» Drama » The Dreamer Part 1, J.M. Hurley [good book club books txt] 📗

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me a bit confused. I’m afraid I don’t understand what you were trying to tell me.” He finished, his sparkling blue eyes tainted with looks of confusion.

“Yes,” I said pausing to get my bearings, “and I have a lot to tell you.” And with that I started to tell him my story, a story that was so utterly and unbelievably strange that I myself doubted it was true.

Chapter 14

When I finished we just sat there. I hoped Zane would understand, that he would have a solution to my nightmares, but he just sat there. Unmoving and silent. “You said you hit your head, are you okay?” he asked finally, breaking to uncomfortable silence.

“Yeah, it’s just a little sore,” I said then unconsciously rubbed my wrist then grimaced from the applied pressure. I checked to see if Zane had noticed but he wasn’t look at me. He was looking straight ahead of him, and there was a distant look in his eyes, almost as if he was blocking out this world and was entering another.

“What do you think they are?” I asked and as soon as I spoke the words I saw fear flash across his face. But as quickly as it came, it was gone, replaced with a calm, preserved look.

“Summer, they are simply bad dreams,” He said, and with every word my heart began to crumble. “It’s childish to think that they are anything more than that,” He said his voice cold and harsh.

“How do you explain my injuries then?” I demanded beginning to feel my pulse quicken like it always does when I get angry.

“You’re a restless sleeper,” he said, his voice still calm and emotionless.

“You don’t get it!” I shouted at him, feeling tears begin to form in my eyes. Why had I thought he would understand? Yes, He’d listened once but did he really care or even understand? No, no he didn’t care.

“Summer, it’s childish to fight about this,” He said.

“What happened to being here? What happened to listening?!” I yelled feeling the tears begin to spill out over my eyes.

“I have listened Summer, let me know when you have something other than childish tales to tell me,” And with that he walked out, leaving me standing there, tears running down my face, and my heart broken in two.

Chapter 15

When Kyle found me I was lying on the floor sobbing and tears streaked my face. “Summer? Summer, what’s wrong?” he asked walking over and crouching next to me.

“Life,” I sobbed. Kyle sighed and pulled me close into his comforting embrace and there we sat for hours. I sat there, with the comforting smell of Kyle’s cologne and I cried. I cried for the hurt of Zane’s words, for the fear that haunted me every time I went to sleep, for the hatred that radiated at me from Stephanie and most of all for the confusion of why it felt so right in his arms, Kyle’s arms.

But aren't I Zane’s girl?

I doubted I was, after the talk we’d just had, and after what he said, I wasn’t sure if I still wanted to be his girl. After hours of crying and self pity I got up and began wiping my smeared mascara off my face. “Are you feeling and better?” Kyle asked taking the washcloth from me and carefully removing the rest of my make-up.

“I just feel num now,” I said as he wrung the cloth out and threw it into our hamper.

“And that’s good, right?” He asked, turning to face me.

“It’s neither good nor bad. It just means I’m done with my pathetic self pity,” I said.

“Sometimes we deserve self pity,” he said stepping towards me. “What happened to your wrist?” He asked and though his words made me want to break down into tears again, I stood strong, and repeated the words that just hours ago had broke my heart.

“I’m a restless sleeper.” With that I grabbed my purse and headed for the door.

“Summer, where are you going?” Kyle asked beginning to follow me.

“I’m sorry but I have some unfinished business that I need to take care of,” I replied and feeling as cold as ice I strode out of my room, leaving Kyle just standing there, just as Zane and Sierra had left me.

Instead of sticking around with Kyle, the easy choice, I was choosing to go to the place I wanted to go least. It wasn’t the easy thing to do, but I knew it was something I was going to have to do sometime. So as I walked toward Stephanie’s room I took deep breaths, trying to build up my confidence, I was going to need it.
Part 2 Up Now!


Publication Date: 03-07-2011

All Rights Reserved

I Dedicate this book to the my fans who support me, my family who've always been there for me and two very inspiring authors. P.C Cast and L.J Smith. Thanks so much guys!

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