Just a Regular . . .Me, Sierra K Y [book suggestions .TXT] 📗

- Author: Sierra K Y
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into another. She explained how when rumors are spread how easily it is for one thing to sound like a totally different thing, and the truth could easily turn into a lie by a simple misunderstanding. Then, we had to do a rough draft of a banner showing something involving citizenship. My group decided to do it like this: (picture)
We spent the whole period drawing ad coloring this. Vanessa started bragging on and on about clothes, money, etc.
“When will she give it a break? We all know she’s rich, has all the designer clothes, blah, blah, blah, “Courtney whispered to me. I chuckled.
“Wow! You two are such gossipers. Rude, much?” Vanessa said to us.
“Totally!” one of the other Clique members agreed.
“Look who’s talking, Ms. Rude herself,” Courtney said wit fully.
“Ugh . . . Do you have to ruin everyone’s day?” Vanessa replied.
“No that’s your job.”
“You are so mean!”Vanessa said angrily.
“It’s so sad that you talk to yourself, especially if you’re going to insult yourself,” Courtney said with fake sympathy.
“You’re annoying!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“There she goes again. Calling herself names and such. Poor Vanessa, she needs serious help. Actually, my mom has a friend who works with the loonies.”
“Seriously! OMG!!!” Vanessa yelled before running off to gossip with the Cliques.
“I just love watching her get upset,” said Courtney.
“You know that makes you seem like a mean, evil torturer, right?” commented J.J.
“Wow, J.J., way to sum it up,” Leila joined in.
“Stop teasing me,” Courtney said. It seemed like she lost all her courage. I was so confused :( .
“Time’s up for pictures,” called the counselor.
“Yay! Lunch-time :) !” I called. I was starved!
When we got to the lunch room Courtney looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” asked J.J.
“Well, I didn’t want to tell you guys, but . . . .” her voice trailed off.
“What?” asked Leila.
“Well, I’m . . . moving to New York. My dad got this awesome job there.” J.J.’s face paled.
“Wha . . . What?” asked J.J. shaking. “When?”
“My mom’s just letting me stay here forHalloween.” We didn’t talk for the rest of lunch. Suddenly my salad didn’t look pleasing. I felt sick, to the pit of my stomach. I watched the people around me leave the lunchroom. I left when there were only few students spread around the room.
We had a few minutes until 3rd period which was History with Mr. Mien (aka Mr. Mean). We have to each take a 30 minute turn to teach the class a subject we haven’t learned. Last time this boy named Danny made us read these history books, but we didn’t have time to finish the books and we had to take a quiz on it, so pretty much everyone failed and each grade on our quizzes we got was a portion of our final participation grade.
When it was my turn, I could barely stand without blushing crazily. I was talking about how“The Shot Heard Around the World” started the war. It was a pretty boring subject because I couldn’t do much with it, and I’m not into that sort of stuff. I ended up making crossword puzzles and word searches on this cool website. All you had to do was put in the words you wanted and it sorted itself out. Then I handed out some candy.
Leila’s project was so cool. She did a puppet show, a play, and divided the room up into red coats and blue coats. We, then, went outside and had a game of revolutionary dodge ball. Totally beats word finds. :(
Then the bell rang, and we all ran inside. We got our stuff and rushed into the halls. I saw Kason talking to Leila about something. They were laughing and he said something about liking something (or someone) and about it (or her) was cool. I guess he likes Leila al lot. ( SO JELOUS! :( )
The bell rang for 4th period. It was half computers with Mr. Nike and half library with Mr. Smith. In computers we just had to type a little and play some typing games. Class goes by really fast so not much happened, but in library Vanessa continued bragging about how her and this guy from California are dating. So weird!
Any who, Mr. Smith started talking about how the school is going to have a Pumpkin Fest. on October . It’s like a school carnival, but we will be having hayrides, a corn maze, halloween music, food, and games. Everyone seemed really excited about the festival.
Mr. Smith also said that afterward everyone could tell or read scary stories.
