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This time around the beach scene has come into play and gal and yuuki are trying to win kazuto's heart but fail to do to one another being there but other then that i hope you like our book.

Rashel is going through some tough times in High School, How can she handle her possible boyfriend maybe being a creature of the night. While her ex boyfriend chases her

This is the story of a past that haunts and a girl who means to do everything that she can to keep it buried. But between her new suffocating foster parents, an ominous deadline and the countdown to her eighteenth birthday, can she keep it all together?

Pain is extraordinary mechanisn; it can propel you in life, or taunt you for all eternity.

In a unknown world that was burned and rebuild. A place where only woman allowed and men wiped out, Lucy Harris finds her way into being a warrior to protect her town. Untill She was abducted by men and threatened to give up the most valuable secret. Lucy doesn't know what to do when she meets Edwan, a muscular warrior in the men's army. She tries her best to figure the difference between love and death. A/N I do not own this picture.

This book is bout how I've went though cutting, it has my friends/ family's opinions bout what i went through at that point. ] All i can say is that cutting is just a waist of time..........Its stupid!!!!!