Archer & Disciple:, Nick Venom [romance novel chinese novels .txt] 📗

- Author: Nick Venom
Book online «Archer & Disciple:, Nick Venom [romance novel chinese novels .txt] 📗». Author Nick Venom
“Sorry Master.” She told him, staring into his eyes. He could tell she had been crying, her bloodshot eyes being evidence of it.
“Don’t worry about it Elizabeth.” He glanced at Jaylee. “How have you been?”
Jaylee looked up, smiling an ingenuine smile. “Good,” She weakly responded. It was apparent that she had been crying, less so compared to Elizabeth.
Avin nodded. “Was there any destruction after or during the duel?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “Nothing was destroyed.”
Avin nodded his head. “That’s good,” He took a step towards the door, wincing at the pain. Elizabeth rushed to his side, helping him outside. Jaylee followed suit, holding his other side. They helped him walk outside to sit down on an old rocking chair.
Once on the chair, Avin looked around. He noticed people freely walking around; mothers heading to the stores, construction workers fixing up any minor damage caused after the duel, and children playing with each other - all without a care in the world. Nothing that could reflect the aftermath of a dangerous duel.
“Master, there was someone here for you,” Elizabeth said, standing by his side.
“Who was it?” Avin asked, his eyes focused on the town and not his disciple. “Another rival of mine?” He joked.
Avin furrowed his brows, facing her. “Who was this person? Was it a female?”
Elizabeth shook her head. “It was a bulky man. His name is Tian.”
Avin relaxed, nodding his head. “Good, it was just Tian. Do you mind calling him here?”
“No need.” Tian appeared, coming from behind Avin’s house. “It’s been a long time Avin.”
Avin stared at the bulky black-haired man. The man had a chiseled jawline, bulging muscles, and a clean-shaven face. He took a step towards him, his outfit on display. He wore a large and loose black tee and faded jeans with black boots. His clothes hugged him tightly; it was blatant that it was a size too small for him.
“Tian? Why were you behind my house?”
“Repairs, you had a broken wall,” Tian said, closing the distance.
“You caused the damages?” Avin asked with a raised eyebrow.
Tian shook his head playfully. “If I was the culprit, wouldn’t you be the only one to fix it?” He joked.
“I’ve always cleaned up after your messes.” Avin teased, smiling.
Tian was now face-to-face with Avin, his large seven-foot stature intimidating Elizabeth and Jaylee. “Well… you WERE the leader, right?”
Avin scowled at him. “Doesn’t mean I have to pick up after you.” He said, chuckling. “Anyways, why are you here Tian?”
“To bring back the two idiots.” He bowed his head. “My bad, I didn't have my eyes on them, which led to your current state.”
Avin waved his statement off. “Not your fault. I should’ve ended everything in the past, not leave it alone for the future.”
Tian raised his head, smiling. “Can we talk… privately?”
Avin turned to Elizabeth, asking for her and Jaylee to step inside. They complied, heading inside and leaving Avin and Tian outside. Avin, satisfied with his disciples gone, turned to face Tian, his hands resting on his lap. “What’s wrong?”
Tian’s smile disappeared at the snap of a finger. He, instead, had a serious expression on, staring Avin in the eyes. “She’s on the way.”
Avin nearly jumped out of his chair, the pain shooting him back onto the chair. “She? Is it…?”
Tian nodded. “She’s on her way here to challenge you. However, I managed to delay here. She’ll be here in… maybe a year or so.”
“Then I have a year to prepare. Thanks, Tian.”
“No problems, Avin,” Tian said. “Any punishments you have in mind for the idiots? I already have one in mind, but I want your opinion.”
Avin thought about it for a second. “The same as the past.”
Tian’s smile returned. “Vicious.”
Avin smiled. “For what they did, my punishment is nowhere near enough.”
Tian nodded. “Okay, I’ll take them out of Paradise. They’ll be out of your sight.
I only have one question? Are you okay?”
Avin went to nod but stopped halfway. “Elizabeth! Bring me, Esperanza!” He shouted loud enough for his disciple to hear. Elizabeth scrambled to grab Esperanza and his quiver, handing it to him. He thanked her before taking out an arrow from the quiver. He left the quiver laying against his chair as he laid the arrow on the bow’s thin string. He pulled the string back, pointing it away from the buildings and Tian. He released the arrow and, to everybody’s dismay, it went four feet before plopping down.
Tian shook his head. “Drain took a lot out of you. It appears that it absorbed your strength.”
“What does that mean?” Elizabeth chimed in.
Tian looked at her, biting his lip. “He’ll become a cripple if he doesn’t heal himself.”
Avin nodded, trying to wrap his head around Tian's statement. “Is there a way to heal me?”
Tian stroked his chin. “Maybe the Fountain of Youth, but rumors say that it’s in the Spirit Realm. Then… maybe the Holy Springs of Asher. It’s a far journey, but it’s the only place that can heal you.”
Avin nodded. “Then I’ll venture there.”
“I’ll go with you,” Tian said.
Avin shook his head. “I’ll go alone.”
Tian shook his head. “You can’t! You have no strength in your body anymore. You need protection to reach the springs.”
Avin shook his head. “You have to deal with Sudo and Hill. I’ll leave this village in my disciples’ hand. I’ll go alone.”
