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Lilly Ann Lyn is a high school student in Bakersfield, California. She has her mom, and her best friend, Stephanie. She also has a strange force following her. She falls in love with this dark force, but what she doesn't realize is that Mika, is a fallen angel, and a death dealer.

Shes tired and bored of this same life... but somethings changed. Her whole life has. Shes never believed in love, or soul mates. For some reason life has changed for her . Will Dylan Gossom steal her heart. Or will she be forever alone. Its all up to her... Shes just a witch, she doesnt want anybody, shes also just in highschool. This guys different . She can see it.

This book series is about a father who abuses his daughter. Her mother died when she was a child and the dad is accusing her. She then gets sick of her dad. Whats going to happen? Please read.

16YR old Carmen thomson moves 1cn again and all the drama from her past comes to haunt her she must chose what to do.....will the ones she love turn against her ......

Samantha Punish a 16 year old girl who's been abused for years by her foster father. Her foster mother stands by never really protecting her but one day she has a chance to runaway from that life forever but will there be something that brings her back?

Katelyn was a curious child. Born September 4,2003 along with her brother in California. She was born with an abusive dad and was beaten only 2 times a day if she was lucky. She had bruises, scars, and cuts. She tried to bare the pain, but when she tried it only got worse. One day in California when Katy turned six there was an earthquake. When it is done with, Katelyn's dad (name:John nickname:Jeff) blamed it on Katelyn. Katelyn was beaten badly. Along with her scratches and broken bones from

Broady is so cute! Yet all of them like him.. I thought the saying was, sisters before misters! I just hope they don't turn on each other. Is one guy enough to turn these best friends into best enemies?

There is a guy named Jacob just a normal guy....but watch out...he is easily tempered.....just watch out and don't piss him off is all i got to say...