» Drama » The Runaway, J.M. Hurley [icecream ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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for something on it, then pressed down and it popped open. Instead of the clockwork that I was expecting, a gorgeous gem was present, sparkling beautifully in the moonlight.

“Come with me, there is something I’d like to show you now that you aren’t running away,” he said as he grabbed my hand and started off. We walked for awhile until we came up to a beautiful lake, the moonlight bounced off of it, making it shimmer.

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered and he smiled.

“Yes, I thought so too,” he said and I noticed he had a sad air about him.

“Where is this?” I asked and he turned to face me.

“It’s in Italy, maybe you’ll visit it,” he said with a smile, but his voice was heavy with sadness.

“How do you know about this place?” I asked and then I bit my tongue, my words seemed to make his sadness worse.

“I used to live here; it’s a lovely little town, just east of Milan.”

I smiled and patted his shoulder, “Well, that means it’s nearby, of course I’ll visit, and it’s the least I can do for you saving me.” He turned away from me and my hand slipped off his shoulder.

“Maybe I shouldn’t go?” I asked and he shook his head quickly.

“No I want you to go, I’m fine, really,” he assured me and I felt he was convincing himself more than me.
“How did you know that I’d find that necklace?” I asked finally, breaking the silence and he turned to face me, confused.

“Well, it was stolen from that building just after the dream, I guess I just assumed it’d been you, then when I asked about it, you seemed to think nothing of it,” he explained and I giggled.

“I didn’t steal it from Italy! But I suppose I did end up ‘stealing’ it from the Landon’s, I was going to put it back but they weren’t very kind to me,” I said and he looked up at me with confusion.

“Weren’t very nice? They’re thief’s!” he said in an outraged tone.

“No, their Tanghar,” I said and he gasped.

“You were confronted with a family of Tanghar?” he asked and I couldn’t hold back my laughter.

“No, I dated the son of Viktor, the man who stalked us tonight, they had me right where they wanted me, even got me to agree to go to his house and ‘meet his parents’,” I finished and Alonzo’s jaw dropped.

“How did you make it out?” he asked intrigued.

“Well it’s rather a long story-”

“I think we have time,” Alonzo said with a smile and I giggled.

“Yes, I suppose we do.” As we sat down onto the grass I retold my adventure, reliving the terrible time in my head, at some points he would interject asking things like, ‘No way!’ or ‘That really happened?’ and they made me laugh because I realized his mood was nice and happy again.

“So will you be there if I go to visit?” I asked him after I was finished telling my story, his lips frowned at this.

“Yes, I suppose I will be,” he said and I smiled.

“Good, I’d love for you to meet my friends,” I said as I leaned back onto the grass, he stayed sitting upright, his shoulders rigid.

“Have you ever been in love?” I asked suddenly, the words slipping out before I could catch them.

“Yes, I do believe I have been in love before,” he said solemnly as he turned to face me once more, “I’m guessing you have also?”

I smiled and nodded, “Yes, I love him more than I’ve ever loved anyone, so much that I think I’m insane sometimes, without him, I don’t know what I would do,” I said and Alonzo nodded.

“Indeed, once we fall in love, we become attached,” he said and I looked up at him.

“Wait, do you mean the Livid Children ‘become attached’?” I asked and he laughed.

“No Summer, people in general, when you really love someone, and I mean really love, then you are both one, not two, therefore you become attached.”

“Oh,” I sighed and Alonzo leaned back and laid down next to me. “The stars are beautiful,” I whispered and he smiled.

“Do you make wishes?” he asked and I smiled.

“What would I wish for, I’m happy already?” I asked and then thoughts of wishes popped into my head. ‘For mother and father to not get divorced, for the Tanghar to be ended, for everyone I love to finally be happy again,’ I thought silently and then I turned my head to its side so that I was look directly at Alonzo. “Do you ever wish?” I asked and he chuckled.

“Sometimes,” was all he replied then I decided to change the subject.

“It’s my birthday tomorrow,” I said as my lips curled into a smile, “I’m turning 18!” Alonzo sat up, a smile across his lips.

“Happy early birthday Summer, you’re finally an adult,” he said and I frowned.

“No, I was considered an adult after I left school for Venice, now I’m old enough to make my own decisions.”

Alonzo glanced over at me, “Haven’t you already been doing that?”

“Well, I had been doing that, but now that my mom’s traveling with us…let’s just say if my birthday wasn’t tomorrow, I’d go crazy,” I said and then he pulled up his other sleeve, exposing a wrist watch.

“Well, congratulations Summer, it’s 2:00, so you’re officially 18!” he exclaimed and I squealed.

