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Caia has everything- the money, the car, the friends, the boyfriend; Caia is popular. But at home, everything is different- while her dad is away in the navy, her mom gets seriously sick. Caia tries to hide this from everyone at school, but how long will it last until she breaks?

This story is about a girl's life and her tragedys. Enjoy. NO, this is based on a true story. This is one of the short stories in the series: Tears of Sadness and Misfortune. I am still working on the other books so this is my first one. Please give suggestions for my next book at or leave a comment below~!

Little Ellie is 9 and lives in a concentration camp her parents are dead now its her turn

Selena Elay has recently moved to California with her mother from New York to live with her mother fiancee. Selena is a inspired singer who just wants to go back to New York to live her dream, but first she has to get through Cole Brook High School.

Lucy has just left Damion funeral when Xavier asks her to forgive him, and expresses his sorrow for the death of Damion, will she be force to team up with her ex to get some sweet revenge against Jake? Or is once an ex always a ex?

Based on a true story of 2 people. Toxic relationship. But how did it begin? and has it ended? ive changed some names but I will name the true names at the end of this book. This is from a personal experience. There will be no fake scenes it may be boring at times, but believe me its real

liz's best friend kills himself leaving her to grieve but when a stranger appears telling her people are coming to kill her the world as she knows it is flipped upside down.