» Drama » The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗

Book online «The Magnificent Cat, Nadia Ramadan [free romance novels TXT] 📗». Author Nadia Ramadan

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the Magnificent Cat and this whole business?” 

“Patricia!” Ray said while laughing “she knows nothing…she is as innocent as a baby”



The little door bell of the Pastry bar rang as Wade walked in. The place was quite with only a couple of people sitting at the far end of the bar. Wade scanned the place and saw Lisa rearranging the glasses on the shelf. 

“Hello there” Wade said shockingly as Lisa turned

“Oh…you scared me” Lisa said as she laughs “how are you today? I saw some bunch of police today at your building, what is wrong?”

“Oh…its nothing” Wade replied “they just wanted to know what we are actually doing in the building…I mean like what is our job.”

“And what is your job?” Lisa asked as she stops arranging the glasses.

“Ah…my boss said…” Wade started

“Hello everyone…” Jessica interrupted “are you all talking about the ghoul’s bar party… I know you are!”

“What ghoul’s party?” Wade asked 

“And why didn’t you offer him a drink Lisa?” Jessica asked Lisa while giving her a wink

“I was just going to, until you interrupted!” Lisa said laughingly.

“Ok I will just leave you two alone right now” Jessica said happily as she leaves.

“So…do you want anything to drink, eat…?” Lisa asked 

“No, thank you, I’m just here to see you Lisa” Wade said seriously

“Really…” Lisa said as she blushed “that’s really sweet of you”

“So is there a party you are not telling me about?”

“Yeah, the one Jessica is so excited about” Lisa replied as she continued to clean the bar’s counter. 

“You are not into parties, are you?” 

“I would love to go if someone is taking me?” Lisa said as she laughs

“Ok fine” Wade replied “I will skip work for one night”

“Are you sure you can do that?” Lisa said happily “you work 24 hours a day…You seem like a very busy guy, But it will be great…”

“I will try that” Wade said happily “what about Sunday? So, are you ready for your first performance in Bevin?”

“Yes I am quite ready for that” Lisa replied “it’s going to be after tomorrow and I will do my best to impress everyone”

“You should, and you will” Wade continued “you cannot be a waitress all your life! In addition you can’t build up any career here in Bevin; you need to move forward” 

“Yes you are right” Lisa said happily “you haven’t heard me sing yet, but you already have faith and hope in me…I am so lucky to even know you”

“I am the lucky one” Wade interrupted “ever since you moved here…I think about 2 weeks ago, I knew there was something more important to me than my job” 

Lisa turned and looked at him seriously. She was amazed and at the same time shy.

“Did I say something unpleasant” Wade continued “don’t mind me…I am just way too honest that I forgot other people’s sensitivity, I am sorry”

“No” Lisa said while smiling “don’t be sorry for being honest…and also…I liked what you just said, it means so much to me”

“Thank you” Wade said happily “come with me let me show you something”

“What, Where…” Lisa questioned as Wade held her hand and took her out of the Bar.

“Where are we going Wade?” Lisa asked again 

“Just come with me” Wade said as they both climbed the top of the Pastry Bar. 


Lisa stood up on the top of the Pastry Bar with Wade; they can simply see the whole neighborhood of Bevin. It was one of the finest moments she has ever experienced in her life. 

It was an early morning and the sun was barely seen, and a little wind was blowing – not a rough wind, but one which came in delightful little breeze and brought a fresh scent of newly fresh soil with the night shower rain. 

“This is beautiful” Lisa said as she smells the misty breeze.

“I know” Wade said as he looked at her happily “but look over there…”

“Where” Lisa asked 

“Over there!” Wade said as he points out a long rail road leaving out of Bevin.

“That look like an old rail road” Lisa said as she looked at him

“Its name was the miraculous rail road” Wade started “well…no more trains passes on it again, it was built in 1907”

“And where does it take you?” Lisa asked 

“Directly to the Fantastica stage” Wade replied “where talented dancers, singers, and actors perform and get the highest job ever”

“Waw” Lisa said “that’s amazing “how long does it take to get there!”

“About 50 miles from here; If you are really into becoming someone in the future I will take you there myself, we can walk all the way to the stage, and I don’t care if it takes days!” Wade said happily

“Are you telling me that you will leave your job just to come with me and follow my dreams?” 

“Perhaps…I mean no one knows what the future holds for oneself”

“But we always wish for the best, for both ourselves and others” Lisa said with a smile

“Oh I think I should be going right now” Wade said suddenly “I have something I should be doing…and…ah…”

“You have a very important job Wade, and I can tell” Lisa interrupted “I will see you later”

“Ok bye” Wade said as he looked at her and heads down.

Lisa looked at him happily and then turned back to look at the miraculous rail road one more time


A long extravagance car parked by the building just as the sun rises, everyone turned to see why it came so early in the morning.

James stood in front of the veranda to see what was going on.

“What on earth is tha-” James said loudly “another cops are coming?”

