» Drama » Broken, Navaura Campbell [top young adult novels txt] 📗

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an hour left." 


"It doesn't matter. We are leaving. I'll call her mom and let her know."


"Well..." The principal shut down and just turned to go in her office. Mean while, the Therapist stood there looking at Victoria, understanding where Vanessa got her rudeness from. Since she was on the list of contacts, it was nothing they could do to prevent her from taking Vanessa.



~                                                                                                                   ~


"Why couldn't you be my mom?" Vanessa inquired as she stepped into Victoria's vehicle. The gray vehicle was spotless on the inside. 


"I couldn't put up with your dad for one minute, let a lone fifteen years, Vanessa."


"I know but you are so much more fun than mom."


Victoria laughed, "Don't hold it against her, she was born that way."


"She sucks the fun out of everything. She's a fun sucker." Vanessa stated.


"She loves you Vanessa, you should be happy about that."


"She is weird, ok. I've never met a person so dry before, you know?"


Victoria pulled the vehicle over to the shoulder of the road, "Look, if you are going to kick it with me today, you can't talk about your mom like that. She's not a bad woman and she would give her life for one of you kids. If she had to take a bullet, she'd eat the hell out of it. Not to mention how much she's given just to stay home with you."

Vanessa shrugged, "She's still dry."


"A mother's purpose is to be dry. A mother isn't supposed to be bestfriends with her daughter. Then she'd be irresponsible. When you get grown your relationship with your mother will evolve into respect, mutual respect. Right now she's the dryest of dryest." 


Vanessa laughed, "Dryest of dry? Funny. It's her fault Tommy got Tamarah pregnant."


Victoria's brows lifted, "What?"


"Mom said I couldn't go to the party and because of that, they ended up sleeping together. It was supposed to be me and him at that party, not Tamarah."


"So instead of her being pregnant it would have been you?" 


"No, I would have used condoms." 


Victoria felt her stomach get nauseas. "Condoms...V, girl, you are too damn young for sex."


Vanessa folded her arms, "I think I could handle it."


"Oh really?"


"Yeah, I mean, I wasn't going to do it with just anybody, only Tommy."


Victoria glanced at her neice, "What are you talking about?"


"I had plannned to be with him that night, ok, but mom...she..." Tears welled up in Vanessa's eyes and she began to cry again. She'd never cried so much in her life. 


"Vanessa love..." Victoria sighed and ran her hand over her neice's hair, "Your mom spared you hun."


"No she didn't. I became the laughing stock of the school. Not just that but everybody feels sorry for me and...Tommy..."


"Tommy what?"


"I hate him. I hate him for what he did. Just because she's skinny and pretty and have long..."


"Wait a minute...wait a minute...How did he and Tamarah end up sleeping together?"


"The party...that night..." Vanessa sniffled, tears heavily running down her eye lids..."They went to the party, ate gello shots and slept together, that's how."


"So they got drunk?" 


"Yeah, I mean, I don't even know what a jello shot is but they slept together after eating it.."


"Jello shots is when you mix alcahol, water and gello together and let it chill in the fridge til solid."




"So they slept together after gello shots?" 




"So then what happened wasn't intentionally?"


"I don't care, it was done." Vanessa bit her lip, trying to push back the tide of anger that wanted to errupt.


"Vanessa, you and Tamarah have been best friends since what..second grade or something?"


"Yeah, so."


"So you know her better than anyone else. Would she ever sleep with your guy intentionally? Would she have done it sober?"


Vanessa crossed her arms. "That doesn't matter. She did it and that's wrong."


"Were you in love with this guy Vanessa?"




"Were you in love with him? Can't eat, can't breathe, can't sleep? You know that weird love your parents have."


Vanessa squinched her brows disgusted, "That will never happen to me, that's gross."


Victoria sighed, "Then how can you say you were ready for sex if it's not that kind of love? What made you want to have sex with him?"


Vanessa smiled, "Have you seen him Auntie, he's fine."


Victoria hid the smirk that tried to come to her face. "So why are you upset with that? He's not the finest guy in town and to top it all off you don't even love him, you probably get all these stupid feelings when he touches you, but that's it. How often do you think about him?"


"Since what happened, I can't stop thinking about him."


"But it's not because you are miserable without him?" 


"I could actually shoot him right between the eyes for what he did." 


Victoria sighed, "Wow, you are violent. How can you say those things and be as upset as you are? You mad because she got him before you could?" 


Vanessa cheeks flushed and a deep red developed within them. Victoroia laughed, "Oh, my God. Vanessa, you are a fast bugger. I'm gonna tell your parents they created a seriously sexually repressed young lady."


"Aunt Vanessa, come on, why you gotta say it like that?"


"Cause it's true. I need to have a talk with De-De."


"Look, I can't help feeling like that. I wish it would go away but it won't. I just can't help but feel angry."


