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Friends pursue love at a private university

This is a poem, my first public poem. It is about a girl who needs the guy to care for her. Yet there is no guy to care for her. She just wants someone to love her, for who she is.

Uncle Beano the drunk and lecherous clown. Has to make it through another birthday party while hung over.

*Discontinued* Follow 16 year old Gina Jorden the "EMO" girl on her daily life as her abusive and alcoholic mother torments her because of her fathers death therefore she doesn't trust any person except her brother but unfortunately her brother is far away and she suffers alone but then Skylar Knight, the most popular and "perfect" guy in all her neighborhood and school appears in her life.. Will Gina be able to trust any other person besides her brother? Is Skylar hiding a

Added and update chaper at the end hope u like it.

Everything was going great until her sister gave birth to her dead daughter and she requested Dory to save her at any cost. They lived each other but this time she denied her sister request due to her experience and she uncovered Danny knew what she was. She left to resists the temptation, so Danny turned to Marcus. A miracle happened and Jessica lived. Even though she disagreed with her sister, no way she would let her niece on her own. She educated her, raised her, and did not let her close

Wait what did he say? He is about to say something! what is it tell me gosh!!!!!! Anyways,sorry for the wait, someone deleted me other book :(. I had like 23 favorites but noo i can't because someone deleted my book. Anyways, again, i hope you like the book.... BYE

Aarihan (Air-ih-han) Smith has been a deaf girl for one complete year now, and no ones knows except for her family. Aarihan starts crushing on a guy named Andrew Kent. He's not all that bright, so Aarihan builds up the courage to offer to tudor him. He finally asks her out. But what will happen when her evil friend, Maya finds out? What will happen when he finds out Aarihan is deaf?

After his family falls apart, seventeen-year-old gay student Daniel Crawley struggles to get his life back on track. Without a home, he moves into his boyfriend's flat on a rundown east London estate, and soon befriends Amethyst, his young Goth neighbour. However, when Daniel learns Amethyst is being terrorized by a gang of rebellious youths, he ends up another victim of their violent torment, and learns that for every action, many consequences can follow.