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پنجره رو به گناه برگرفته از احساسات غریبانه و آرزوهای دست نیافتنی نسلی است که چوب نسل گذشته خود را خورد. نسلی که همه به آنها به دید نسل سوخته نگریستند، نسلی که نه اجازه شکوفایی یافت و نه فرصتی برای ارائه توانایی های خویش. نسلی که دید و آه کشید، خواست و نگذاشتند، آرزو کرد و آرزویش بر باد رفت. نسلی که دلخوشی اش حرف زدن با خود است!

When a girl is placed in a mental home, for something she believes in, who can make her better? Slowly, she was driven over the edge, things becoming more and more vague in her life. And then, he came...

THe more I listen’d the more I could I got the song. When she singing I can tell that she’s calm, that she’s in a place that she doesn’t get to go to often. She’s doing some thing that she loves. You tell by how much power she puts in her voce.. She stop play the guitar and put it back on the rack. She turned around and saw me. Her blue eyes got big like she was scared. Then they had some thing else in them but I didn’t know what because they where soon taking over by anger. She came out of the

The book is about a girl dealing with a disease she had been born with. Please tell me your opinion on this story!

this is about a girl that gets abused by her family and bullied at school. how much longer can she take it? how will she get out of this sick trap? read to find out :)

Kelby Summers loved being in the Navy, it was her life. But when one thing goes wrong, everything else follows and takes a turn for the worse.

You can't just do things to people, play with their minds and not expect anything in return. All good things must come to an end, and all foul men.

i made this to make teenagers feel better and it's accurately a story about teenagers problems and whatever well it's for adults too and i'd like to share my story with other teen