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Emily Walker was just a normal girl until he showed up. Will she fall in love with him or will she die from the change? will she she she she

This is a monologue I created for an upcoming talent show at my school. I hope you all enjoy it. I'm glad to be back! Thank you, all my faithful readers! Note: This is about Marshall Lee, the make version of Marceline from Adventure Time

When a young woman is raped by her ex-boyfriend, she embarks on an emotional journey as she ends up becoming the wife of her ex-boyfriends father and his stepmother.

Written in her journal, Andy tells us her story of growing up as the loser, loner, bullied geek her whole life, and how she can change her life so history won't repeat itself. Will her changes be for better or worst?

Molly Lecture is a normal girl in a normal school when her life turns completely around when she moves to New York to bump into the guy that could be her true love...

STILL WORKING ON IT! Hope you enjoy what I have so far! 6th Grade Prettiest Girl: JaneCarter "JC" Smith Mixing athleticness and prettiest! BTW cutest nickname! Ugliest Girl: Bonnie Rockfeller I guess you didn't get your share of the "good" genes! Cutest Boy: James Cohen Another line of cute Cohen's coming up! Ugliest Boy: Gordon Clark Jerk, nerd, and now ugly! Congrats. 7th Grade Prettiest Girl: Emily Cross Three words. HOT HOT HOT! Ugliest Girl: Bailey McEvans Being mean

When Kydrianna Tells everyone that she will get one direction to sing at their school her and her friends Jessie, Catherine, Abigail, and Caroline; make a plan to some not so legal things But Will they or will One Direction capture them

"What were you doing in Mr. Olsens office Rahnee!?" "Nothing he asked for me Mrs. Olsen I promise". Mrs.Olsen looked at me with her bold green eyes. Her long brown hair hung down her back and her bold red lipstick scared the hell out of me. She gripped the belt tighter to her hands as she grabbed my chin and forced me to look into her surreptitious eyes. "Tell me the truth Rahnee!" "I promise Mrs. Olsen!" Tears ran from my eyes as Mrs. Olsen looked at me

Isac's not the type to be held down by one girl.He likes them all and wants them all.He has every girl falling at his feet including his best friend Addison.He teaches her how to kiss in her bedroom.He feels something for her but wont tell.Her Father seems to think there's something more going on between them.He is certain to keep his daughter away from Isac but its going to be hard when hes married to Isacs sister.Is Isac really in love with his best friend or is he going to make the biggest

A couple is defied by a situation in the family with two of their nieces. What would they do to save the family? What will be the reaction of the girls when they know the truth? Can the parent be trusted again?