Bella Swan with them or against them, megan bretbrunner [e book reader free .TXT] 📗

- Author: megan bretbrunner
Book online «Bella Swan with them or against them, megan bretbrunner [e book reader free .TXT] 📗». Author megan bretbrunner
"OMG!" Said the guy surprised.
"Emmett really, you had to do that?" I smirked.
"Yeah, yeah I did," He laughed.
"I'm sorry about my son he's being a buffoon," I sighed.
"But my daughter told me vampire's couldn't have children," He told me.
"Well we changed them but we think of each-other as family," I told him.
"Oh Bella said something about that," He smiled.
"So are we leaving or are we going to talk til two in the morning?" Jasper sighed.
"My son is right let's go," I told him.
"OK," He smiled.
"Lead the way," I smiled.
He smiled and motioned for us to follow him, so we did.
he lead us to a black van with darkly tinted windows like in the movies.
So we got in.
and he drove us to the airport, I expected him to get tickets but he asked the secratary, "Will you fire up the jet?"
So that's when I knew he had a privet jet.
"Oh you have a privet jet too?" Emmett asked stupidly.
"Oh you have a jet of your own?" he asked me.
"Yeah we do have 3 hundred years worth of money," I told him.
His jaw dropped.
"That's how old you are?" he asked.
"I was changed in 1665, when I was twenty-three," I told him.
he just stared amazed.
so after about ten minutes we got on the plane. It was fairly large although smaller than ours.
"So how do you like it?" he asked me.
"It's very nice," I smiled politely.
"So where's the x-box?" Emmett and Jasper asked at the same time.
he laughed, "Sorry I don't have an x-box on the plane."
They groaned.
Esme's point of view
We arrived at a place at like 11 o'clock, It was huge and bland.
He led us in, the people had black suits and guns, not the type of people to annoy. He told us to follow a man with a cold expression.
so we did.
He leads us to this weird small room with a table and eight chairs with a mirror on one side.
I knew what it was it was the interrogation room.
"Uh, what is the meaning of this?" I asked.
"Oh this is the interrogation room," He told me.
"I know that but why are we in here we did nothing wrong?" I asked. did the dude think I was an Idiot I was from the 1920's I knew what this room was.
"Nothing we just want to know more about you," He told us.
"But why are we going to this room if we are not being interrogated?" I asked.
"Just... stay," He told us.
that's freaky," Uh... OK."
"The investigator will be in here in a moment," He told me in a cold voice.
"Why are you treating us as if we did something wrong?" I asked irritably.
"Honey calm down," Carlisle said grabbing my hand.
"I'm sorry ma'am everyone or your case every 'thing' is interrogated after arrival if suspected," He told me coldly. I hated how he called us things, and to top it off he spit out the word like it was venom on his tongue.
"How dare you!" Alice said hotly.
"Alice!" Carlisle said in a sharp tone.
"Sorry dad," She sighed.
just then a friendly looking man walked in, he was tall and he had brow hair, and blue eyes.
"Harry are you being unpleasant to our guests?" the man asked.
"I hardly call them guests," He spat at us.
"Harry just go!" said the man sharply. and so he did.
"Hello I'm sorry about him he hates fantasy," He sighed.
"We aren't fantasy we are just Descreite," I told him.
"Any way what are your names," He asked.
"I'm Jasper and this is my wife Alice," He said introducing them.
"I'm Emmett and this is my babe Rosalie," He smiled at her. And she smacked him.
"and this is my wife Esme, and I'm Carlisle, We are the leaders of the coven," He said and shook the mans hand.
"Oh and that's Edward their," Emmett smirked.
"Hey I'm not stupid!" Edward shot at Emmett.
"Uh I don't get it Emmett never said anything," The man said confused.
"Oh Edward can read minds," Carlisle told him.
"Wow, what other powers do you have?" He asked amazed. Emmett laughed.
"Well Alice can see the future, Edward can read minds, and Jasper can read and change emotions," We all said together.
"Wow," He smiled falsely.
So what do ya want to know?" Emmett asked bluntly.
"Do you actually drink human blood?" He asked.
"No actually me and my family restrain from human blood for it's wrong," Carlisle said politely.
"Then what do you drink?" He asked.
"Animals," Jasper told him.
"Can you really stake a vampire?" He asked.
"Sure but the vampire would just laugh when it shattered into pieces," Emmett said laughing.
"So vampire's have super strength?" He asked.
We nodded.
"As well as enhanced scence's, and super speed," Carlisle smiled.
" Then I'm guessing crosses don't hurt you," He smiled.
"I am religious," Carlisle reminded him.
"And I'm guessing coffins are you out," The man sighed.
"We don't sleep at all but that would be awesome!" Emmett exclaimed.
"He's the joker isn't he?" The man asked.
We all nodded.
"So can I see your speed?" He asked.
We nodded, and Emmett ran up to him vampire speed.
The man was baffled (I love that word).
"I got you," Emmett smiled.
We burst out laughing.
The man just shook his head.
"By the way we never got your name," Carlisle said politely.
"Oh. It's agent brown," He told us.
Text: I own only the story
Publication Date: 10-20-2012
All Rights Reserved
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