» Drama » Sympathetic Apathy, Tyler McAlister [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Sympathetic Apathy, Tyler McAlister [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Tyler McAlister

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Douglass can't be heard outside of the bar.  I'd go back for the poor fucker once we needed him.   I'm now pulling up into his drive way, which has a circular design, which is good in case of my need for a quick get away, park your car facing the street, lock all the doors except for the driver's.  

Now I can go into Mason's home, I won't be knocking and going through the front door.  I go to the window on the side of the house and force it open, after carefully around the house, checking to make sure Mason was home alone, I approach the bedroom to where I find him sitting on his bed listening to a record, the tune sounding similar to "I wanna marry a light house keeper".  Suddenly he notices me in the door way, "FUCKING JESUS!" He falls over, knocking the lamp off the stand.  "No just me I'm afraid" I say.  "What the fuck are you doing here?"  I go ahead and explain to him the whole episode that occurred back at the bar.  

Mason of course tells me that I'm not fired from the bank job, but that's not what concerns me, my family has been expecting to see my project for months, and now It's all been cut away from all of us.  Mason says I can't kill him.  It's not an option.  I'd be doing us all in if I killed him.   Mason wasn't the person I needed to go to, I realize this now as he forces me out of his home.   I know where I need to go.  

Chapter 6: The Church


I knew I'd find the answer here.  God has never failed me before, as I walk through the church to the praying ground, I feel a strange sensation walking past each person, why are they here?  What have they done?  Or what haven't done?  No one goes to church to have a good time.  Unless they're a bunch of teenages kids who can't make a friend outside of a widespread religion.  These people have problems like any one else, like I do.  I love the design of the church.  The carpet is red like blood, with a crest of gold like color rolling through it.  Light, shining through the windows, as if god is guiding me through the hall.  Finally I'm here, I will have the talk that I've needed with god.  He knows what I shall do, and I will heed his advice.   


It's been seven hours.   I've finally come to my conclusion on what needs to be done.  I know what I have to do.    I need to go home.  I start the evening off with a bit of planning I need to be gone for the next few hours.  I'd take a small vacation then come back to do what I need to.  

I pack everything I need, clothes, pills, and my gun of course, can't go anywhere without that.  It'd be a quickie, but I needed to head dead straight out of town, and kill ANYONE, I come into contact with because otherwise, the jig is up.  And I'm exposed.  

I get a few miles out of town when suddenly I realize I forgot the most important factor of my trip.  a mask.  I'd stop at the first sport shop and take several, the employee at the counter has now become liable to become a victim.  I walk inside and instantly he spots me.   I know already that I can't let him live.  

Luckily we're alone in the store, and the cameras are not strategically place.  I take out the wire.  I call him over, ask if he can read some fine print where we're hidden from the camera by a clothing rack.  

He kneels down to read it but it's already too late for our poor friend here, I wrap the wiring around his neck and pull it tightly, in this way, not only is this cutting off his air, but it's slicing his throat at the same time.  A minute or two passes before he gives in.  

Hide him in the clothing rack, wash off your hands, take the security footage, grab the masks, leave.  We're clear.  Now, I've got to get to Baker before I end up taking my enjoyment out on someone else.  

Act: III: Revelations


 Back to Thomas.

Chapter 7: The Suicide


I made it home without the interruption of Raymond here, which is strange but, I'm not going to question it.  I have a voicemail on my machine but by this point, I don't care anymore.  I've had a very fucked up day and I don't want to put up with anymore people.  I need to sleep.


I've awoken, it's a new day of misery dealing with these fucking people.  I run through my morning routine as I always do, then make my way down stairs.  There's not a knock on the door like there usually is, as a matter of fact there's nothing, no call, no Raymond showing up at my door.  My morning is of peace.  

I must head to work, I'll ask for my voicemails there.  I'm riding to work, I have strange feeling that something bad has happened, but I'll ignore it for now, suddenly my phone is ringing, but why?  Who would have reason to call me?  I've never seen this number before.   I answer, it's the boy scout, he sounds as if he's in tears.  "Vincent's gone!  What did you you do to him you evil bastard!?"  Vincent?  Gone?  Presumably Mason took matters into his own hands and ended him for me.  

That's one less issue.  I hang up on the man.   Mostly because I've arrived in the workplace parking lot but also because I'm annoyed with his voice.  I need to get in, I'm sure I missed a lot while I was away yesterday.  I get to my office.  When  I get there, Nancy informs that there hasn't been any calls for me, except for one that's been left on my voicemail, from my brother Raymond.  

I guess, I'll give it a listen just to see he has to say I suppose.  I enter my office and have a seat in my chair, leaning over to the machine to hit the play button.  "You've one new message" *Beep*, Raymond sounds as if he's been sobbing.  "Thomas, I can't take the way you've been treating this family, and now Stephen's gone, he past away last night and I don't feel like I'm gonna be able to go on without him, because the way you act is anything but a sibling, you used to be my brother Thomas, now you're just another business associate.  I still love you.  And I want you to know I forgive you."  There's a loud pop, something that you'd hear in an action movie.  

A wave of terror I haven't experienced in years rolls over me.  Nothing but chills.  My mind is going, I can feel it.   This is unreal, this is a trick of some sort.  I'll go to Raymond's house, he strategically moved into a house that's not too far from the business, I try to keep my composure as well as I can, notifying Nancy that I'm going out on a business meeting, can't let her know that it's for personal reason or I'd seem like I didn't care about my work.  

I'm making my way over to Raymond's house, twenty thoughts hitting my brain per minute.   I've arrived at his house, I'm not knocking I'm going straight in, the whole place is alreadu wrapped in crime scene tape but that's not going to stop me, I need to see my brother, I need to know this is true, I get inside and the house is set up as it usually is, my brother has had the same arrangement in his house for all the years he's lived here.  

I wander inside, to nothingness, there's a strange silence to the place when the sound is broken by a man yelling at me "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD?!"  Who the fuck is he?  Why's he here?  He certainly doesn't resemble anything that of an officer or of a detective.  

"Who the fuck are you?"  I ask him,  he retorts with "I'm the owner of this home!  What're you doing here?!"  What?  "My brother's lived here for years".  He tells me no one's lived here except him, for about 5 years now.  What? What is happening?  Even more terror rushes over me.  Who the fuck is this guy?  He forces me out of his home, when I get outside, there's no longer crime tape anymore.  

What's happening?  Am I seeing things?  Fuck's sake.   I need to talk to someone, I'll go talk to mother, she knows Raymond, Raymond, my brother.   I have two brothers, I know it.

Chapter 8: Mom's help


 I'm heading

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