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Lucy, an average school girl. She is always bullied by a boy called Jake... She despises his girlfriend and his girlfriend hates her.. Yet she saved her. Mark, the most popular boy in the school, helps her, and they become friends. Her pet, Coco, has always been there for her. However, when she leaves Coco with Mark, and ditches them both for her friends... Will they ever forgive her for everything she put them through? For lying? For teasing? For changing? What will happen for the prom dance?

story of a girl who grows up in a drug world. (not completly finnished)

This is about how a boy was terrorized and tortured as a child. His terrorization started around high school and ended around the time when he was in college. The effect of his terrorization and torturing is he has no emotions or expressions.

"I've always been alone. I've only had 1 friend that stuck by me since kindergarten after my parents committed suicide. That was when I was 6."

Amber Renee Fjeldheim has a suicidal student but doesn't know until after a year and a half of knowing her. Will Stephanie and Dani heal or keep hurting...?

Sometimes heroes/heroines can be found in the most unlikely places. A desperate young mother find strength when called for.

Jasmine has fallen for a monster! She swore to herself she would never fall for a monster. The only thing is the monster was/is her best friend Tyler. He is a beast in wolf form. Jasmine was frightened that he would tear her into pieces. After the first month, They grew to each other but one thing pulling them away is Tyler is a wolf and Jasmine is a human. What will happen to Jasmine and Tyler's little secret? Will Tyler disappear into thin air? BUT THE BIG QUESTIONS ARE - Will Tyler turn

THIS stor is about a girl who has this big dream and she tries to make her dream come true with the help of her friends but have alot of ups and downs