» Drama » Girl Trouble (Completed), Ayesha Azhar [fun to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Girl Trouble (Completed), Ayesha Azhar [fun to read TXT] 📗». Author Ayesha Azhar

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am sorry for that day. I know you didnt steal my necklace or those pics-"

   "I am sorry to,Steph, but I am sorry FOR you. You counted on having Jake take your side, didnt you?"

Dont get angry. Dont get angry.

  "We are not talking about that-"

"For a fact,Steph,"Mandy interrupted me again,"I dont want to listen to your apologies. Ok?"

   "Mandy, please-"

"Ok, listen. Tell me one thing. Why did Jake call for you?"

   "Oh, that. He only wanted to invite us to his ccelebration party. He and Ashley are throwing it together at his today."

"Ashley's throwing parties even though she lost?Wow. That girl has some nerve."

"I suppose. The whole cast is invited.So, are you going to come,Mandy?"

   "Ofcourse!"Mandy said excitedly,"We'll both go together."

"Umm....good then. By the way, Ashley is going to be there too."

   "So what Who cares about her?I am only going there to celebrate and enjoy. It doesnt matter if Ashley is there too. She'll try to spoil the fun ofcourse, but who heard of a party without a little drama?"

"Oh. yeah, right."I said, "Drama. Ofcourse? Who heard of a a peaceful lfe without some drama?"

"By the way, Steph."Mandy leaned in,"Now that we are on the topic, I think I should let you know. That roomful of people werent the only ones who knew that I wasnt the lead."

"Huh?" I stared at her in confusion. And then I realized. Mandy knew that she wasnt the lead before the roles were announced. She knew that I had blabbed at Jakes party that night.

"You knew?" I managed to ask.


"But...but how?"

"I told you that I left the class too, didnt I? I had left my book in the auditorium. When I reached the auditorium, I heard you and Mr Owens talking. He was telling you that I wasnt the lead. I listened quietly and then ran back to class. That was why I was so calm on not getting the lead. I had already prepared myself."

"I..I dont believe it."

"It wont be the first time. I have learnt, Steph, that you will NEVER believe anything I say. And you want me to forgive you. Well, I wont try now. You are allowed to believe whatever you want to."

Mandy stood up and walked towards the door. I stood up too,

  "But you never told me!"

"You never asked."Mandy said, as if speaking to a child,"Well, I am telling you now, so doesnt matter."

She went out of the door and then peeped in again. 

  "Switch on the TV if you are not watching. By the way, when wil the party start?"

I was still too bewildered to speak. Mandy laughed,

  "Tell me later, Ok?"

I nodded. Mandy went out. I followed her,

   "Its around afternoon, I think."

"Oh. Well, then we should get ready, you would want to dress well for your Jake, wouldnt you,Steph?"

    "I dont want to do anything of the kind. I am only going because Jake invited the whole cast. That's all."

Mandy laughed again,"Oh, Steph, you will never understand. Well, come on. Lets dress up."


We both went up to her room and tried on different dresses of hers. After we had chosen a dress for ourselves, we set out for the matching makeup.Then we spread our dresses on the bed and stared at them.

  Mandy smiled,"Now all that's left to do is to wait."

I smiled back,"Yeah. Wait. Wait for the unknown."





Chapter 27

I knocked on the door. The door opned revealing a girl from my class whom I recognized but couldnt name. I passed a smile as I went inside, Mandy following me.

"Hey!" Someone called out as we passed,"Theres that girl who won that role! What's her name? Mandy, isnt it?"

I turned to smile at Mandy. Mandy waved at everyone. They had all turned to look at her, admiring a future celebrity who would be appearing in Mr Harry Suttons new movie. I smiled at the prospect.

"So you are here."

  "I said I would be, didnt I, Jake?"

"Good then. " Jake turned away," Thanks for coming too, Mandy."

   "Oh, it's a pleasure." Mandy said airily," I would never dream of loosing such an opprtunity to meet you all here together."

"Oh, Umm.. yes, ofcourse." Jake looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I shrugged. 

    "Where is Ashley?" Mandy asked.

"Here I am!" Ashley announced, coming into view. Jake smiled at her, taking her hand.

"Think of the devil and the devil is here." Mandy muttered, so slowly that only I heard. Ashley looked at me pointedly and then at her hand clasped in Jake's. I turned away, I knew what she was pointing at. But I had to be indifferent. I couldnt let her know how much the fact, that Jake and  Ash were together hurt me. No, I couldnt.

"So, now that everyone is here, lets have a toast." Ashley said, raising her glass.

"Yeah, why not?"Mandy raised her glass too.

  "To Sustenance." I said.

"To the lead of Sustenance."  Jake smiled. I raised my glass higher,

   "To the winner of Mr Harry's role." I looked at Jake smugly.

"To the girl who acted the best, but still didnt win the role." Jake smiled triumphantly.

   "To Mandy McHugh." I said.

"To Ashley John." Jake said. I sighed in frustration.

   "Come on, lets just drink it, you guys." Mandy laughed and took a sip.

"Yeah. forget her, Jake, come on, lets go welcome our other guests." Ashley took Jake's arm. Jake looked at me then turned back to Ashley and smiled,

"Yes, come on."

Jake and Ashley turned and walked into the other room. I stared at them, then Mandy shook me.

   "Feeling sorry?"

"No. I am glad I am not in Ashley's friendship circle anymore." I replied.