“That’s Armand’s car” Picklock said as he comes out of the building.

“What?” James asked as he looked at the enormous car again 

“Yes James that’s Armand’s car” Picklock repeated 

“And where the hell is he going?” James asked as he looked at Picklock

“Haven’t you heard?”

“Heard what?” 

“Armand is taking a vacation” Picklock said 

“What vacation?” 

“He just wanted to see his family for a while that’s all” Picklock answered

“I see” James said “he can take a holiday anytime he wants of course”

“He is the boss, James” Picklock replied “he is the boss”


“Can I shine your car sir?” Bacilli pleaded as Armand come out of the building with his bag.

“Thank you Mr. Bacilli” Armand replied “the car is good, and I assume you have a job to do right now, don’t you?”

“Sure boss” Bacilli said as he steps back.

“Now with Armand gone…” James said seriously “Ray is going to be the boss and look after the Magnificent Cat!”

“You got that right” Picklock replied.


Chapter 9 - Tonight's plan

Everyone stood there quietly as Armand’s car took off. They watched it as it drove off to the mist and then was barely seen.

“Alright then” said a voice coming from the building.

Everyone turned and saw Ray coming out of the building.

“I will be in charge here for this few days while Armand…I mean the boss is gone…or you can say on a short leave to see his family” 


Wade came from the other side of the street and saw almost all the staff of the building standing outside.

“Where were you?” Joe asked as he saw Wade approaching.

"At my apartment" Wade replied "what's going on here?"

“Well first things first” Joe replied “The boss is on leave to see his family”

“What…? Armand…?” Wade asked 

“Yep” Joe continued “which makes Ray in charge and everyone is freaking out”

“Oh hello Wade” Ray greeted “I want you to come with me to the office now”

“Sure” Wade said as they both enter to the building and into the elevator.

“This is just great!” James said loudly as everyone turned to him.

“Shush” Picklock said lowly “they might hear you”

“I don’t care!” James shouted again “can’t you see this place is turning upside down!”

“No James” Picklock replied “we are still making money and that’s all what it matters, right?”

“Yeah right” James said as he rolled his eyes “trust me Picklock, we only gain the leftovers of their money that’s all”

“As you say James” Picklock said laughingly

“Ok, I think I will just go arrange some shelve and pretend this place is a talented people place or perhaps a freak show with a bunch of clowns” James said angrily

“Yes you are right” Picklock said laughingly “Armand was not smart, the police were just dumb!”

“Yes that’s true” James said while laughing as he goes to the back of the building.

James walked to the storage room where they keep the unnecessary goods. He took off some goods from there just to prove that the building is actually a “magical shop”.

“Hello James” a voice said as James was carrying some books.

James turned and saw Patricia standing in front of him.

“What are you doing here?” James asked 

“Is that what you are selling here?” Patricia asked as she looked at the books he is carrying

“Ahh…we sell a lot of things here” James replied “we go according to people’s orders”

“I see” Patricia said nicely “so you must be very busy right now?”

“Yes I am quite busy” James replied “but if there is anything you want me to do I will be happy to”

“How charming” Patricia said with a smile “but I just wanted you to come with me somewhere tonight”

“Tonight..?” James said “Where?”

“At the ghoul’s bar, there is going to be a party tonight and I want you to take me”

“I really can’t go to a party right now Patricia, I am sorry” James replied

“And why not” Patricia asked sadly “don’t you want to spend some quality time with me? This is our chance!”

“See…our boss is on leave and I really have to watch and somehow supervise someone very well, make sure everything is going on well”

“I don’t know what's that supposes to mean” Patricia said angrily “but I have the feeling that your supervision thing has something to do with my father!”

“No Patricia” James said as he comes closer to her “it’s just that…well I mean the boss is on vacation and someone has to…”

“I am not hearing anymore of this” Patricia said as she moves away.

“Patricia! Wait!” James shouted as she crosses over to the other side of the street.

“Damn it!” James said lowly to himself.


Ray and Wade entered into the secretive room and closed both doors behind them.

Ray went straight and sat at Armand’s desk.

“So what’s new?” Wade asked as he looked at Ray

“We are having a very important meeting tonight” 

“Meeting..? At what time…?” Wade asked tensely 

“At about 8 as usual, you know that, what’s wrong?”

“I have somewhere to go tonight” Wade said timidly

“Aha, and do you mind telling me where?” Ray asked as he looked at him seriously

“It’s personal!” Wade explained “it’s private”

“Haven’t you heard what I just said…meeting…Magnificent Cat…money? What’s got into you?” Ray continued “Armand is looking forward for both of us to do this meeting; we don’t want to let him down now do we?”

“Of course not, but I really have to go to this dance”

“A dance…?” Ray said laughingly “Are you saying you have to go to a dance?”

“I sort of promise someone” Wade said shyly.

“Since when does a “someone” come between you and the Magnificent Cat?” Ray said seriously as he continues to look at Wade.

“Since when do you know me?” Wade replied rudely 


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