» Drama » Truth of Dark Pasts, Serena Wood [read my book .txt] 📗

Book online «Truth of Dark Pasts, Serena Wood [read my book .txt] 📗». Author Serena Wood

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She caresses my cheek, moving to kiss me again but now the high has adjusted enough to make me remember how much I hated when her lips came in contact with mine.

I have just enough energy in me to pull away, turning my head to the side so I won’t have to look at her. She goes on anyways, kissing my neck without a care about how I feel. She only sees what she wants to see.

She stops briefly to pull her tank top over her head, she’s not wearing a bra and at the realization I bet she’s been planning this moment since I ended up here.

She tugs at the night shirt I was wearing when she broke into our home and took us in the middle of the night like a true criminal. She pulls it away from my body, despite how bad I want it to stay; I didn’t have a bra when she appeared and I’m lucky I was dressed at all. But still, I’m going to be stripped of every cover I have and there’s not a thing I can do about it.

She pulls on the strings of my sweatpants with a rough, impatient movement. The first quiet cry of protest leaves me, tears already burning my eyes. She doesn’t seem to hear me though and proceeds to take my sweatpants and underwear off all in one motion. I shiver as soon as I realize I’m completely naked infront of someone who has every intention of violating the now uncovered skin. She stands up, pulling her shorts and underwear down equally as quick as she had done it to me. She opens the drawer of the small nightstand by the bed and reaches inside for something. I try to turn my head to the other side but I still catch a glance of the pink object.

“I thought this would make this better, I wanted to be as intimate with you as possible and the shopkeeper suggested this.” She moves over me again with some kind of sex toy in hand, it looks like any other dildo; except for the smaller one on the other end of it that seems to curve up a bit. She gets on her knees, placing herself right in between my legs and she starts to ease the smaller end inside of herself. I turn my head away from her again, realizing at a painful speed what that thing is for. Now she has the full ability to take me and still there’s nothing I can do.

I try to force my limbs to move in some faint hope that the drugs have worn off. But in fact it feels like they’ve only gotten worse into my system, my arms feel like weights now. I couldn’t move them if I put all my energy into it.

“River, look at me.” her damned hand moves my head back around to look her dead in the eye. “I’ve always imagined you’d keep eye contact with me, it makes it more romantic.” Nothing could make this romantic. I would spit the thought at her if I could manage to speak; the lump in my throat making it hard to utter much of anything.

The heaviness in my muscles has gotten so bad now that I can’t manage the energy to turn my head anymore. I’m forced to keep my eyes facing her as she attempts to slide that god forsaken thing inside of me. Pain intensified by the effects of the medicine reaches me tenfold as she pushes further. With one quick thrust of her hips, the rest of it forces itself inside with a jolt of pain.

Involuntarily, I let out a gasp and a small sound of discomfort. I start to curse my body for showing weakness to her. Even if I’m weak enough to let her do this, I still have a strong enough mind to keep my dignity intact. She doesn’t deserve to know what her efforts are doing to me.

“I’m sorry, it’s just like that at first. It won’t hurt as much after, I promise.” She tries to kiss me again and I make a point of keeping my body frozen. If I can’t move away, then I just won’t reciprocate.

She presses her body closer to me, her skin suddenly completely flush against mine and again I let out an involuntary noise of pure distaste. She moves to my neck again, kissing and nibbling on the flesh and I try to squeeze my eyes shut in an attempt to block out the experience. But just like when I was younger, I won’t be able to push this out of my mind; no matter how hard I try.

“River… Please look at me.” she starts to pant a bit and reluctantly I crack my eyes open again. I see her eyes hovering over mine, with this adoring look directed right at me. This is supposed to be romantic and to her we’re making love. But I can’t stand looking at that loving look in her eyes. Unlike her, I know this is all an illusion and we would never be here like this if it weren’t for her forcing the whole thing along. Knowing that makes me sick to my stomach.

She forces another kiss onto me, making sure that I keep my eyes open the entire time she pushes inside of me. She sees it as intimate and romantic but I only see it as making me see the pain I’m having to endure right now.

Her breathing starts to become irregular and the longer it goes on, the more speed she picks up. And I have to watch the whole thing unravel. She kisses my neck and jaw a few more odd times, kissing me on the lips one last time before her efforts nearly double. At this point, she’s starting to thrust at a painful speed and all I can wish for is for it to be over soon.

