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Sam thought her father died of natural cause. but when her mother dies and Kiel goes of to college she finds a letter from her father before he died. she finds herself trying to die like her father.

Molly Evans is a sixteen year old girl, not only starving herself of food but of the will to love, and carry on. She feels as if everything she's cared for all her life is being taken from her, and in defeat she lays on the tracks of life and vows to quit. Until she is reminded of her brother's will to love and forgive and move on in the midst of loss and confusion. She is reminded that giving up is giving in and she's not ready to let go yet.

This book is written in "text" format and peeks into how the teen life reaaly is. Smiley shows texts of freinds and enemies and how they feel about diiferent things happening in 8th grade.

Melody's sister Amy gets pregnant by Anya's brother Richard and Melody has to choose who's side she is on. But the worst part is Melody thinks she might be pregnant too.

Falling in love it happens all the time...but what happens when you don't know who you love and you have to choose and your time to be honest has to come should the truth always hurt?

Grr, this is only a temporary blurb. Corrie and her friends are now in Ohio. They have no problems until they notice a strange girl at school. Then, guess who's back? That's right, Stalker Boy. Who is currently dating Corrie's sister. Will Corrie be able to handle the pressure? And this only the beginning of her problems.

Miah has been going through a ruff time after her father died when she was 13. Her mother has been tryna communicate with her but everytime she trys she get rejected.Until one day miah falls inlove with this emo guy named jacob.

Poor Gavin has had it rough. Some would call it paranoid schizophrenia, others call it a hole in the Paper Theory. You be the judge.

what do you do when no one wants to go to prom with you? or when they go with you cuz they want to get close to your sister. . . BTW this is a true story!!!!!!!! sad ant it.