"When it's your time, I'm sure it will happen and when it does, you'll be happy that you didn't give it up to Tommy no matter how fine he is. By then, it'll be was."


"Look, Auntie, please don't tell mom about this talk ok. She'd kill me if she knew."


"The only way this convo won't get out is if you promise me that you won't have sex until you're over eighteen." 


Vanessa's eyes widened, "What?" 


"Yep, that's the deal, no nookie til you are at least eighteen."


Vanessa's mouth dropped open, "So I can't see what it feels like?" 


"No. Not until your eighteenth birthday." Victoria held out her pinky finger to her, "Pinky promise. I'm serious. I promise you if I hear about you thinking about that again, this whole conversation is going to your parents and you know your mom will kill you, if your dad don't do it first."


"Dad would never kill me, I'm his angel."


Victoria laughed, "That's what you think. Talk to him about sex and he'll bury you right where you stand."


"They had sex at seventeen."


"Older than fourteen and I'm not even going to drudge that up. They are together and married, now so what they did as teenagers is none of your concern."


"Come on Aunt Vicki, what if I waited til seventeen?"




"Three and a half years."


"You'll be turning fifteen this year, half down, three to go. Now pinky promise."


Vanessa could feel her body burning as she wrapped her pinky finger around her aunt's. "I don't like you." 


Victoria placed a kiss on her forehead and smiled, "It's for the best." As they sealed this deal, Victoria had no worries. Vanessa was more like her mother than she knew. One of the things she'd gotten from her was her reluctance to break promises. It would be difficult for her to break this one, especially when it was with her Aunt. Victoria had a persuasion with her that her mother didn't. As they finished up the conversation, her phone rang. 


"What are you doing with my daughter?" Her sister inquired.


"Cranky much? I got called to the school."


A sigh was heard as Densie's sleepiness was heard in her tone. "Why? I'm home."


"Yeah you are and you didn't answer. You nor Jordan, so I was called."


"Well, what happened?"


"I'll tell you when I bring her home."


Another yawn was heard, "You can bring her home. I..." Her voice trailed off.


"I'll keep her for a few hours sleeping beauty. Take care of my nephew or neice."


Nothing except snoring was heard on the other line. Victoria cut off the line and started the car. "Ok, Vanessa, where would you like to go?"




Victoria laughed, "Shop aholic, you probably got more clothes than your mama."


Chapter Seventeen

 Denise stopped by Tamarah's house after the young lady had gotten out of school for the day to check up on her. "Hi Mrs are you?" She greeted politely although her voice wasn't resonating a smile. "Hi Tamarah I just wanted to see how you are."

"I'm as fine as I can be considering the circumstances." 

"How is Angela?" Denise inquired.

"Doing what she does best. Working."

Denise sighed. Oh. Does she know about the baby?"

Tamarah shrugged, " Would you like to come in?"

 "If that's alright with you." Denise smiled as she entered the home. " I've always admired your mother's taste. She stated while going to sit on the plush sofa facing the large flat-screen on the wall. Tamarah gave her a small smile. "I would trade all of this for a mother who was home sometime. It's like she is here in name only." 


"How often are you here alone?"


Tamarah sighed, " Too often. I wish there was someone I could talk to, go some place where I matter." 


" Tamarah, you have so much in your life to be grateful for."


"Sure I suppose. I told my mom I was pregnant and she really didn't want to hear it."


"That sucks. I just wanted you to know that if youu need anything or anyone to talk to, I'm here and willing to communicate."


Tamarah gave a small smile, "Even after you know your daughter's boyfriend is the one who got me pregnant?"


Denise cleared her throat. "To be honest, Tamarah, we told Vanessa that boy wasn't any good. He was a slacker, always putting everything on her. I also think he watched her alot more than she knew."


Tamarah furrowed her brows, "Tommy? No, he's more concerned with what it looks like to others and himself than he is with her. He's a very shallow guy."


"Covetous, yes, shallow, no."


"Covetous? How's that when they were dating."


"I bet he got jealous when ever any guy came up to talk to her, didn't he?"


"Vanessa's never had guys approaching her."


"you don't think he had anything to do with that?"


Tamarah shook her head, "I don't know."


"Trust me, I was a teenager once, and I had a boyfriend that terrorized the whole school."


"I thought Mr. Williams was the only man you'd ever been with?"


Denise smiled, "In many ways yes, but he wasn't my first boyfriend. I dated a guy that was abusive and Tommy exhue the same characteristics he did."


Tamarah laughed, "Trust me Mrs. Williams, Tommy would never hit Vanessa. He's not mean in that way. He may beat up some other guy over her, but he'd never lay a finger on her, she's like his golden egg, you know. Lovely to look at, but never to touch."


"He's still not good for her."


Tamarah sighed, "Yeah, I can picture him stalking her, maybe begging her to be with him but not physically assaulting her. He adores her very much. In many ways similar to the way Mr. Williams adore you."


Denise shook her head no. "My husband would never sleep with my

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