A few more minutes pass before finally my wish is granted. She lets out a loud moan, pushing against me in one last thrust. A long stream of moans leave her as she rides out the orgasm and after a minute or so, I’m blessed with stillness. I try to sniffle back the tears as she pulls the dreaded tool of her torment away from my body. She lays it on the bed beside us and presses a kiss to my forehead. “River, I know you’re upset now. But this will get better for us. One day, I’ll rekindle what you felt for me and then it’ll feel good for you too. Please don’t be upset with me, I just want to fix things.” she caresses my cheek again and I can’t manage to respond in any way; as if she suddenly drained my spirit with what she just did.

“I love you, River.” she kisses my cheek and the statement mixed with her action brings the tears back. It’s bad enough that she had to do this to me, but she did it because in a way, she was punishing Ellie and I both. She took back what Ellie had ‘stolen’ from her. She stands up and gets dressed, as soon as the door shuts behind her, the tears finally overflow.


It feels like at least four days have gone by, maybe even a week. But I’ve since lost all sense of time. Each morning she’s woken me up with a kiss on the cheek and each night she’s left me staring at the ceiling; unable to sleep because the sting of her violating me riddles my entire being.

Every time she wants to have sex, she gets exactly what she wants and I’m forced to remain still and quiet for the entire thing. The second time she tried, I hadn’t been drugged. But I had ruined that privilege when I smacked her and tried to get free, I was then drugged every time she wanted something from me from that point on.

I stare up at the ceiling as she goes through her usual rhythms. When she’s done, she tries to kiss me. But like usual, I’m too drugged and attempting to push the experience away to even notice she had kissed me. “The least you could do is kiss back, River. Would it kill you to at least try to make things work?” I pull my gaze away from the ceiling to stare back at her. I don’t offer a reply, my voice is usually strained when she drugs me anyways.

“I’m trying to get through to you but you won’t even try, why is this so difficult?” she moves off of me to sit beside me.

“M-maybe if you wouldn’t drug me…” the attempt at a snide remark is cut short when my voice starts to crack. “You wouldn’t let me touch you otherwise, maybe in a while… if you promise not to hit me again.” This time I offer her nothing more than a silent glare and she gets up with a frustrated growl; throwing her clothes on quickly.

“Fine, I’ll just go take my frustration out on your mistress. Maybe you’ll come to your senses when I get back.”

“No… Please.” I try to sit up, quickly pulled back down when the world spins. She leaves the room before I can grab her attention again and I sink back into the mattress, the tears already falling from my eyes. Every time something goes wrong with me, she hurts Ellie. For however long we’ve been here, I’ve had to listen to the echoes of Ellie’s pain seep up from downstairs; every single time I screw it up for her. It breaks my heart into a thousand pieces knowing that I’m the reason the girl I love is being tortured. Just like with Chloe, I try to zone out of the experience; only temporarily forgetting everything that goes on. Thankfully Chloe’s drugs are good for that. They serve one good purpose, to dull the pain.


. ☀Ellie☀

I wake up in the dark, like each day before. Whenever Chloe isn’t here, I’m left utterly isolated from everything; Even light. The subtle sound of the headboard hitting the wall above me is the sound that woke me from my uncomfortable sleep. I’ve heard it every night since I woke up in this basement, most of the time I’ll hear it at least once in the morning like this too. It’s surprisingly easy to hear, the walls and the floor above me do little to muffle the noises. I always hear it when it happens, the rocking of the bed, the moaning, I’m forced to hear it all; so far, it’s the worst thing Chloe has done to me. The psychological pain I have to endure each time I hear her doing that to River, it’s usually worse than what she does to me physically. I never hear two voices when it happens, leading me to believe River doesn’t particularly like it. But regardless, it feels like a stab in the heart each time. I still can’t tell whether or not River lets her do it and I’m not sure I want to know. It would crush me either way.

The thumping increases in speed and volume and I try desperately to block out the noises. The first time I heard it, I had tried to cover my ears; only to have pain shoot through both my arm and hand. Now I just stare at the ground that I can just barely see in this darkness.

I hadn’t even known that River was here until I had heard that. I haven’t heard or seen any other signs of River but I know it couldn’t be anyone else Chloe would be having sex with. I know now what it is she blames me for: taking River from her. Sometime when I was left in the dark I had figured it out and the first time I heard them, it just solidified the idea.

I know that she

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