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Dad is crazy. He comes in at two in the morning and wakes up the whole house. He screams that he wishes we were all more understanding. He yells at mommy that we are a bunch of useless junk for kids and to get rid of us. I'm Kara Lee Bank and this is my dad: A Drunk.

Kazuto's been hospitalatized and is being cared for under Gal, as she has to find a way to wake him up but cant due to the beating he took, put him in a near death experience.

Even with twists and turns, Alice and Kat get to know each other a bit more, and they seem a bit more close. But, will that shadow actually ruin their chances?

Olivia's band has worked so hard on their music. When they get a gig, they fail to impress everyone . They keep trying. The band goes on a TV show, and don't make the cut. This story is based on the singers who don't make it on American Idol.

Have you noticed that life is unfair? Well I have. I am only fifteen and this is my story. I have been beaten by my grandpa and my mother. I have been in and out of foster care for five years. I have taken care of babys to tolddlers to old people. I even turned to a life of crime. I was in and out of juvie because I couldnt stop getting in trouble. I have stolen two cars and been rapped five times. I am back home but trust me my life isnt any better. Still in a abusive relationship with my

Nicole is an ordinary girl or so she thinks her life is filled with drama love mystery and death. Being weak at birth her mom and the doctor made an agreement leading to A LOT of interesting and unexpected events to find out she is a... ( keep reading to find out)

When a little girl finds an abandoned tire swing she doesn't know the horror that awaits her.

it's a long way down, just sitting here with my feet dangling off the edge sends chills up my spine. the rain's coming down hard... at least that will wash away my blood when i hit the ground...