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If you had a secret relationship, what would happen if you added a little drama? It would equal a recipe for Romance, because in this story, no one will Kiss and Tell.

Yeah I know you think this is some stupid vampire story with a stupid love story interest right? Wrong, no this is about me and my crazy life. I am not a supernatural-mythical what not, I am just a regular 17 year old who just likes to say ‘bite me’ a lot.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be afraid of your own guardian? Ever been curious what it felt like to be hit by your own mother? Well have you?

Patience is 19 years old and after the death of her parents she has to raise her 5 year old sister and 10 year old brother. In order to raise them she had to quit school and get a job, with tons of bills and no college education she has to make the biggest decision of all, does she have the faith to keep her brother and sister or give them up?

Psyche has just returned from the dead. And she’s trying to figure out why. With her friends help she might be able to find the secrets of how and why she returned. But, when a new boy comes and she finds out that he’s just like her, will he be the one to stop her? Also, add in some jealous girlfriends, a jockey brother, and a few misunderstandings, and you get a normal story of a normal dead girl. As normal as that is…

(1 of the many I ignore. I’ve had to go to Whole Foods shopping early in the morning, to avoid being stalked and trolled by her, her connections, and whomever she intertwined. She has told checkers and her mother in law, to not talk to me, because my confidence cowers her and others. They’re women, so…Well, you know how it goes. Don’t you?)

They would be the ones to have special access to all the alcohol and he in turn would have access to their bodies. The "Joteria Chronicles" are a series of vignettes reflecting real life sessions during the time I was a Counselor for LGBT Youth.

Gad, Yashua, and Benyamin recieve three mysterioius weapons that came from the sky and are instantly transported to a whole new world, they find themselves once again fighting their arch enemie Lily jam and his apprentice tulip butter; for the survival of both worlds and for the ultima wand.

This book is about what I had too do as a child things that I regret and things that I wish I could change.