“I am going to tell a story so scary even Vanessa will wet her designer pants!” boasted Joe, the class clown. Some kids giggled at the joke, but immediately stopped when Vanessa glared at them.
“Nothing scares me,” Vanessa said to Joe.
“Except for breaking a nail, being dumped, someone ruining her make-up in public . . . “ Courtney whispered.
“Ugh . . . I just can’t wait till you leave this school, but I feel bad for the students in New York that will have to put up with you.” Vanessa said.
“Well, at least they don’t have to see that face of yours,” Courtney argued back.
“Girls, stop arguing,” said Mr. Smith.
“Whatever,” muttered Vanessa.
Mr. Smith gave us a couple minutes to get a book before our next class. I got a how-to-cook book. Trey (one of the geeks) checked out When Dinosaurs Ruled the World, which didn’t look very pleasing from the front cover.
“I wonder what time it is. I want to know how many hours ‘till school ends. I have a manicure waiting for me at the spa,” said Vanessa trying to get Kason to look over. I was trying not to look at her in disgust, but it was so hard not to.
“Wow Vanessa, you do really need that manicure. I hope school ends soon,” said Courtney as casual as possible. I giggled a little under my breath which Vanessa might have heard, although she didn’t.
“You are really getting on my nerves Courtney. You better watch what you say,” Vanessa said trying to sound intimidating. Courtney smirked like she didn’t care just when the bell rang.
“I hate that sound so much,” said Courtney covering her ears.
“What, the bell? I don’t think it’s that bad.” I told Courtney.
“No, Vanessa’s voice. It’s so annoying, and weird,” she said being funny. In the hall Leila caught up to me.
“Hey, are you mad at me or something?”she said looking confused.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Well, you didn’t sit next to me or talk to me in computers or library,” she explained.
“Oh . . . I’m sorry. On a totally unrelated subject, what were you and Kason talking about in the hall?”
“Why?”she asked suspiciously.
“I kind of overheard parts of it-”
“What parts?”
“He said something about liking someone because they’re cool and-”
“Okay! First of all that “someone” is a something. Second of all that “something” was my presentation in history. He liked all of the stuff I did.”
“That makes SO much more sense!” I exclaimed. The bell rang.
“OMG! We’re going to be late for class!”
We rushed down the halls, squeezing past other kids trying to get to their classes. We, finally, made it to 5th period, Music with Mrs. Walker. She was an okay teacher, but she was very strict. If I even whisper, I get in a lot of trouble, but even if Joe interrupts the class repetivly and makes inappropriate jokes she laughs or gives him a “warning”. Today we had a substitute named Mr. Shaman, and because he wasn’t a “music expert” we just did a worksheet on identifying music notes, then played some games.
School ended at 12:45 instead of 3:05 and Leila asked me if I could come over for a sleep-over.
“It will be so much fun! Mia (Leila's 18 year old sister) and Courtney are coming, so it will be awesome for you to come to! Here you can use my phone to call your mom,” she said pulling out her pink and jeweled Apple iPhone 4S. I was like the only 12 year old without a phone.
I pushed down on the numbers of my mom’s cell. The numbers appeared on the screen as the ringer beeped into my ear.
“Hello, Mrs. Peggy Luther speaking,” answered my mom.
“Hey, mom, can I spend the night at Leila’s?”I asked.
“If it’s okay with her parents it’s okay with me.” I looked at Leila, and she said her parents approved.
“It is. Thanks mom. Love you,” I said.
“Love you, too. Bye,” she said before hanging up.
“Yes !” I yelled excitedly.
“Woo - Hoo!” Leila said bouncing up and down, making her blonde curls dance about. We found Courtney and waited for Mrs. Benson (Leila’s mom). I recognized the blue porsche as it pulled into the school parking lot. We all climbed into the car.
“How have you girls been?” she asked in a sweet voice.
“You girls have very specific moods,” Mrs. Benson teased. We talked about school stuff until we got to Leila’s house. I had been to Leila’s house before, but I forgot how big it was. I mean, it’s HUGE! (picture) It’s hard to remember Leila’s rich, because I used to think all rich people acted like Vanessa, (spoiled, boastful, rude, and annoying, ) and fortunately Leila was nothing like Vanessa.
