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Daisy loves Norman but he's the servant of mansion. In our town, duke who was strict, old fashioned, and her father, Daisy Dolce had to either “live in hope” or “left all the hopes”.

this is a a girl who was in love with a guy she knew for 3 years but have a boyfriend then left him for the guy who she found out was a prince

Candy parent's are coming out of the game. Candy and her brother little C-more wants to take over the game.Candy meets a hustler named G-money,she thinks this is the love of her life,but he's really using he because his life is on the line. Did he really kill Candy best friend Kendrad Roberts or did somebody hire him to. Read to find out the rest. Please comment your thoughts!

When Mia asks the girls in the club to be junior bridesmaids in her mother's wedding, everyone is superexcited about the idea...especially when they find the perfect dress for the occasion! It's Emma's dream dress, except it's a little more than she expected. And with her mom now out of a job (she's been put on furlough at the library) there's not a lot of room at the Taylor's house for extras. But not wanting to disappoint her friends, Emma decides to take on a few more jobs and chores around

Lyric: Nineteen year old Lyric Mason, has the weight of the world on her shoulders. Between school, relationships and dealing with her new found pregnancy, Lyric just doesn't know what to do. She wants to stay strong for her platinum selling boyfriend, Devon Mitchell, but it gets hard when she realizes that her life has been nothing but trouble since they hooked up. Nevermind the fact that Devon has a two month old daughter who's mother is the complete defintion of a "Hoodrat". Lyric

bub is a 17 year old stuburn girl who wants to attend collage soon but her parents want her to be a waitress then go to collage but she will stop at nothng to go to collage sonner and she is willing to go through all the troubles of what it takes

Alliyah(ME), Jayson, Kitty, Shanaya, Mark, Brandy, Daniel,and Mike are all best friends.Read about the lives of gorgeous werewolves and their sassy, confident, and fine mates.

Two Sisters with two totally different personalities go through daily struggles alone and together. The hustle business aint easy. Honey and Jewels are both in highschool and both strip in the same place. But Jewels has her own little hustle