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Running, its all we do as humans. Fall in love. Run. Afraid of something. Run. Shit gets hard. Run. It's what we do, we seek things that make us feel something again and then we run from it. You convince yourself it's for the better that you will be better off in the end. You may be asking why, but i dont know the answer to that, only you have the power to answer that question. Afterall, it's your life your running away from.

It felt like the world would end. She did everything in her power but it was just not enough. She was fairly sure her world shattered to pieces. There was only one way to end this...

this is a drama which i made for the maths day. it is about percentages .this is a incident which happend in a shop. i think that you all would like my book.

Tocarra is only 15 yearsold when she falls in love with Marcellus but when his friend Naheem is wanting to tell Tocarra what Marcellus is doing behind her back and that he really like her. Toccara doesn't know what to do because she too caught up with Marcellus and them living together in his spot, Toccara is stuck up on a cloud and is cought up in her fake romantic lieying love life that she does't understand. Will Toccara ever understand what is going on behind her back or will the on that

(Unfinished) Planting flowers? Fail. Keeping my mother around? Double Fail. Meeting new friends, finding out old secrets, and keeping those relationships still intact? Well... here goes nothing. I am open to comments and feedback. Still partially unedited.

Jennifer feels she has been living her mother's life ever since she left the house unexpectedly. Her mother was a depressed alcoholic who was abused by Jennifer's father. Her best friend, Adam, is depressed and suicidal. Jennifer escapes from her burdens by going out and getting high with her friends.

A teenage girl writing in her diary telling of her life issues. But when somebody from school gets a hold of it what will they do with it?

Quincy Thominson's life sucks. Her mother is a no good drunk, her father is too busy completely avoiding them both to lend a hand, and her best friend is a hyperactive ball of twitchy madness. And what's worse, she couldn't give a damn if she tried. But when the Russian immigrant, Dmitri Grigorin, moves in down the street, will Quin finally feel empathy for another human being? And will she discover a terrible secret about the sexy new exchange student along the way?