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This Story is the tale of how Raven Taver became a demon when he died. It is also a tale of how Raven's demon side came to be in the first place before he died. Lastly, this is how Celtic met his true love Alec.

there once was a gril named emily she was only 13 yeras old .A gruop of girl dident like her she did not care then one day she was walking from school and she was murder but her spyrt was still alive and wanting to huant the once tht did it to her she will pay she was kno as the gone but not for gotten .........

My BFF is about two friends who met on the first day of school but meet troulbe but will ronicia let it stop her friendship?

My names Kristy and im only 13 my best friends name is camie,Shes the same age as me.We live a good life,But that all changes when we find this book. This creepy book. Will this book haunt us for the rest of our lives.?

What happens when you get taken from your home in the middle of the night?

Not another soap "Psst Cassy" Dana said leaning over to her desk "We need to talk about what happened with Saxton" she continued to whisper as the bell rang and they immediately got up and put their backpacks on and walked into the school hallway "Cassy" Dana looked at her as they were walking towards their locker "What?" Cassy replied "Did you here what I said, I said I want to know what happened with Saxton the other night?" Dana asked

This is prose...about a young mother finding out that she is infected with HIV.

Julie Clark is sick of the homecoming queen getting everything she wants. She is on a mission to destroy her. But when her parents get back from Africa and the cutest boy in school moves in across the street will all of this change?

How did this happen to me? Who did this to me? How is this possible? I've been turned into a werewolf. But by who? I will find out why they did it then I will destroy them.