“Really, I’m actually 18,” I stated and then I jumped up danced around, a confused Alonzo watching me.

“Is that your birthday dance?” he asked once I was finished and I shook my head.

“No that’s my, I-survived-through-all-of-this-craziness-and-I-actually-turned-18, dance,” I said and he laughed. I sighed and laid back down, my dance having taken all of my energy, I felt exhausted. “We can still sleep here, right?” I asked and he nodded.

“Go ahead, I’ll keep an eye out for anyone who might disturb you,” he said and I smiled gratefully.

“Thanks, and don’t worry, even if I have to go there today, I’m going to visit here,” I whispered and I felt his hand pat my shoulder.

“Thank you Summer, you are an incredible girl.” To this, I smiled and then I closed my eyes.

My mind continued to have thoughts race through it, my body protesting, insisting that I should rest. The small lake next to me was making soft slapping noises against the mud next to us and this seemed to calm me, making my thoughts slip away slowly, one by one. Soon, my mind was blank and I was completely relaxed. ‘What the heck’ I thought silently and began to count sheep. My limbs relaxed and by the time I’d counted twenty, I was already drifting away, deep into a dreamless sleep.

“Wake up birthday girl!” Linda’s loud voice pulled me out of my slumber and I heard the annoying buzzing of party noise makers as my eyes adjusted to the light. Everyone was gathered around my bed and Sierra was holding out a lit birthday cake.

I looked up, confused at them, “This couldn’t have waited until I showered?” I asked and Zane shook his head.

“Nope, this is when you’ve officially turned 18, right to the minute,” he replied and I gave him a thankful smile.

“Thanks guys!” I exclaimed as I leaned forward and blew out the flickering candles.

“Well, you better get dressed; we have a full planned day ahead,” my mom said as she assured everyone out.

“Actually, I was wondering if we could do something else instead,” I said and everyone stopped.

“Sure, honey, what did you have in mind?” she asked and I smiled.

“There’s this little town just off of Milan, I’d really like to visit it,” I replied and Zane’s smile widened.

“Sure, if that’s what you want, then that’s what we’ll do,” he replied then shifting uncomfortably he added, “and you have a call waiting.”

“Call waiting?” I asked and Stephanie rolled her eyes.

“Both Zane and I have already cussed him out but he still wants to talk to you,” she replied and my heart clenched.

“Kyle,” I stated glumly and I turned to look at Jasmine. “I’d appreciate it if you hung up on him and told him I don’t wish to speak to him ever again, but you can add in a few swear words here and there if you wish,” I said sweetly and Jasmine smiled.

“Of course, happy birthday,” she said then shuffled out.

“Well, I suppose I’ll go shower then we can get going,” I said and Stephanie laughed.

“Nope, it’s your birthday so we let you sleep in, but there’s no time for a shower now. Pull your hair up and through some sweats on.” I gaped at them, then, seeing they weren’t changing their minds, grabbed my suitcase and began filing through the clothes.

“Fine, no shower, but I’m wearing a dress then,” I said with a smile and Sierra giggled. “What now?” I asked and Stephanie shook her head.

“You don’t really think I’d let you go out on your Birthday in sweats, right? Just follow me,” she said and I sighed. We walked down the hall until we came to a bright pink decorated door.

“You’ve already decorated it?” I asked and she laughed.

“Of course I did! The paint job was horrid,” she said as she opened the door and ushered me inside.

“So what are we doing in here?” I asked and she shot me a fake glare.

“I’m giving you one of your many birthday presents,” she said as she led me to a large door in the back of her room.

“What’s this lead to?” I asked and she clucked her tongue.

“My walk-in closet.” I gave her a confused smile as she turned the knob and gave me one last mile before opening it so that I could see inside.

“It’s the one at the back,” she said as I poked my head around the door. My eyes searched for the outfit and when they found it, I gasped.

“It’s gorgeous, Stephanie!” I exclaimed as I ran into her closet and grabbed the hanger down.

“I know,” she said with a proud smile then tapped the watch on her wrist. “Hurry up and put it on, we’re on a schedule.”

I smiled back at her and nodded, “Okay.” She shook her head with a smile, and then walked out, shutting the door behind herself. Smiling, I stripped off my pajamas and carefully pulled the dress on over my head. I turned to face myself in her mirror and my smile widened. The dress sparkled blindingly in the light, fitting my every curve perfectly, and complimenting my pale skin wonderfully. I slipped the diamond covered shoes onto my feet and felt a strong sense of happiness. Happy birthday to me

, I thought to myself just before the door got flung open again.

“Ready to go?” Stephanie asked and

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