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Becca always went through lives struggles but always appeared strong. Doctors always told her that she couldn't have children. But when she loses her virginity to old best friend and boyfriend, Drew she gets pregnant. But then it turns into a war with the Misfits vs. Extremes.

The original and touching story of a boy named Jacob who falls in love with a girl named Rachel. Although their love is forbidden, they will do anything to be together- even sacrifice themselves.

my name? isabel but hey call me izy. my age? 19. my family? parents are gone but i have my three year old brothaa. my life? crazy as heck. but hey its my life. so i have to deal with it ;) what am i? a goddess. I'm joking I'm joking, I'm not a goddess. . . right? sorry if i misspelled anything or its the wrong word or something like that. p.s SO IF YOU WANT MORE AND WANT TO KNOW WHEN MY NEXT UPDATE IS, THEN FRIEND REQUEST ME!!! THANK YOU! COMPLETE BOOK!!

Anastasia is born with a legend. Being a red wolf in over many years doesn't allow to know to much about her legend. She is to have diffrent mates other then a wolf or human. A Creature not known to the two. In this wold sometimes it's best to know less of red wolfs. Anastasia doesn't know what is a head to come for her. She tries her best to hide her mate from everyone except her brother. How will they approve of her love to an unknown creature with powers never seen before. Can she really run

Alex, an average teenage girl, meets with her boyfriend, finds out a lot about her boyfriend and best friend. and she finds her soul mate, but she has to hide from her ex- boyfriend who is trying to kill her.

He kissed me down my jawline. "What is it?" he asked. "This is going to be one stupid mistake I can see it now." i said. "Maybe." he smirked and returned kissing me again.... You'll have to read what happens next

Mark is a boy in high school who gets bullied all the time and his home isn't so good either so to escape it all by finding that girl.

Enter the world of a mentally, physically and emotionally scarred girl. The place she once held so sacred no longer holds value and her own life feels worthless. Is there any way to cope with the past?

Stella Joshlen was not a hero. She did what was right. She saved a boys life from death, and risked her own. She has a chance of surviving in the camps, that little boy didnt. She has a chance of surviving, but she could die. Stella must fight for life, and not give up. She needs to fight for her family. They need her to come back, but is she going to?

Im Making A New Book Anyway I'll Do The The Blurb Later I hope You Like It. I work on it alot on it I dont know i am writting suff on her lol. Hi