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Victoria went to a party, and bad things happened. A week later her and a group of friends wanted to go out and have some fun. But their fun got ruined before it ever even started.

There a 3 stories for you to read. They aren't like any of my other books. The stories are "The Blind Date, The Haunted Gym In Clifton Arizona, and Rome's Death Story."

"Vindicta" - The Latin word for "revenge," this was the very thing Brother Bayard needed to soothe his fury over an act of violence perpetrated on a member of his family. His "spiritual" brothers, he knew, would never understand nor condone what he was planning, which made it necessary for him to act in secret - until something unexpected made him take another look. After all, "vindicta" also means "vindication." But whether or not he ultimately

He is her Hero. He saved her from her life that she called hell. She was saved by becoming his object, but she didn't mind, because now, she had a life.

Mei Hana is a girl who had forgotten just about everything about her past. She meets a young-junior of Keito High School, Tsuniga Hoshi, and they encounter and battle through events that eventually help her figure out who she was. Though, the task is not easy. They shall find a way to get through even if it means her leaving.

This is the story of how a wonderful, beautiful girl, Mercy, wound up with suicide and homocide on her mind. She thought about it everyday. Everynight she would cry herself to sleep.. Until she met Jacobi..

Treasure everyday like it is your last.