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Genre Drama. Page - 52

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Stella is a girl which you can consider crazy.After her mother and father are murdered till the case is in the court, she and her younger brother are authorized to their aunt.There are two words to describe her - greedy and bitch.All she want is money.She took them for the 1000$ she got for taking care of them from their parents account.Stella is got fed up of following her orders.This is not her life.She decided to escape from this hell with her brother. Camden is an independent bird who lives

I simple book about being lost. A protagonist has options and he faces his moment to choose his. A short book. I just wanted to write it to see how it would go ^.^

At last the time has come for the apocalyptic battle starting with a rapure to Hell. All over the planet, humans are being captured and dragged to Hell, including Skylar Athens, a high school teenager who could be the key to unleashing destruction upon the Earth. Even with the weight of the world on her shoulders, Skylar still manages to recklessly fall in love with a charming demon,Luke, who lures her to make critical decisions that puts everyone in danger. Skyalr's friendships are put to the

This is a romance/ drama book and it includes the main character Ash and the second character Tucker and I hope you all enjoy!!! + If you don't believe me about the hole in the heart... my aunt had one and she is still living today... so you should.(by the way it is not finished and i also suck at spelling so don't judge)

Three high school students from different backgrounds end up in the same class. They have to deal with their lives, families, and cultural issues.

Asunas back stirriing a fight with Gal over whos breakfast is better and tension between silica and Gal are rising due to her love for kazuto so elizabeth is back into the picture.