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Moonkit is set off to find her clan Which is separated. Can Moonpaw find her scattered clan and get them all together? ( which is going to be very hard!)

Just some sad drabbles I wrote about a few characters.

My favorite character's past. Paranormal. This is only a preview of my writing style,and if I get enough hits and comments,I will post more. Note: FORGET THE PART ABOUT GHOST! I kinda...screwed up on that.

Ashley a 13 year old girl gets taken out of her home and away from all her friends. she's thrown back and fourth between placements. She has a secret that she does not want anyone knowing about until she slips and a girl named Rachel sees her cut and scarred up arms. not knowing what's coming her way she finally give trust and once she give trust all hell breaks lose.

To the good ones with dark wishes and the cast-outs with good intentions. The perfectionists with flaws, and to the flawed that are perfect-souled. This is a story where lines are crossed in "The Crash Years."

John Habberton (1842 – 1921) was an American author. He spent nearly twenty years as the literary and drama critic for the New York Herald, but he is best known for his stories about early California life, many of which were collected in his 1880 book Romance of California Life: Illustrated by Pacific Slope Stories, Thrilling, Pathetic and Humorous (New York: Baker, Pratt & Co., 1880).

What happened to Bianca Brady? Is she dead or alive? Now is the time to find out! Cassia was always the second in command when it came to Bianca. But when Bianca disappears Cassia and her family move but 2 years later they come back. But people aren't used to her being there anymore so they act terrified because, will she's a cannibal. Can she and her old friends reunite and solve the mystery of Bianca's death or will they fall apart even more.

my school is talking non-stop about this new anti-bullying rule so here is a reason why the just won't stop talking about the H.B.I. By the way this story is a little true but not totally

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