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Jasmine, Aaria, And Shayla, 3 Bestfriends. But Things Started To Change. Aaria's Famous Parents Comes Back In Town After 6 Years And Aaria Is Feeling Pressure, Jasmine's Boyfriend Is Starting To Show A Side Jasmine Has Never Seen, And Shayla's Father Gets Really Sick, Aaria Gets In To An Arguemtn With Jasmine And Shayla And Shayla And Jasmine Gets Into A Fight, Will These Girls Be Able To Hold On To Their Friendship And Solve Their Own Problems ?

a girl who think she had the boy she ever wanted untile a new girl step into the picture BUT IN THE BEGINNING A STORY GOES ON ABOUT A WHO MIGHT BE THE ONE IN THE PICTURE

We are trapped. Well, perhaps trapped is not the correct word. Protected. Overly protected. We live in a dome. A huge dome, might I add, but you must get the point. We live in a dome, a "safe" enviorment where harmful things from facotories and cars cannot reach us. We live in a closed world and only when people leave can more come in. Most are not aloud to leave. Unless, of course, by death.

Nova Ame is in bad luck when her ex Eli moves in.But she tells a little lie that comes true. She does not know if it is a problen or not. Nova lives with 4 girls. Her twin sister Valery, and Cassie, Jessica Veda are just friends. But ofcourse there are 7 guys.

Aqua has the perfect life, an awesome boyfriend, she's head cheerleader and everyone loves her. Except she keeps having this dream and what happens when the people from her dream come into reality and her outcast sister starts to become popular, threatening her seat in her throne?

After Emily s father died her life changed forever. New school, new life and a new world await s Emily. Though the student s at the school, Rock Wood, aren t as friendly, she could still talk to some one... the wind.

When a kiss on the bay stirs up a witches nerves anything comes out.