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Alice has always been bullied at school. Until one day she found her escape. She wrote everything down in a journal. But one day a mysterious boy found it...

zoey's a seventeen year old girl, that graduated early to help her mom out. when her parents where sixteen they got torn apart, and never reunited. her mom got married to low life joe. her mom works hard, so that the new kids won't starve. but sometimes they do. zoey gets a letter in the mail from jake her dad, saying that he want's her to come stay with him. zoey leaves her four new siblings, owen, daralynn, blake, and haylie, to move to hollywood to get a job. jake gives zoey somemoney, and

"I really do like you Scarlet, but you need to know that I can't be with you right now and they're are reasons why," he said as he looked off in Mr.Garret's direction. "If you want to know..."he murmerd softly," then meet me in the fileds tonight around 9." He kissed me in that second, and it was even better than Noel. It had compassion and love, all the things I was yearning for. He lips were deathly soft, I smiled as we kissed. All the sudden he walked away, and

When Aura goes to school, she knows that she'll have way bigger problems then mean girls and tests, she'll have to hide her identity! And her true form! But when evil Alissa gets on her case, Aura has two options, reveal all, or come up with a devious plan! And there is one more thing keeping her from a normal or at least a semi-normal live! Will Arua survive Middle School? On will Alissa win? Read All Of The Above to find out!

when Kiera lose her virginity to Austin and she becomes pregnant will she she be able to take care of her baby find a job to take care of her child.

Jamie, Miriam, and Fiona are 3 BFFs who are just happening to be going on a shopping trip. But when they step into a trap, 3 men kindap them. Jamie makes them angry with her humor, Miriam is shy and quiet, while Fiona tries to persuade them into letting them free. Will they ever escape? Or will they all soon fall in love...

I was just doing the dishes when Stephen called. He sounded excited, almost hysterical, definitely worried and disturbed. His penis had gotten stripes overnight.

Okay So I Been Asked By Friends Who Are Not A Size 11 && Under, Why I Won't Do A Book For Girls Sizes 14 And Over.... Well This Book Will Be About a Beautiful Big Girl Who Gets Caught Up With A Thug.... Her Sister Hates Her, Her Best Friend Wants Her Looks So She Embarrass Her On Purpose.... Shit Never Goes Right Until She Gets With Him... A Man That Gives Her All She Wants And More.... But He's Not All He Cut Out To Be Either.

Maeve being a 18 year old girl who never experienced love decides something very risky. Something so risky as taking advice from the girl that use to bully her back in high school. Giving Maeve her diary. How will Maeve be able to go through with it?

a boy and a girl in high school trying to see where the relationship goes but it takes turns for the worst or does it?