» Drama » Vanille Evol, unknown . [good e books to read .txt] 📗

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a.m., she was finally here. Gosh, that girl took forever.

"Good morning, babe! Sorry, my guinnea pig had extreme diarhea!" she joked from Jenna Marbles video's White Lies.

"HAHA!" I said sarcastically,"well make sure ur guinnea pig doesn't do it again."

"Sorry! Anyways... what's with you, hot mamma?" she gestured to my outfit.

"Is it too much?" I was starting to get insecure with this outfit.

"Too much for the boys" she winked," they'll be bonin' for yea!"

"Oh gosh! That is seriously disgusting! I am scarred for life."

"It's true!"

"Just drive please," I laughed.

We finally got to the school after listening to Never Shout Never. As I pulled up, we walked into the school, while idiots were playing with fire, and stoners and goths were spiking and smoking weed. I swear no one in this school gave a crap about what we did. They all started to look at me as I walked into the school gymnasium. I smiled, and they just smirked and winked their sunken eyes. As I walked in with Danny on my side, I saw Darek and Court flirting again.

"Just ignore them," Danny said.

I flipped my eyes in another direction, knowing that Darek hadn't even looked at me yet! Whatever.

"I know Scarlet, that you shouldn't do this but...maybe you should make Darek jealous? Go to Noel?"said Danny

"Noel?" I know Noel liked me, and he was really good looking and all, but nobody came down to hot with Mr. Garret or Darek in this school. Noel was flirting with a bunch of peppy freshman when I saw him. I really didn't want to go over there, but if it was too make Darek learn what he was missing. I wouldn't care. "Alright."

I walked over to Noel, he was just a foot from Darek...and Court.

"Hey Noel," I said innocently.

He instantly turned to me and looked at me. He smiled and came closer towards me, totally ignoring the freshman. The freshman looked at me rude, and walked away. Obviously, going to gossip about me as they walked away. "Hello, Princess," he smirked. He started to call me this ever since I'd met him.

"Hmm still like my nickname  I see."

"Well, you are a princess aren't you? You sure look like more like a brunette version of Kate Upton, but less boob," he pointed.

"Hm, I don't know whether I should be happy or disturbed."

"Try both."

"Okay, anyways I need to ask you for a favor."

"Oh! I knew it was too good to be true. Princess, wouldn't just come up here and talk to me unless she wanted somthing," he said surrending his hands.

"Look I said, will you pretend to be my boyfriend or whatever..."

"Wow, wow, wow what? Boyfriend? I don't want to be anybody's boyfriend. I like being a man, and getting to choose what girl I want. One day I might want a brunette version of Kate Upton," he pointed at me," and the next day I might want a hot red head or a dumb blonde. You know what I mean?"

"Okay, look if you do this, I'll pay you in cash."

"As nice as that, I already have a job, and getting money from a princess would be considered almost me as a thief."

 I walked away, until he grabbed my arm. He looked at me and said," tell me why you need to use me?"

I hesitated, but grabbed his arm. I pulled him into the janitor room, as I did Darek looked in my direction. Score.

"Because, Darek and I were reallly hitting it off, and now Court is getting in the way of that. She always is doing this to me ,and I need your help."

"Court? The hot blonde?"

"Yes." Great, already feeling worse.

"No competition. You are way better looking."

I smiled almost about to blush. Did he really just say that? No one had ever said that to me before. I mean I didn't want to sound like one of those friends that once someone says the girl compared to the girl that gets more guys is prettier and get all excited, but I couldn't help it.

"My opinion," he said "brunettes are always more attractive to me."


"Fine, but conditions..." he said smiling " I get to makeout with you anytime I want to unless you are sick, second I get to hold your hand, and third you have to cook me dinner every Friday at my house."

"Every Friday? I have plans! And makeout anytime you want? Wouldn't I get mono from you?"

"Well, for your information I don't have mono, and second of all I'm a great kisser! And the dinner is way better then what I was gonna say about how you would dress in my presence."

"Fine. This can start after we are out of this closet."

As we get out, all these students look at us, including Darek. He just stared at me. Noel looked just estatic.

"That was great babe thanks for that,"he looked at me and kissed my cheek.

I was about to slap him, but remembering our plan. I leaned in and kissed his lips. He looked surprised that I was already going in for this. Then he saw Darek, and kissed me back leaning into me hard and holding my lower back. Noel was a really good kisser, his lips were really soft and when I kissed him I felt like I was eating chocolate. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Oh gosh, I already started to like him a little.

