Genre Drama. Page - 66
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For those wondering what this is, we over at Speculative Fiction Authors group started a game of sorts where we try to develop a story line by line. It works like this, one person write a line of a story in a thread and the next person writes the next line of the story. You can write however you think the next line might go. We continued adding lines until we had this story, or until the weekend was over, whichever came first.

Dani is a wild girl, that always says what's on her mind. she's always dranging rylie her best friend with her. dani gets raped by her dad, and find out it wasn't even her dad. she get together with robby and they find her dad. "her mom doesn't know about her wild life, but will she ever find out? this is a series. i wanted three different points of view, so my 14 year old sister did rylie's view and my 12 year old sister Makaylyn did, joey's witch is rylies little sister. all in all there