“We’re not letting you go alone, Master!” Elizabeth chimed in.
“Yeah, you haven’t even officially accepted me as your disciple!” Jaylee exclaimed, coming out of the house.
Tian nodded his head. “Take your disciples. They’ll help you reach the springs. Remember that she’ll appear in a year. The journey could take half a year, more if you venture alone. You’re the only one she wants to face and if she can’t find you, she’ll destroy the village.”
Avin nodded. “Fine, I’ll do as you say.” He turned to face his disciples. “First Disciple Elizabeth, ask your parents for permission. If they agree, pack your stuff.” He directed his attention to Jaylee. “Second Disciple Jaylee, pack your bags. You’ll be assisting me in the journey. You’ll experience real combat on the road.” He ordered. His disciples nodded, dispersing to do as they were ordered.
With them gone, Avin faced Tian. “Can I ask you a favor?”
“I already know, Avin. I’ll remain here with Sudo and Hill to defend the town. Sudo and Hill’s punishment will be to fix their image in the villagers’ heads. Don’t worry about Paradise, it will remain as it is.”
“Thank you, Tian,” Avin said.
“No, all the thanks are for you… our leader.”
Episode Six "Six Months"“How did you think it turned out? Do you think he healed himself?” Sudo asked, walking alongside Tian and Hill towards Avin’s house; Hill remained quiet during their conversation, only Tian and Sudo speaking. “It’s been six months already, he should be up and running already.”
“Shut up Sudo,” Tian said, waving at passing villagers. The villagers waved back, saying their hellos to the guardians of Paradise. With Avin and his disciples gone, someone needed to step up and protect the village in their stead. “The trip takes around six or seven months for him to reach the springs. It’ll take the same time to return here. They still have a lot of time before we can expect their arrival.”
Sudo shook his head. “When is she coming? Do we have enough time before she arrives?”
“Five or six months. She’ll be heading our way soon and when she does, we need to be ready for her.” Tian told them. “In the past, she was the most vicious out of the seven of us. She’ll destroy Paradise without a second thought if she can’t find Avin here.”
“Then what do we do?” Sudo asked, being the first to reach the front door of Avin’s house. He pushed it in, heading inside. “We can’t fend her off for a month or two. And what’s stopping her from arriving a month early? We’re definitely dead.”
Tian shook his head. “We can delay her further. I’m sending Hill-” He glanced at her. Hill looked down, barely speaking a word after the incident. She was the reason behind Avin’s injury and all of the villagers knew it. “-to scout for her.”
Hill looked up at him, her stare saying, why me?
“Because-” He read her expression clearly. “-you’ve been inside for too long. And you haven’t been socializing with anybody. Go to Black Rapids and see what you can find about her. Anything you can find, even a shred of information.” He told her. “If you find her, delay her as long as you can.”
Hill shook her head defiantly.
Tian ignored her. “It’ll take you two months to reach Black Rapids and two months to return. Find as much as you can.” He ordered. Hill opened her mouth to argue but closed it. She nodded her head, turning around. She headed outside, walking down the dirt road and towards the main entrance. Tian and Sudo watched her until she disappeared from their sight.
“Will she be alright?” Sudo asked.
“She will. Think of this journey as her redemption. She made a mistake and she’ll need to correct it.” Tian said, turning away from the door. He walked deeper into the room. “Sudo?”
“Yes?” Sudo closed the door, turning around to face him. “What’s wrong?”
“I need you to contact the Victor Orc Tribe and ask them for warriors.”
“The Orcs?” Sudo questioned. “Why them?”
Tian turned around to face him. “Orcs are born with greater strength than humans. If Hill can’t stop her or delay her long enough, we’ll need help to protect the town.” He took out a cloth bag filled with coins. “Take this and hire as many warriors as you can. Don’t get any non-warriors, we don’t need them.”
“What about her magic?” Sudo asked.
Tian shook his head. “Her mana pool was minuscule, so I doubt she’ll be able to use any magic spells. Focus on brute force, we’ll take her down if needed using it.”
Sudo nodded, turning around. “Give me a few weeks and everything will be in order. Will this… factor in future punishments?” He asked, facing the door.
“Keep delaying your order and I’ll punish you here. Run seven laps stark naked.” Tian said. Sudo shook his head, sprinting out of the house.
“No thanks!” He shouted as he headed in the direction of the orc tribe. Tian watched with a smile as his orders were being put in place. With orc warriors arriving to defend the town and Hill delivering reliable information on her. They would have enough to delay her.
“Master, we’re almost there!” Elizabeth exclaimed, pointing at a sign that read, “Holy Springs of Asher; 5 miles.”
“I see,” Avin said, sitting in the back seat of the carriage. Elizabeth sat across from him and Jaylee sat by her side. “We’re almost there.”
Jaylee peered out of the carriage at the sign. “5 miles? We’re almost halfway done, Avin.”
Avin nodded, Esperanza laying on his lap. “It’s been six months and a half and we finally arrived. I’m afraid we’re falling behind schedule. Paradise’s destruction is set at twelve months.”
“Well… maybe Tian can delay her for long enough.” Elizabeth thought out loud.
Avin nodded. “We’ll have to hope so.” Elizabeth and Jaylee nodded their heads, staring outside of the window. Avin stared at his disciples, analyzing them.
In the past six months, these two
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