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A girl who looks to her past boyfriends while she waits for her date. I wrote this story as an exercise for my romance portions of any book that i'm going to try and create.

Hi i'm orignal, regular till a new handsom guy comes a blackwill high that will change everything would it be me or just us will life stay the way it is or will it never be forever will it end before its soon

thes this boy theres this girl they meet they fall in love he takes her on a date they go somewere to gethere and they swim and then he finds something about here

A young girl has yet to discover that she has an immortal father and a mother who abandoned her at a young age. Her name is Andie and she is 15 years old. The news wont be broken to her in an easy manner. She has a hard time in school and mistakes her problem as having Asbergers but she is way off target with that one...

Marcy and Brent have made it to the hospital....Marcy's parents just arrived...the shocking news that they just found out...

"A friend's last favor is something to pay closely attention to. I cried out to God for I knew my promise would be kept." A basic paraphrase of "The Cremation of Sam McGee".

A friend of mine once wrote of her struggles of her life with her step-mother. This got me thinking and eventually led to me writing about the emotional and physical pain that my own mother brought to me. (These are true stories by the way.)

These are some of my truest feelings about some people. They do not understand that they do mean the world to me and I have no clue what I would do without them.