As he grabbed my hand, I felt Darek staring straight at me. I glanced back, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking straight at Noel, really pissed off. But I didn't care.

"Kiss me, babe," I said to Noel. He obeyed gladly.




I just came to say hello

   I was in English AP class later on after Noel and I had become "officially dating". Are plan was working out really well actually. Darek seemed to be really paying attention to the both of us, and looking at us meanly. The only problem was he seemed to get more into my sister, when I went all cutie with Noel.

We were working today in English about some dude named Arthur that made a famous English book that made something. Wasn't really sure, kept zoning out every two seconds. Only problem was that Darek and I were sitting by was sorta awkward because he kept glancing at me. All of the sudden Mr. Garret looked at me with his pierced eyes.

"Scarlet, would you like to tell us something famous or exciting that has happened to you like it had to Mr. Arthur?"

What kind of question was that? Why would he want to know that? Also, why would he want me to even share this with the whole class? Ah, teachers.

"Uhhhh." Think Scarlet. Think. What the heck is something excititng that has happened to you? "Probably, when I made chocolate cookies, and they tasted really good." Really Scarlet?

The whole class started to giggle. Except Darek. "Well, that's nice, Scarlet..." said Mr. Garret," anyways go ahead and study for your pop quiz you have five minutes to work on it."

Pop quiz? Great, just another thing for me to worry about. I pulled out my book and started going over vocab words and things. Darek looked at me and I just stared at him. "Yes?" I said. He just looked at me and said nothing and went back to studying. Really, your such a douche, I thought. He looked at me as I thought that, and just sighed. Did he hear me say that? No, it's not like he could read minds I mean lets be serious this isn't Edward and Bella.

I finally just had enough of this, and was about to burst out of tears. I never had ever done this except when I found out my Dad was leaving my mom and us for a YOUNGER woman. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I said loudly to Mr. Garret.

Mr. Garret looked at me and other students heads turned toward mine own. "Can you wait til after the quiz?" he said nicely, but once he saw my eyes he looked at me interestingly and sighed okay.

I ran out of the room, not even caring about looking at Darek. I ran to the football field, and ran up to the bleachers and cried with my face in my knees. This actually felt really good to get out. I just kept pouring out my tears until I had no more to cry. You could just here me sobing lightly over and over again. I looked at my phone and realized I had been gone about 20 minutes. No one really takes that long unless they're taking a dump. I giggled lightly to myself and drunkly stumbilingly came down the bleachers tripping a few times.

I walked slowly across the field, and went to the bathroom. When I got there, I realized that most of my makeup was dripping. I got some toliet paper, and dried it up trying to look presentable. I realized my outfit was okay, and I shouldn't be so focused on my looks. It was ruining me. I looked down, and realized I had a huge bloody cut on my ankle that I hadn't noticed. Probably when I came down the bleachers. I tried to get some paper towels to clean it up, but it kept on bleeding. I grabbed a ton on paper towels, and just held onto it while walking back into Mr. Garrets classroom. I knew I should probably hurry, realizing I took half an hour.

I walked into Mr.Garrets classroom, all eyes on me as I weridly walked in. "I don't know where she is!" yelled Mr. Garret into the phone," she had to go to the bathroom and she's not back yet. Yes, yes it's been half and hour."

I didn't realize how embarrassing this was until I said, "Um, I'm right here, Sir." Mr. Garret looked over towards me quickly. His eyes looked very bulgy but settled after he glanced at me. He told the person on the phone he found me and hung up.

"Scarlet, why were you taking so long? I was scared. What happened to your ankle?" I looked down and realized the paper towels had again soakin down in blood. I must've looked crazy. "Oh um...I tripped."

"How did you trip that bad? Somebody must've hurt you?" he looked fiercely. "Who did this to you?"

"No one I  swear, I just tripped. It's fine, really."

"I doubt it...okay, but if you feel like really telling me the actual truth I'm here," he said very generously "now go take your quiz with the other students."

I sat down next to Darek and took the pop quiz which was surprisingly easy, I thought. After I finished it, I handed it in, luckily not the last student to be done with the quiz. I sat back down with Darek. He looked at me, and kept looking at me.

"Are you okay?"he said to me finally saying something to me.

"Oh," I whispered,"so now you're going to talk to me."

"Well, it's kinda hard when you're all over Noel," he muttered.

"What about my sister? Huh? Don't act like your all innocent."

"I don't like your sister in that way, she's just a friend.

"Just a friend...complete bullcrap, you hardly even talk to me anymore and you always ignore me."

He sighed and said,"You wouldn't understand." The bell rang and he picked up his

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