew was the popluar guy. Maya was the popular girl. Should they be together? No.
"Yes, he asked me out." I responded to them.
"How did this even happen?" Maya is halarious when she's mad- at least in my eyes.
"Well, yesterday, I was at his house,"
"You were at his house!?" Maya had steam coming out of her ears.
"Yep," I walked away and headed to my next class, which was with Andrew.
It'd be awkward if I see him up until Friday. Today, Tuesday. What would I do or say when I saw him? I hurried to my next class.
I reached the classroom and noticed all the desks were seperated. That means there is a test today. I wonder on what, we haven't done anything in forever. All my class does is sit around and talk while Miss Khans is never here.
But today, of all days, she was here.
The white test paper sat on top of my desk. My eyes stared at it. Mass? We learned that like five years ago. Maybe it's a review.
"You'll have until the last ten minutes of class to finish this test. You may begin, good luck." Miss Khans hated teaching, so much. She tells us that she only does this for the money.
Anyway, the test was going to be so easy. If it was all mass, I'd ace this class. Mass was a topic we did a while back. So far, so good.
Then, I hit the eighth question. I forgot everything there is to know about triple beam balances. How I hated this. I sat there like a moron. After a while I decided to skip number eight.
But I couldn't. The next fifteen questions were all about triple beam balances. At least I could do questions twenty-three through thirty. After I finished, I was screwed. I still had those sixteen questions left unmarked.
There were fifteen more minutes left of the period. Man, was I screwed.
Five, depressing, minutes went by and Miss Khans insructed the class to give in the tests.
I passed my test to the person sitting a desk infront of me, and he passed it to the kid infront of him, along with his test.
I was done. Failed. Right there on the spot.


At home, I lay flat on my bed. Andrew asked me out! I am still in shock from yesterday.
I slapped myself to wake up from my never-ending dream. No, it's definetly real life. Plus, that really hurt!
I walked down all twenty stairs to get some food in my kitchen. I haven't explained my house to you yet. Well, our house has five floors. And then there's the basement. My house is skinny but tall.
The main floor. The kitchen and the dining room. Bathroom next to the kitchen. Each floor has about two floors and a bathroom.
The second floor. The TV room on your right. Family, or dad and daughter, room on your left. No bathroom.
The third floor. My bedroom on the left. Guest room on the right, not that we ever have any guests. Bathroom built into my room. My bedroom has built in red flashy alarms with no sound. I'll get into that later.
The fourth floor. Mini lounge, other wise known as my lounge, on your right. Then, the huge lounge, or dad's lounge, on your left.
Finally, the fifth floor. My dad's bedroom straight ahead. Bathroom on your left. Living room on your right.
Well, now that you know this, I walked above 20 stairs. Ten steps each floor.
Anyway, I'm hungry. My microwave Mac and Cheese was ready. I could tell by the green flashing lights going off on the walls. Green is microwave. Orange is oven. Yellow is toaster. Purple is dishwasher. Blue is stove. Red is someone broke into my house, but those lights only go off in my room.
The Mac and Cheese was so good. I added the cheese sause into the plastic container filled of macaroni.
A cold hand touched my shoulder and I whirled around. Dad, I tried to read his lips.
"Aarihan, get to your homework. You know, you're almost a tenth grader. You don't want to fail now,"
"No, I can just do it later," his shocked expression apon his face of me not listening made me shiver. "I'm having a snack. I can do it after, dad."
He walked away with no words said after that. He wanted me to go to some great deaf college. Theredore, he wants me to get my grades up and stuff.
I finished my Mac and Cheese and threw the rest out.
Onto my homework, I always do homework in my lounge.


Since my mom

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