Any who, right as Leila opened the door a girl jumped on her knocking her to the floor wrapped in a giant bear hug.
We spent the whole period drawing ad coloring this. Vanessa started bragging on and on about clothes, money, etc.
“When will she give it a break? We all know she’s rich, has all the designer clothes, blah, blah, blah, “Courtney whispered to me. I chuckled.
“Wow! You two are such gossipers. Rude, much?” Vanessa said to us.
“Totally!” one of the other Clique members agreed.
“Look who’s talking, Ms. Rude herself,” Courtney said wit fully.
“Ugh . . . Do you have to ruin everyone’s day?” Vanessa replied.
“No that’s your job.”
“You are so mean!”Vanessa said angrily.
“It’s so sad that you talk to yourself, especially if you’re going to insult yourself,” Courtney said with fake sympathy.
“You’re annoying!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“There she goes again. Calling herself names and such. Poor Vanessa, she needs serious help. Actually, my mom has a friend who works with the loonies.”
“Seriously! OMG!!!” Vanessa yelled before running off to gossip with the Cliques.
“I just love watching her get upset,” said Courtney.
“You know that makes you seem like a mean, evil torturer, right?” commented J.J.
“Wow, J.J., way to sum it up,” Leila joined in.
“Stop teasing me,” Courtney said. It seemed like she lost all her courage. I was so confused :( .
“Time’s up for pictures,” called the counselor.
“Yay! Lunch-time :) !” I called. I was starved!
When we got to the lunch room Courtney looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” asked J.J.
“Well, I didn’t want to tell you guys, but . . . .” her voice trailed off.
“What?” asked Leila.
“Well, I’m . . . moving to New York. My dad got this awesome job there.” J.J.’s face paled.
“Wha . . . What?” asked J.J. shaking. “When?”
“My mom’s just letting me stay here forHalloween.” We didn’t talk for the rest of lunch. Suddenly my salad didn’t look pleasing. I felt sick, to the pit of my stomach. I watched the people around me leave the lunchroom. I left when there were only few students spread around the room.
We had a few minutes until 3rd period which was History with Mr. Mien (aka Mr. Mean). We have to each take a 30 minute turn to teach the class a subject we haven’t learned. Last time this boy named Danny made us read these history books, but we didn’t have time to finish the books and we had to take a quiz on it, so pretty much everyone failed and each grade on our quizzes we got was a portion of our final participation grade.
When it was my turn, I could barely stand without blushing crazily. I was talking about how“The Shot Heard Around the World” started the war. It was a pretty boring subject because I couldn’t do much with it, and I’m not into that sort of stuff. I ended up making crossword puzzles and word searches on this cool website. All you had to do was put in the words you wanted and it sorted itself out. Then I handed out some candy.
Leila’s project was so cool. She did a puppet show, a play, and divided the room up into red coats and blue coats. We, then, went outside and had a game of revolutionary dodge ball. Totally beats word finds. :(
Then the bell rang, and we all ran inside. We got our stuff and rushed into the halls. I saw Kason talking to Leila about something. They were laughing and he said something about liking something (or someone) and about it (or her) was cool. I guess he likes Leila al lot. ( SO JELOUS! :( )
The bell rang for 4th period. It was half computers with Mr. Nike and half library with Mr. Smith. In computers we just had to type a little and play some typing games. Class goes by really fast so not much happened, but in library Vanessa continued bragging about how her and this guy from California are dating. So weird!
Any who, Mr. Smith started talking about how the school is going to have a Pumpkin Fest. on October . It’s like a school carnival, but we will be having hayrides, a corn maze, halloween music, food, and games. Everyone seemed really excited about the festival.
Mr. Smith also said that afterward everyone could tell or read scary stories.
“I am going to tell a story so scary even Vanessa will wet her designer pants!” boasted Joe, the class clown. Some kids giggled at the joke, but immediately stopped when Vanessa glared at them.
“Nothing scares me,” Vanessa said to Joe.