    "But Jake still is."

"Who cares about him?" I said, taking another sip.

   "Let me see," Mandy said,"Maybe someone named Stephanie Moore?"

  "Shut up, Mandy."

 "Listen, Steph, anyone who knows you can see that you like him. You cant fool yourself anymore. Just admit it."

  "Can we just forget those two, Mandy?"

"You cant ever forget one of them, Steph."

"Fine!" I screamed,"I like him, just stop it now!"

   "There. I knew it." Ashley came up behind Mandy,"Thankyou Mandy, for making her admit. But he's mine, Steph."

   I glared at Mandy. She looked at me sympathetically.

 "Ugh!" I sighed and walked out of the room, leaving Mandy and Ashley together. I went towards the podium and looked out. The sky was a mixture of deep blue and grey. It looked like it would rain soon. Mummy hadnt even called since she had called llast night to let me know that they had reached safely.  I still had Aunt Hildas number with me. I could phone her now. I walked towards the living room. I knew there was no one there because the lights were switched off. Without opening the lights, I walked towards the phone and dialed Aunt Hildas number.


"Hey, mummy? It's me. Steph."

"Oh, steph, are you okay, what are you-"

"Yeah, yeah, mummy, I am fine, tell me, is Aunt Hilda okay now?"

There was a deep pause, then Mummy said,"No. She's worse. The doctor says its going to be anytime now."

"You mean she's going to die?!"

"Yes. Steph. She has no time left. It's fortunate that we came here yesterday. She has been unconsious since the morning."

"Oh." I had never seen anyone die before. The prospect of death was new to me, apart from those pretend deaths in the play. Mandy's death. I shook my head, even the thought of Mandy's death was nauseating to me.

"But you are going to come home tomorrow, mummy?"

"Yes. Tell me, Steph, where are you now? Are you at the McHughs?"

"No. I am at Jake's house. You were right,Mummy, he held a after party. Mandy is here too."

"Are you having fun?"

"Yeah. I am missing you guys."

   "We'll be back soon,Steph, listen, I have to go now, we'll talk later, ok?"


  I put down the receiver and sighed. Even my own mother didn't have time to talk to me. I got up and then the living daylights were scared out of me. Someone grabbed me!

"Aaaaaaah! Who are you?Let me go!" I struggled to free myself. The lights were still off so it was hard to see. I pulled my hand away and bit my attacker.

" Hey! It's only me, Steph. Are you seriously mad? You bit me!"

"Huh? Jake?"

   I walked over and switched on the lights.

"Oh, Oh,Jake, I am so sorry, Does it hurt?"

   "Not at all. It feeles like flying." Jake said sarcastically, clutching his hand.

"Well, it's your own fault, Mr Jake, who told you to pounce on me like that?"

   "I didnt POUNCE  on you. I just saw a shadow in the room and deccided to check who it was. It may have been a burglar."

"Yeah, right." I said,"As if a burglar would be sitting in your living room."

"Could happen. Who knows?"

 I walked towards the door, Jake caught my hand,

   "Where are you going?"

"Out." I said,"Am I not even allowed to do that?"

   "No.Go out. Infact, just get out of my life."

"Why?"  I leaned in towards him,"Now that you have Ashley, you dont need me?"

   "I dont HAVE Ashley, if that's what you mean, and why's that bothering YOU anyway?"

 "Has it ever occured to you,Jake, that there's a world beyond your sweet Ashley?"

       Jake glared at me, I glared back,

"Are YOU that world, Steph?"

    I blushed,"I..No, ofcourse not,I only meant generally."

"Generally."Jake repeated,"Well, then I suppose we had better go. Ashley will wonder what we are doing here alone."

  "Alone. What can we do alone,Jake? We ARE never alone. There's always Ash between us."

"I dont know what you are trying to point at, Steph. Everyone must be waiting for us-"

   "Forget everyone. Forget Ashley. Listen to me, Jake, do you care for me at all? Dont you care what I think?"

"What if I say I do?"

"Then I'll be the happiest girl in the world."

"And what if I dont?"

   "Stop this nonsense, Jake-"

"No, YOU stop this, Steph. What are you trying to show? That you are a better friend then Ashley?"

    "Ashley. Ashley. Ashley. Cant we forget her for once?"

"I am trying to, but you wont let me."

   I took a deep breath, "Listen, Jake, I am only trying to tell you that Ashley doesnt care for you the way you care for her-"

"There you go again.And you want me to forget Ashley.Why are you talking about her now?"

   "Because she's the one, Jake! Dont all love stories have a villian? Shes our villian!"

"Love story? Do you call us a love story, Steph?"

   "I..I..yes! Yes, I like you,Jake! I have always."

"Do you really mean that?" Jake stared into my eyes as if he couldnt believe his ears.

   "Yes. I do, Jake. I do."

We both stared at each other, tears in my eyes. I couldn't read the expresion on Jake's face. Was he angry? Did he think of me like a sister? A noise brought us both back to earth. Ashley was standing at the door, clapping. I glared at her. She smiled,

"Well. Well. Well.What do we have here?  So determined, Steph? So determined to seperate me and Jake?"

  "I am not trying to do anything like that-"I started but Ashley interrupted me,

"Such LIES,Steph. Do you think I dont know? You know what, Jake? Steph has been after you ever since she first saw you. It hurts her to see us together. She's trying to have

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