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This book is about a teenage struggling star Quarterback,Jack, who needs to pass his exam test in order to continue playing football. Chloe a smart girl that is an consider an outsider who has a crush on Jack and was once Jack's Best-friend and will help him pass it without any romantic contact. Chloe doesn't want to be use by her long Ex best-friend. Will She fall in love with him or keep ignoring her feelings for him.

Tiffany is a normal school girl, and get's straight A's. And has a bestfriend that is a cheerleader, Janie. And Janie get's all the boys attention. Janie tries to teach Tiffany to love, it has a very bad outcome. Her first love, David got her in a lot of trouble, kidnapped, and barley killed. Will she ever learn to love again or will she just give up everything to end her life?

So, basically, this is just the story of Aubrey's life before 'To Walk Among the Dead.' It tells how she got sent to the Towers, how she met Lock, Shock, and Barrel, Jack, and the rest of the Halloween Town gang.

rylie is a girl that doesn't want to end up like dani, but goes along with what dani does so she can make sure dani, wont get into too much trouble. rylie is a quiet girl and never sticks up for her self, which pisses dani the hell off. rylie doesn't believe in love, but when she finds tyler things will vhange and fast. will she end up acting like dani? or will she still have her own mind.

this book is based off a song in Guys and Dolls it's when Nicely Nicely Johnson (a gambler) is at a mission meeting in New York and is confessing a dream to the general of the mission.

a dark tale of life and death. So cruel, you won't believe it. Why are some people so cruel? what does it mean to be hated? loved? You will soon find out.

I am Lexie Danger but my friends just call me danger I am in a gang and am a leathal fight,gun expert,and can put up a fierce knife or dager fight.

A girl with cancer thinks she not much time left but she knows she has said things about other people and wants to cange that before she passes.

This is a book which has three 100 word stories of different life senarios. Although the stories may be extremely short, each on has a message behind them