» Drama » Academy of realization, Maria D. [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Academy of realization, Maria D. [best large ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Maria D.

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I was walking through the halls I saw a confused man walking through the hall "hey can I help you with anything" I asked the man.

He brightened and said "yes actually can you tell me where the principal is" 

"He's in the courtyard" I said and gave him directions, thinking he must be a parent that got confused by the protection and scanning charms that surroundd the front office. He said a quick word of thanks, and walked with a brisk pace to the courtyard. I got a quick shower and went into my dorm and laid on my bed, luckily I didn't have a roommate so I could pretty much put my stuff where I want. There was a screen being projected from a crystal on my desk, I saw the principal roll up the giant uhh name scroll? Ugh whatever the thing he calls names off of, he rolled it up and the stranger walked up behind him. 

"Can I help you" I heard the principal say, his voice being projected through the crystal.

The man showed an amazingly big and bright smile "Yes" he said "you can all burn". 

The principal looked as though he wanted to shout something but the stranger beat him to it, the man burst into flames no burst isn't the word the man exploded, incinerating the principal on the spot and I saw several magical shields being erected. I felt the entire building shake and I knew many people were dead or horribly maimed, I heard stomping and yelling but it wasn't from kids it sounded like an army a very hostile army. I started gathering the necessities, mainly snacks and food that didn't need to be refrigerated and looked frantically fro a place to put them, I dumped everything out of my bag and stuffed the food in. I got two more changes of clothes, my deodorant and back up deodorant and, I was gone. I broke my window open and dropped down onto the lege under it and held myself against the side of the building and kept quiet.

I heard them bust into my room and look for me tossing everythin, I heard a distinctly loud thump which must have been them flipping my bed over. A man only a few years older than me noticed the broken window, he  poked his head out of it surveying the situation. He started looking my way and my breath caught, his eyes locked onto mine and he held a finger to his lips and went back into the room. I heard someone shout "There's no one here, move out search every room, every closet EVERYTHING"

I let out a sigh of relief and waited, I heard the sound of boots shuffling out of my room. I waited for about five minutes to make sure they were gone and I climbed back in the winow. I moved silently and swiftly haveing to hide several times, I made it to the side doors and out into the courtyard and gagged as the scent of burning bodies hit me I felt tears welling up in my eyes threatening to spill over. Everything I had known and loved was here, my parents had dumped me at the earliest opportunity and abandoned me never writing and honestly I didn't want to hear from anyone that horrible. I blinked the tears out of my eyes and moved forward cautiously, not looking down for fear I wouldn't able to stop the tears that what I saw would bring. I was almost to the end of the courtyard when people surrounded me from all sides, there were about five men and women only a few years older than me. 

"Come with us and we'll see to it that your end is swift" said a man that was obviously the leader.

I clenched my fist, if I was going to die I was going to die fighting. I opened my hand which was still at about waist level and pored all of my willpower into this one thing, I needed something that could kill  no I wanted something that could kill. They were going to pay every single one of them I thought to myself, I needed something stong, something exquisite, and I poured everhting into this one object, all my fear, sadness, my anger no my rage. These thoughts took place in the space of a split second and in that second something appeard in my hand and I grasped it, bringing it up to block the incoming side strike from the leaders sword as I did that I saw that I was holding a black scimitar with a silver moon emblazoned on both sides of the blade. I gave a maniacal grin and knocked his blade aside and pressed forward, I was inside the man's guard in a second and quickly pressed my advantage only to be stopped by one of his compatriots. I was once again boxed in when a ball purple ball of pure arcane energy smahsed into the group disintergrating two of my foes, Anthony was suddenly at my back blocking an incoming stab that was aimed at me while i was distacted.

He caught my eye and winked making a blade of pure magic, I ran my sword through the stomach of the man charging me before he could react to the pain I extracted my sword from his gut and quickly severed his head. I pivoted on the ball of my foot and block the overhead swing of an axe from a burly woman by holding my sword horizontally, I pushed back up against her and kicked her in the stomach before sidestepping another sword thrust, after sidestepping the thrust the man's sword pierced his comrades heart killing her. I was going for a swing at the man who killed his ally when I felt a burning pain in my right shoulder, I looked down and saw the end of a blae poking out. I felt and slide out of the wound and cried out in pain, I staggered and clutched the wound I had just a second to recover before rolling to get out of the way.

"Get out of here Aiden!!" Anthony shouted at me "I've got this!" 

I nodded whispering a word of thanks befor shooting off across the courtyard, my adenaline temporarily making me forget my injury I made it to the edge of the forest and hesitated a split second before plunging into the green depths.






Text: me
Images: me
Editing: me
Translation: MEH
Publication Date: 05-02-2015

All Rights Reserved

My friend did all of this I just uploaded it :)

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