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Mitchie has a problem. She is 100% addicted to texting. And after a very $high phone bill Mitchie must attend TA meetings (Textaholics Anonymous). Mitchie meets a guy one day coming out of a meeting and HE DOESN'T HAVE A PHONE! Mitchie is shocked. When she finds herself falling for him she tries to get him into texting. but soon she relizes somethings may be more important than texting but is Max important enough to break her addiction? how will he feel if he finds out? Will mitchie ever be

The homeless, the beggars, the panhandlers. What were their stories; how did they come to be, how and why were they there? Rachel befriended one of them and found the answers, especially the why...

Mixed emotions, Romance, Depression, Pregnancy, Life, Teens, Inspired by the books Crank and Burned Author: Ellen Hopkins. Use of drugs, Crazed teens.

Tia is a fun but dangerous girl. Always moving, never staying in a place for long. But one day her parents have something up their selves. Tia is one of a few. An angle, but not the kind you might find in heaven, but a different type of species. Another school, where all the girls worship her. Guys want her. But all she want I to be left alone. Her parents are calling others, Jace, Mr. Cote. Anyone else? Whats going to happen? When is it going to happen?

Melina wasn't bad. She wasn't. She just couldn't cry. That's what she learned. Nothing was so simple as to say that four letter word... but she couldn't. A short story.

Flash fiction contest October - December 2012 All he wanted to do was die, and all he could do was keep dying.....over and over again.

A teenage girl named Kaitlyn had all these changes in her life. Kaitlyn Goes through break ups, fights with friends major conficts with everything around her. Her parents even get some surprises. Find out if the surprises are good or bad here!

Alexis had always hated the small town she lived in. She hated how everyone was so nosey, and she had never made any friends. Alexis was filled with hate for Rogersville...until a new family moves in down the street...

Rose is a wolf, but no ordinary wolf. She is a bloodwolf. So far she has met up with her sisters and is in a war with her enemies. She can't find where her sisters are now, what if their...gone? If she does find them, how? Will duke, her former ex-mate and present enemy, have them. What about Broady,her present mate. The end is near, or so they think. Their journey has just begun... But im not sure they are so prepared for what will happen next, and I don't think you will either.