Genre Drama. Page - 89
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Molly Evans is a sixteen year old girl, not only starving herself of food but of the will to love, and carry on. She feels as if everything she's cared for all her life is being taken from her, and in defeat she lays on the tracks of life and vows to quit. Until she is reminded of her brother's will to love and forgive and move on in the midst of loss and confusion. She is reminded that giving up is giving in and she's not ready to let go yet.

Grr, this is only a temporary blurb. Corrie and her friends are now in Ohio. They have no problems until they notice a strange girl at school. Then, guess who's back? That's right, Stalker Boy. Who is currently dating Corrie's sister. Will Corrie be able to handle the pressure? And this only the beginning of her problems.