“Except for breaking a nail, being dumped, someone ruining her make-up in public . . . “ Courtney whispered.
“Ugh . . . I just can’t wait till you leave this school, but I feel bad for the students in New York that will have to put up with you.” Vanessa said.
“Well, at least they don’t have to see that face of yours,” Courtney argued back.
“Girls, stop arguing,” said Mr. Smith.
“Whatever,” muttered Vanessa.
Mr. Smith gave us a couple minutes to get a book before our next class. I got a how-to-cook book. Trey (one of the geeks) checked out When Dinosaurs Ruled the World, which didn’t look very pleasing from the front cover.
“I wonder what time it is. I want to know how many hours ‘till school ends. I have a manicure waiting for me at the spa,” said Vanessa trying to get Kason to look over. I was trying not to look at her in disgust, but it was so hard not to.
“Wow Vanessa, you do really need that manicure. I hope school ends soon,” said Courtney as casual as possible. I giggled a little under my breath which Vanessa might have heard, although she didn’t.
“You are really getting on my nerves Courtney. You better watch what you say,” Vanessa said trying to sound intimidating. Courtney smirked like she didn’t care just when the bell rang.
“I hate that sound so much,” said Courtney covering her ears.
“What, the bell? I don’t think it’s that bad.” I told Courtney.
“No, Vanessa’s voice. It’s so annoying, and weird,” she said being funny. In the hall Leila caught up to me.
“Hey, are you mad at me or something?”she said looking confused.
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Well, you didn’t sit next to me or talk to me in computers or library,” she explained.
“Oh . . . I’m sorry. On a totally unrelated subject, what were you and Kason talking about in the hall?”
“Why?”she asked suspiciously.
“I kind of overheard parts of it-”
“What parts?”
“He said something about liking someone because they’re cool and-”
“Okay! First of all that “someone” is a something. Second of all that “something” was my presentation in history. He liked all of the stuff I did.”
“That makes SO much more sense!” I exclaimed. The bell rang.
“OMG! We’re going to be late for class!”
We rushed down the halls, squeezing past other kids trying to get to their classes. We, finally, made it to 5th period, Music with Mrs. Walker. She was an okay teacher, but she was very strict. If I even whisper, I get in a lot of trouble, but even if Joe interrupts the class repetivly and makes inappropriate jokes she laughs or gives him a “warning”. Today we had a substitute named Mr. Shaman, and because he wasn’t a “music expert” we just did a worksheet on identifying music notes, then played some games.
School ended at 12:45 instead of 3:05 and Leila asked me if I could come over for a sleep-over.
“It will be so much fun! Mia (Leila's 18 year old sister) and Courtney are coming, so it will be awesome for you to come to! Here you can use my phone to call your mom,” she said pulling out her pink and jeweled Apple iPhone 4S. I was like the only 12 year old without a phone.
I pushed down on the numbers of my mom’s cell. The numbers appeared on the screen as the ringer beeped into my ear.
“Hello, Mrs. Peggy Luther speaking,” answered my mom.
“Hey, mom, can I spend the night at Leila’s?”I asked.
“If it’s okay with her parents it’s okay with me.” I looked at Leila, and she said her parents approved.
“It is. Thanks mom. Love you,” I said.
“Love you, too. Bye,” she said before hanging up.
“Yes !” I yelled excitedly.
“Woo - Hoo!” Leila said bouncing up and down, making her blonde curls dance about. We found Courtney and waited for Mrs. Benson (Leila’s mom). I recognized the blue porsche as it pulled into the school parking lot. We all climbed into the car.
“How have you girls been?” she asked in a sweet voice.
“You girls have very specific moods,” Mrs. Benson teased. We talked about school stuff until we got to Leila’s house. I had been to Leila’s house before, but I forgot how big it was. I mean, it’s HUGE! (picture) It’s hard to remember Leila’s rich, because I used to think all rich people acted like Vanessa, (spoiled, boastful, rude, and annoying, ) and fortunately Leila was nothing like Vanessa.
Any who, right as Leila opened the door a girl jumped on her knocking her to the floor wrapped in a giant bear hug.
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