» Drama » Losers Never Win, Black Ghost [top 100 books to read txt] 📗

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opened the door.

            Cain glanced at the different faces he didn’t know as he went to a seat in the back. He hated school, and had a particular bad attitude toward English, because it was the cause for him being held back in the fifth grade. Cain sat down in his seat dropping his backpack by his side. It took a while for the classroom to fill up, but the remainder of the students got into the room before the late bell rang.

            The teacher, Ms. Nancy, a younger lady stood in front of the class smiling. She noticed Cain the second he entered the room. “Hey class, hope you had a good weekend.” She greeted. Some students nodded, but the majority paid her little mind. “Well, it comes to my attention that we have a new student,” Ms. Nancy shot Cain a friendly smile, which he did not return. “Why don’t you tell us your name hun.”

            With out standing up, Cain lifted his head, staring Ms. Nancy in the eye. “Cain…” he exclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. Ms. Nancy’s smile kind of faded as Cain continued to stare at her. There was something about the look in eyes that wasn’t right.

            Ms. Nancy came back to her senses and pulled out a novel from her desk. “So, if you all would take out your books, we can pick back up where we started,” She announced. She went over to Cain and handed him a copy of the book ‘The Scarlet letter’. Cain was hesitant to take the book, showing zero interest in what they were about to do.

            After giving her new student the novel, Ms. Nancy stepped back a little weary about him. She returned to the front of the class and began her lesson plan. Cain zoned out at once. He gazed around the room to see if there were any attractive females near him. One girl a couple of seats from his right was appealing. She had medium brown hair, smooth skin, and soft features.

            Cain leaned back in his desk studying her. He knew it was only a matter of seconds before she would feel his eyes. Just like he had predicted the girl glanced behind her. She locked eyes with Cain for a moment before quickly turning her head forward. Cain bit his lip, angry that she showed no sign of interest in him. With nothing else to do, he placed his head on the desk and closed his eyes.

            “Cain,” Ms. Nancy exclaimed, waking Cain from his slumber. He jerked his head up and looked around the class. All eyes were on him. “Can you pick up for us on page 141?”

            Cain scrunched his face in confusion. “Huh?”

            “Were reading The Scarlet letter, and I would like for you to read the next few paragraphs,” She explained. Cain slowly slid his book open, completely lost. “Were on page 141, paragraph three.” 

            Cain flipped through the pages, finally locating where he needed to be. He stared at the mass amount of words that filled the page. His heart rate slowed when he fully realized what he had to do.

            “Umm,” Cain paused, getting one final moment to mentally prepare himself for something he was never good at, reading. “The-they walked, to the, town hall… uh, center. For the the…”.

            “The ceremony,” Ms. Nancy assisted, helping him with the word that tied his brain.

            “Ceremony,” Cain repeated. He heard kids snickering around him. Ms. Nancy cleared her throat, quieting those that laughed. Cain tightened his grip on the book and continued to read. “When, they reached, reached th-the.” Before he could get the word out, someone’s quiet chuckle transformed into a full on laugh. That was the last straw. Cain’s head shot up and he glared at the guy who laughed at him with burning eyes. “Somethin’s funny?” Cain blurted out. His rage quieted the classroom. “Smile one more time and see what happens!”

            “Cain, calm down sweetie,” Ms. Nancy told him, but it was too late. Cain’s short temper had snapped.

            “Man they think it’s funny, but aint shit funny though,” He barked, letting his anger lose. The guy who snickered at Cain was looking at him, still having a hard time holding his smile back. Cain noticed this and stood from his seat. “You think I’m playin’ huh?” Ms. Nancy reached and grabbed Cain by the arm, outraged at his actions.

            “Cain, sit down now!” she commanded. With out a word, Cain spun around and glared at Ms. Nancy with eyes that would intimidate a fearless man. She took a step back and let go of him. “… I want you out of my room. Now,” Ms. Nancy ordered. She was frightened, but held herself steady.

            Cain slapped the book off his desk. “Fuck this,” he told Ms. Nancy to her face. She watched as he stormed out of the classroom, leaving his belongings behind.



            By the time the lunch bell rang, Cain was getting out of detention. His performance in English class cost him twelve hours of after school detention. Something that wasn’t new to him. He walked out of the prison like class and through the halls.

            His first day of school and things were already going bad. Cain went to the lunchroom, getting in the free and reduced lunch line. It took about twenty minutes for him to get his food and it wasn’t worth the wait. On his plate was a scoop of day old spaghetti, cold corn bread, rice, and green beans.   

