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Cole is the alpha of the strongest and most fears pack the red moon pack. He has everything he wanted in his life; good looks, fame, wealth and strength. But the one thing that he wanted most was not there with him and that is his mate. He has been finding his mate for 10 years when he becomes 16 years old and has his first shift but still failed to find her. And that thing makes a grumpier and easily annoyed person. He almost lost every hope to find her and give up on her and he take that

Laila, Tasha, and Ebony were 15,14,and 13 growing up separately in New York when back to back Laila’s Mother Charmaine married Both Tasha’s and Ebony’s fathers . Laila, the only child lived with her Single Mother Tasha the Wild card was sent to live with her father when her Mother passed away from Cancer and Ebony the Bookworm whose parents were separated lavished with her Brother Michael and her Wealthy father Cornel. Although none of the Marriages of Charmaine’s lasted due to her conniving

for the fans of total drama island i have made a new version comment saying who you want to win and i will consider them winning

Roze gets asked by the most amazing guy at her school to go to a party, she says yes, but will she be able to make it? Find out when you read Love or Hate.

15 year old Fabian James is a teen who has an amazing power, but he has to control it in order to love a teen girl by the name of Cleo Alexandra. Will he prevail, or will he succumb to the power of the beast within?

This story is basically my personality put into a character named Ashlie. Ashlie's Family Just moved to a new school in the middle of the school year. Because of this, she no longer has friends to hang out with. She feels like an outcast. And on top of it all she has family to deal with as well.

* Story Not complleted* Madison Mcgumph loves life. Until the real life hit her in the face. She gets a real grasp on what life has to offer her. Even though she is scared with pain life brought her on thing she needed. A friend.( This Book isn't depressing. Its happy at some parts it not all dark. Please give it a chance! >.< )

KATT is beyond troubled; her dad is a work-a-holic,almost never home. She feels guilty because her mother died after she and her got into a big fight, which ended up with things flying across the room, tears, and loud profanity. And to make matters worse, she's being forced to move away from the city in which she grew up, and into a pathetic small town with nothing fun to do...that's when she meets Dayton Mellark! DAYTON is beyond troubled; his father walked out on him, and shortly afterward

Classes Are in science class for 6th grade camp. Then, BOOM DANGER!