Genre Drama. Page - 48
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Madeline looked the remains of the bodies scattered all over the slightly chipped ground, blood, there was copeless amounts of it. She was in this place ‘they’, called ‘The Death Zone’, it was the most scary thing in the world, scarred than redundancy, she didn't know where anyone was, until she spotted Liam, down the long scary, dark, hallway a few steps away. She thought of the fact that he always looked older every time she saw him, I guess thats the effects of time travel, she thought.

It’s official to everyone in Raven high school that Caroline Beth Wilson wasn’t afraid of anything. Weather its spiders, scary movies, bullies or even violence; she was absolutely calm about it. It seems like she has it all under control. However Caroline Wilson on the contrary, believes that she is a thoughtless soul with a weak disposition who shows false bravado to cover up her tough life.

THIS BOOK IS INCOMPLETE! I WILL WORK ON NEW CHAPTER WHENEVER I CAN! Isabel had always known Liam, well, at least it seem that way. This story follows Isabel through her life told in past, present, and future (all of which include Liam). This is a story of love, life, and finding out who you really are.