            Cain exited the cafeteria with his unwanted meal and went outside. He noticed the school was completely divided into groups. Walking through the gym he found out that that’s where most of the black students hung out. Around the outskirts of the gym were Mexicans, Hispanics, and other kids of that descent. The lunchroom was where most of the white students were, and the popular kids where outside in their circles. There weren’t many Orientals or other races at his school, but the ones who were where scatted amongst the various other groups.

            With no one to hang with, Cain found a seat on the stadium steps. He set his plate aside and stared at the field. This school sucked to him. He preferred his old school over this place. Cain picked up his fork and began eating his food.

            When he was finished he leaned back on the steps in a miserable state of mind. Bored, Cain looked around him, catching sight of a girl all the way across the stadium. It was Serena.

            Serena sat alone as well, appearing more upset than Cain. She hadn’t touched her lunch and didn’t plan too either. Cain watched her as she sulked there in the seat. There was something different about her than the others. Something that Cain felt from where he sat.

            The class bell rang, indicating that lunch was over. The ringing of the bell broke him from his thoughts. He stood up, straightening his clothes. Cain looked over, stealing one last glance at Serena before he left the stadium, knowing he had a long day ahead of him.

Chapter 5

The same day after lunch was over, Serena walked to her fifth period class, which was gym. She got there extra earlier and sat on the far side of the bleachers. Minutes later, students started to fill up the gym. They piled unto the stands staying amongst their group of friends; leaving Serena by herself.

            The gym teacher, Coach Long entered the room once the late bell rang. He stood in front of the class and folded his arms. “Quiet down,” he said, raising his voice over the teens. “I need to take attendance,” He lifted his notepad and began calling out names.


            As Coach Long performed roll call, Serena felt stares and glanced to her right. A group of students, both girls and guys were at the top of the bleachers. They appeared to be looking at her clothing snickering to each other. Serena moved her eyes to the busted shoes that covered her feet. She’s had them for two years, but couldn’t afford anymore. Her shirt was unappealing as well, and her old jeans didn’t help. Compared to the others she was a fashion train wreck.

            She turned her head away from them, imagining the things they were saying about her. “Serena Woods, … Serena Woods,” Coach Long repeated, breaking Serena out of her daze. The coach was gazing at her with his notepad in hand. He knew he had a new student, but wanted to make sure she was her. “Your Serena aren’t you?” he asked.

            Serena slowly nodded her head.  “Y-yea,” she stammered. Some of the teens in the class chuckled at her lack of awareness, making Serena feel that much more uncomfortable.

            “Alright, the rest of ya’ll go get dressed. Serena, you wait here, I gotta get your uniform,” Coach Long informed, walking toward his office. Serena remained still, watching the other kids swarm into the different locker rooms. When Coach Long returned he handed Serena a grey and blue P.E uniform. “Here you go,” he smiled.

            Serena received the uniform and got up from the bleachers. Gym was her least favorite class; athletics have never been her strong side. She dragged her feet to the girl’s locker room, heading down the stairs.

            All the girls in her gym class were scattered throughout the locker room getting dressed. Serena moved through the cluster of females heading to the bathroom to change clothes. Due to certain past events, being naked in front of others was too much for her. She went to a bathroom stall and started to undress.

            Since she was the last person to get ready, Serena lingered around the locker room for a little bit. Knowing she couldn’t stay back any longer, Serena forced herself to exit the girl’s locker room and walked back to the basketball court. Coach Long stood in front of the class holding a mesh bag. He had his whistle hanging from his mouth as if it were a cigarette.

            “Today we’re playing volley ball, same as yesterday. I want this half of you over there, and the other half right here,” The coach instructed, pointing to two different volleyball court set-ups in the gym. The class took their time to divide, and took even longer to form two teams.

            Coach Long walked in the middle of the gym between the two volleyball nets. He removed two balls from a mesh bag and tossed them over to the students. “You know the rules,” he called out, placing on his dark shades. “Play ball!” he blew his whistle loudly, hurting a few ears.

            The class immediately started their game, hitting the balls back and forth between the teams. Serena was on the right side of the gym, standing as far away from the net as possible. She never played volleyball before, and didn’t know the rules. She just hopped the ball wouldn’t come her way.

            One girl named Jenifer was doing more talking than playing. Her and her friend Eliza were standing in front of Serena. When someone on the other team struck the volleyball, it flew

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