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What would you do if someone left you because you were a girl? Would you blame your self if they died? Would you love them even if they hated you? Next book Stranger.

Stevie(Lynn) is a girl trying to get over Betrayal from her best friend who now makes fun of her, Harlow, and Mia. Stevie wants her best friend Marley back, but doesn't know where to begin. When she Meets Karson, Marley wants to be freinds again and Mia's Brother Cody, the reason Steveie is upset with Marley moves back, Stevie thinks that her head is going to explode. but like her big brother Jett, she deals with everything in a Semi-calm fashion.

Flair has always been a normal teen. Almost normal. She leaves her almost normal life for something so crazy, so imposible, but so dangerous with the help of her new, exciting friends. Are you crazy enough?

Alice has no idea whats in store for her. Her love life is kept out of herlife. That is...Until she meets the mysterious Xavien, who she dares to find more about and wants to know why he avoids her so much. In this exciting saga Alice falls her love Xavien in this demeaning vampire love story.

Violet and Jazz are twin sisters that only meet when they were first born. Violet lives with her dad who apparently says that he works for the government and is a director. Patt, Violets dad uses his work as an excuse to the reason why they move and travel alot. Jazz the redhead who lives with her Mom who is one famous fashion designer. Jazz is nothing like her sister, Violet is though and has endurance.While Jazz is shy but perky but with her friends she is a totally diffrent person . READ

Have you ever wanted to get back, at the one person, who seems to ruin your life. Well in Bad reputation Stevie gets back at Jayden; the mean girl, by damaging her face. But was it really worth it?

About a girl who meets her older bother after so many years she didn't know she had.

Christopher Strong has one goal - to get the hell out of his fathers house and go off to college and never see him again. But his very own hell on earth couldn't come any quicker. His verbally abusive and sometimes physically abusive father is the absolute main cause of his plight. Even the school bullies hot on his trail couldn't compare. But there is some good in Chris's life. He has a great job working weekends for two lovely ladies. He has a best friend who's always keeping him company